Street Fighter V

Why can't I stop playing this game? It's like a drug without any reward incentives.

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Because despite Capcom fucking up almost everything, it's still a better game than SF4.

All SFV ever had going for it was gameplay, which for the most part, is very well done.

Despite promised features like daily missions not being implemented yet and expected features like arcade mode missing from the base game entirely, you still play because it's Street Fighter and the gameplay isn't awful. You play to rank up in online mode, you play with your friends in battle lounge, you finally nail that combo in training mode you've been attempting for a week. The incentive is getting better

Would love to be able to play this game, memory leaks happen every 10 minutes and slow the game down to 60fp5s

Hopes for the future of the game drives me

> Implying drugs have reward incentives
Nigga jail time ain't a reward

>Jump 'n' mash is better than footsies and neutral
I know everyone was fed up with Ultra at the end, what with the heavy oki and retarded Ultra additions (sans Hugo) but even with all that it is a much, much better game than V.

i think the game has insane potential, and i find it infinitely more fun than SF4, especially with the faster pace and unique V-triggers

laura's a babe, by the way.

Most fun I've had with SF since Alpha 2/3

i do miss 4's gigantic roster + most of the classic characters though.

>use drug
>go to jail


Because its fun at its core gameplay, they just need to fix fucked up hitboxes on jump ins for some characters.

oh my god look at those tits!!


I gave up on the game since it takes half an hour to find a match. Moved back on USFIV and KI cause it takes a couple of minutes to find an opponent at worst times.

2 minutes max wait time for me.

laura is bae

Despite everything, they nailed the gameplay. Well for the most part, as a vanilla version goes it is one of the most competent especially balance wise with barely any 7-3 or worse (there might not even be any worse) match ups. Really the biggest issue if the 8f which is what causes other problems

The game shouldn't have been as rushed as it is, but they put the effort where it really matters. They could have put the effort into SP instead and the game would be dead now, the problem is it means the game didn't have a good start because of it. Hopefully they can earn people back but that is very tricky, the only way I can really see to do it is going f2p but it looks bad when you do that.

It's also good to see people actually figuring out that Alex has some shit going on

stinky feet

>Want to keep repping Alex cause he is way better than people think
>Urien looks really fun and possibly stronger

I kinda hate the gameplay of the game and the fact i had o many fucking problems just to be able to play is a huge turn off, i really wish i liked this game.

Stop posting shit you know nothing about, retard.

>go to jail

Not on my watch
Damn were in the course of becoming a 1st world country in no time


>want to play Urien
>hate change characters

Post dick version


Bae means "shit" in Dutch.

>Playing No brain change charaters and Shotos
>tells me to evolve

How can you hate charge characters? They are easy to use

Sans doesn't mean besides, you stupid fuck.

dutch means shit to rest of the world

>Complains about charge characters
>Plays Alex
>Complains about tiers
>Plays Nash

>i think the game has insane potential,
This is every Capcom game ever. Insane potential but ruined due to retarded execs rushing the production.

>says charge characters require no brain
>says he can't play them

Can't wait for Urien, he's super fun to play

>hate =/= can't do

bunga man is my fave newcomer

Ken has been in the street fighter series forever

>laura is bae

Sorry, I don't speak nigger.

>another fight is coming your way
>laggy Ken player who jumps in every 2 seconds

I used to main shotos for the longest time and never understood the hate, but now I kinda do. It's not the characters, it's just they attract a certain type of player.

Street Fighter 5 would be an objectively better game if they removed Juri, Ken and Cammy.

No, fuck you.

The only character that should be removed is Mika.

No need to remove Ken if they remove the 8f of lag.

Cammy is a worse Chun.

Don't know about Juri.

Biggest problems right now are Nash and Ryu. Also, R. Mika, though not for the same reasons.

Yes, it pretty much does.

I had to uninstall my Wacom for this game.

Are you me? I crawled my way to silver with Alex, but I've got some fight money set aside for Urien, he just looks so damn fun. It doesn't even have anything to do with him being stronger he just seems fun as hell to play.

Anyone have any ideas for exercises I can do without equipment, that will be effective? What I have started doing is tallying up my losses, and for every match I pose I have to do some exercise. Right now it's 5 each of crunches, squats, and push-ups, but I'm wondering if there's some important exercise I'm missing (I plan to get a pull up bar soon, and add that in to the mix)

For some reason it's always Ken players that lag. I'm starting to think it's a bug or something. It used to be Karin players a while back but now it's shifted to Ken.

What mods are you using?

When will we be able to send messages

>tfw permanently stuck around 1300-1500 lp

Watch all the three parts of this

Should carry you to Ultra Silver/Gold.

does the thing where survival mode ends after one hit because seriously who thought that was a good idea to acquire character colors count as a mod?

Yes use that. Capcom gone full the retard route with the unlocks. I use the round 1 mod with some cosmetic mods. Ain't giving you a dime, Capcom. I paid $60 for this shit I'm not paying for colors and costumes.

because despite its huge faults its still fun

>winning and the feeling of getting better aren't incentives or rewarding

I'm just saying, I'd consider it more a cheat than a mod.

Yeah but the game doesn't reward you the same way other online games do with endless accolades and XP boosts and reward boxes and what not. In that sense, I guess SFV is more "pure" that the actual winning is the reward.

People say this a lot but the reality is 5 is far more footsies based when played locally.

There is nothing even close to the levels of neutral bypassing of Rolento, Fuerte, T.Hawk and Decrape alone, nevermind the utter retardation of divekicks for some characters who literally had no real AA options.

No it doesn't

>hair clipping through everything

When more than half of the cast just mashes and dashes through footsies then that doesn't help shit

Literally me.

