Is my build solid and what should have i changed

So im getting a pc build, how solid is my build
i have no intention on overclocking or adding or tinkering with the hardware for quite a while

CPU:Intel Core I7-6700K(4.00GHZ up to 4.20GHZ)
Cooler:Arctic Freezer intel cooler
RAM:2X8 DIMM Corsair 2400mhz DDR4
SSD:120GB 2.5'' Kingston
HDD:1TB 7200RPM Western Digital Caviar
MB:ASUS H170M-Plus
Case:Itek Patriot B2(for those who cant bother searching its very flashy looking with 3x12cm fans,fan controls,1xUSB 3.0,2XUSB 2.0)
PSU:Thermaltake TR2 S (80 PLUS) 600W
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB DDR5

pic related its the case

Other urls found in this thread:

Good case for a homosexual or a child

if i will waste money i might as well

Why are there blue swastikas on your case

arent they nice

>shit cpu cooler
>2400mhz ram
>h170 motherboard
>meme case
>outdated reduntand gpu
>dvd drive in 2016
>only 80 plus PSU

Lmao its terrible

>GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB DDR5

It's a good future proof build but a few things I should mention

That gpu is good but it does take up more power than the rx 480 and they both perform around the same. Though the 390 might be a bit cheaper and actually in stock.

Secondly you could wait for the rx 490 in 3-4 months.

I think that case is too flashy but whatever you can switch out the fans for non led one's later if you wanted to

why a 390 over a 480 or 1060

>i have no intention on overclocking or adding or tinkering with the hardware for quite a while
Wrong, you do do that. You're spending money on motherboards, CPUs, and coolers specifically made to overclock.

Get a bigger SSD. You may very well run into a situation where you can't fit a single game on it after the OS and programs are installed. Slow loading, big games like GTA5 can not even be put on the SSD because there's not enough space.

>Thermaltake PSU

>you cant give 10k for a pc
why shouldnt i get a dvd drive? i like to have a physical box to show
i wont overclock the cpu so the cooler is just enough
the motherboard is good for its price and i dont need more at this point
i like the meme case
the gpu is descent


so which prebuilt rip off shop are you buying this turd from?

i will use the ssd to boot

are you building this or buying prebuilt

what's your budget and location?

Is the i3 6100 and a 970 or 1060 a good combo?
I've seen some benchmarks and it looks pretty good.

What about a homosexual child?

>amd gpu
>literally who cooler
>literally who psu
>non-oc board with k cpu
>literally who case
>dvd drive

0/10 not sure if trolling

it was a prebuild config but i changed around some stuff, the case was from the prebuild part and i dont see a reason to waste money for a nother case

>why shouldnt i get a dvd drive?

unless you're making a htpc with a bd drive to watch movies, optical drives and by and large obsolete.

>jumping on the amd hatewagon
>what does the cooler matter if i wont push the cpu
>the power supply is more than enough
>the board is the easiest thing to replace and whenever i decide to overclock(which wont happen soon) i will change it for something beter
>i like to have physical boxes and i do have a lot of old games on dvd

i have some games that are on dvd and a lot of dvd movies which i cant bother to redownload also i have a flashed xbox360 and i do need to burn disks

How much are they charging?

I have a few things to say about it but wouldn't you prefer to build you own and make it more powerful

The i3 is dual core so for the future I wouldn't suggest it

if you're a budgetfag, amd's new zen cpus will probably offer a quad core at around the same performance for the same price but that's until the end of the year and i'd wait off until then

it costed me about 900 or so euros, it was a bit cheaper but i changed some stuff in it

and to your second question, i dont have the patience for making my own and i am very clumsy when it comes to handling easily broken things.

that's really cheap for euros considering it would cost 980ish for a similar usd build..

so really you picked a good prebuilt

at the start it had a gtx 970, the amd was about the same price and i am a sucker for more so i took it over the gtx

That gpu is objectively bad, senpai

you made the right choice the 970 has 3.5 gb vram and no async compute support. Meaning the 390 will last you way longer from this point on. It's on the level of a rx 480 though a nice OC wouldn't hurt it.

at the start the pc came with gtx 970 so i switched it, better this one than the 970

get rx 480, 7% less performance, 3 times cheaper,bigger ssd trust me, cpu is k series so invest in proper cooling you autistic fuck

>shit gpu better than shit gpu

the pc is already build sadly, i can go to the shop and talk to them about taking the r390 back and getting an rx480, i will use the ssd to boot and maybe for 1 or 2 games that load slowly, the cpu wont be overclocked for now i dont want to push it without a reason

+25% better at vulkan
that or

GTX 1060 - 8-11% better at everything but vulkan

>SSD:120GB 2.5'' Kingston

Which Kingston? Hopefully not their garbage bait-and-switch V300.

>MB:ASUS H170M-Plus
You cannot overclock with that board. Should've swapped your CPU with a non-K model or gotten a Z170 one.

>Case:Itek Patriot B2

Doesn't look too shitty from what I can make out of it. As long as it holds the parts together...

>PSU:Thermaltake TR2 S (80 PLUS) 600W
Not sure how I should feel about this, the TR2 Series mostly were garbage units in the past. I can't really find many tests on this one, looks like it won't blow your machine, at least. ShenZhen UTPower doesn't seem trustworthy though, but the fucking chinese play with their names too much, could be some FSP or HEC knockoff.

>GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB DDR5
This card isn't a particularly bad choice as it's basically a 470/480 with higher power consumption. You could've gotten one of these instead, however.


Don't listen to the faggots shitting on you for that, I still have a drive as well. It barely does anything on your bill anyway.

Also: Stock CPU cooler, I assume.

Meh. Could've done better with the parts as mentioned above, but at least it's not a ripoff.

Well, at least you didn't make the worst decision.

the rx 480 and r9 390 are the same thing performance wise. The 480 however will consume less power and electricity if you're into that but the issue is they're all out of stock and probably cost a bit more. The 390 will serve you well. The good thing is both have 8gb vram. Do not get the 4gb rx 480 if you switch.

same with mine, called last moment and told them what modifications to make, do it faggot dont cuck yourself at a time like this, get a bigger ssd, dont trigger me



im not here to brag fuck face, the pc is far from being the best pc ever,it was descently priced and i want to know if i just gave my money for nothing

Don't buy AMD ever. Apart from that it looks alright. If you're just using it for games and want to save a little bit, 8GB RAM might be enough, 16GB is good but probably unnecessary, even though it's not really that expensive. The case also looks pretty ugly, but I guess that's just personal taste.

Again, don't buy AMD. You'll regret it later.

its this cooler

Nvidia shill pls go

Fuck off Consolefag, it's not my fault if your shitbox has garbage specs. This isn't even high-end anymore. :^)

Your PC is fucking shit but the comments are obvious underage sperging

Your cpu will be bottlenecked by the gpu
Your psu is too small
Amd cards are garbage
DVD drives are not needed

i had the choise between this and gtx 970 and this one just looked a bit better

>mfw PS neo will BTFO all these pc

>Don't buy AMD ever.

Here's your (You) so you can get these 10 rupees to feed your starving family, Sanjay.

This exept for anti-amd shilling

I'm taking the bait because I don't have a lot else in life

>GTX 1080

>gave my YEAR OLD 390 to some poor kid

Try kys

the pc was tested in the shop, it didnt really show any problems, im hoping that without ocing anything the psu will hold up atleast until i manage to get a 750w or 800w

Gimme a r8 m8s
Buying in a couple weeks.

Op unless you wanna dish more money for a gpu, get an i5, it wount be bottlenecked

Did you know that kys is associated with the underage following of a strange youtuber? This youtuber even sounds like his following; skipped by puberty


It is better

Here's the gtx 770 vs the r9 290 from a few years ago

what you wanted to compare was the gtx 970 vs the r9 390

as you can see, nvidia dumps support of their older cards and in this case it can't support dx12/vulkan well

The 970 also has 3.5 gb vram vs 8gb vram on the 390 and the standard is now 8

Just end your life

>PS Neo
>Downclocked Polaris 10, GCN v4
>32 ROPs
>4.2 Memeflops

>Radeon 390
>Cut-down Hawaii, GCN v2
>384 GB/s
>5,1 Memeflops


>toke the bait


what about 1070?