I'll be playing them both, but definitely more of Urien when he comes out, ESPECIALLY if that non-shit Alex costume doesn't come out next patch.

>low tier
>rose, rolento, nash
>low iq charge characters
>Remy, Alex, wants to play Urien

every time i see this i read it as "i can't FADC, i can't hit 1 frame links so this game sucks."

I recenty jump back in after long break from the DLC fiasco. I got a season pass during launch.

The game still feels great. Presentation is great. Moves are easy to execute. Didnt even bother the long demanded story mode, who needs that?

Anxiety Free mod so I don't see the results screen, my lp and rank, or my opponent's lp and rank. This way I don't get salty about pints and I stop judging opponents based on points.

You can still check from battle profiles after. I'm at like 3100LP right now.

wtf, i hate jail now

How do I learn to anti air with 8 frames of lag?

FADC isn't hard, it's just a retarded mechanic, Focus as a whole is dumb as shit. It's a core mechanic of the game that benefits some characters far more than others and thus dictated balance in a dumb way, just like how whatever character could best utilize parry in 3 was given a huge push towards being top tier. 5 at least has the right idea in giving everybody their own unique mechanics that benefit them instead of making it some dumb universal shit.

1-frame links weren't too bad either with plinking. If you're talking about true 1-framers then you're an idiot really because those were routinely dropped at the highest level, even by execution gods. If you think you deserve to be punished for dropping something that is essentially not humanly possible to hit close to 100% of the time you're pretty retarded. I mean fuck, top players even occasionally drop shit in V as is and execution isn't even hard.

8f is still a fraction of a second and only 3 frames more than what it was in SF4.

Its not really a good excuse for failure to anti-air consistently. Maybe botching it occasionally? Sure. But consistently? Nah that's you.

Know what your anti-airs are and their ranges. You should be able to react in time unless youre using a really slow anti-air

What is the tier list looking like nowadays?

3 extra frames of delay isn't making you miss your AAs, you're just shit.

Who do you play?

If you think 8f of lag is making you have a hard time with AA'ing. Then that already says enough about your skill level

That sounds pretty neat actually. I tend to get past a point with multiplayer games where I'm not even really enjoying myself anymore without even noticing. And I think that point is where I start thinking about the metagame more than the mechanics.

damn I really dislike Laura's hairdo, but I want to lick all over her body

Same as it has been for a while.

Ryu, Nash, Chun, Karin, Necalli, Ken towards the top.

Laura, Rashid, Gief, Alex, Birdie towards the bottom.

Its a very tight and compact tier list though, not too much worth worrying about unless you're competing

>inb4 everyone on Sup Forums hates urien because bandwagon

Laura and Alex shouldn't be that low tbqh.

This, I like 4 but a lot of the mechanics just became a pain over time.

People like to jerk off about muh tech now but really it was a lot of get ot of jail free cards

Alex and Laura are way higher than that, it was only ever america who thought they were that bad and even now people like Tasty Steve think Alex might be secretly super strong

People will call him shit tier like they do with every DLC character. Still blows my mind people think Juri isn't good, literally has top 5 potential.

He has a reversal and some great AAs, someone told me he has a 3f normal as well but I don't know if that's true. With his great damage and actual high/low mix-up game, something no-one really has other than maybe rog, he'll definitely be strong.


EU tourney

Fuck, that needs to be an option on ps4. I don't play ranked anymore because of the stress.

daddy just got cucked


I see them jump in, I press jab and after that hit dash and either do lk lp elbow flash or powerbomb

I do that everytime but half of the time it doesn't come out on time.

I wasn't saying them in any specific order or saying how bad they are or aren't just the general tendencies. Like I listed off more than half the roster so it does have some tendencies towards mid.

Either way it doesn't really mate.

Evidently, someone's figuring out a way to pump certain mods into the PS4 version, so there's that.

Nigga jab is fucking 4f, it's like the second best jab AA in the game. Literally get good. You have 3 versions of cHP, you have a 4f god-tier jab and you have EX knee smash which is essentially a DP anti-air and gives you a real set-up anywhere on the screen.

Stopped watching after the Laura, Alex and Bison went out. If 2pac had been there we could have nearly got a 3 Laura final

SFV has really good pools and semis but when it gets to top 8 the better characters are just a bit too good at edging it out

>you have 3 versions of cHP
3 versions of shit won't help me at all, that move gets beaten most of the time by jump in attacks.
>you have a non invincible anti air that costs meter
By the time I do the DP motion they have already hit me, and if I prep for it they just hit me out of the air anyway because it's not invincible.

>By the time I do the DP motion they have already hit me

LITERALLY just get fucking good. 3 extra frames of lag isn't making fuck-all difference when it comes to anti-airing a 35-40 frame jump-in with a 4f normal or a virtually invincible AA.

Blame yourself, not a flaw in the game that actually has almost no bearing on your situation, then practice.

Consensus for top 8 is something like:


Ken might move up or down depending on how you feel about him.

Anti-airs don't need to be invincible to be effective anti-airs though. People like invincibility on them because it means they can be used as reversals and wake up options if they get pressures and their opponent has had strong meaty game.

I'm confused by what you said here though see them jump in, I press jab and after that hit dash and either do lk lp elbow flash or powerbomb

So basically you are trying to anti-air with jab and then get them when they land, right? When you say it doesn't come half the time, what do you mean by that? The jab doesn't come out and anti-air or what you do after it doesn't come out?

Alex's jab is really strong as an anti-air but you could just be using it at a non-viable range.



God you are such a scrub, fucking practice your motions. It's not hard especially as Alex. I would know cause I play the fucking character

did they nerf m.bison or was everyone a lil dumb bitch when the game was released?

If anti airing is so easy why do I always see the pros fail to use them?
Talking about the jab