So CPU and MOBO choices are so retarded, like you

SSD is dog shit I hope you kill yourself



the GPU is weak old shit

This build is a fucking joke

Because fuck you thats why heuheueheueh xDDDD!1!

You left something out

The r9 390's average oc is 5.9 memeflops

>I was only pretending.png

Why wouldn't you overclock? That's what aftermarket cooling is for.

I've got 4gb RAM and an i5-2500k of to 4.0GHz and I can't imagine needing an upgrade. All I've upped is my hd6950 to a gtx970. Which I did a week ago solely for 4k output.

>stop liking what i dont
listen dude i have always been on a laptop and i havent played anything new with more than 20 fps since far cry 3, i like the case so fucking what

You did basically everything wrong.

>i7 for gaming
>overclocking for gaming
>shit cooler
>2400mhz ram is neither fast enough nor cheap enough
>120gb is the slowest size for ssd
>caviar what? blue and green are the worst
>Non overclocking board for overclocking cpu
>case is whatever
>shitty powersupply from tt
>dat frametime variance 390

I suspect you got everything wrong on purpose and this post is bait.

You are baltic or underage

because i dont really need to squeeze every single drop of performence out it, atleast until games start demanding it

Get the 390 or 480 Sapphire. Never buy reference GPU's.

Also, Asus is shit. replace it with a Gigabyte mobo, they tend to be the most reliable in my experience.

if you have no intention of overclocking, then dont buy an aftermarket fan dumbshit

WD black is a waste of money, the ram could do with being better, so too could the cpu cooler and mobo.

Should give a decent overclock and okay temps, but could be better.

I don't understand why you wouldn't just get an older/cheaper set of components an OC unless you're going 1440p/120 or 4k/60 in which case you'd need to OC anyway.

Don't listen to these shitty baits, your build is fine. Could've done better, but it's not like it doesn't work out. You're above most "Gamer" prebuilds already.

>this post is bait.

Indeed, here's your (You). :^)

I was mistaken, it's the 290/x that have the frametime problems. Still an old gen card for no reason though.

>r e d d i t

>You're above most "Gamer" prebuilds already.
Except he's not.

Everything I said is true. You could get a much better computer for the money.

That's just a poor excuse for not doing your research before you bought the computer. You can do better next time, just put some effort in.

yes its the sapphire version of the 390

Your mobo is fine, RAM could be a little faster. Cooler isn't the very best but should be good enough for lower to mid 4GHz. WD Black is a meme, just go with a Barracuda or WD Blue.

came with the pc m8
the i7 cpu came without its own fan and heatsink

>WD Blue.
Don't do this. Above 1tb they're 5400rpm drives, basically relabeled greens.

hitachi > all

Ram wise what do you recommend then?


>be Sup Forumsentooman
>see threads like these
>laugh at the kids wasting their money on ricer shit

When I built my first computer, I did 3 weeks of research on how the parts work together, where bottlenecks form, etc. Dedicate yourself and do the same before you spend thousands on a machine that could've been a lot better for the same amount of money.

>gets the best cpu avaible
>follows with garbage meme tier gpu
son pls

>"I don't like this post, so it's Reddit! xD"

>Except he's not.

Yes he is, most "Gamer" prebuilds around his price point use something like a 960 or even a 750Ti. You have no clue how bad most of them are.

>You could get a much better computer for the money.

He could have done better, but his build isn't total garbage. Squeezing a 6600K + 1070 (Which is the lowest I'd classify as "much better") into his 900€ would be difficult already. The major mistake he made is purchasing a K-CPU without a K-board.

Yes, I forgot they fucked their Blue line. Deathstar sounds good. :^)

Whatever is higher without increasing the price point too much. At some point it gets retarded and the performance gain wouldn't be worth it. RAM-speed only affects certain titles anyway.

>from Sup Forums
>is on Sup Forums
>didn't just get an old thinkpad


>my man your build is not that bad it's not good either but don't take the comments personnally

So R E D D I T

>120 GB SSD
just get a 500 gb and ditch the hdd

You can't call yourself PC Master Race unless you know how to build one out of scraps and pocket lint.

i got it mainly for booting and maybe when i encounter a game that loads slowly

seriously what the fuck is this summer shit

Here, let me de-faggot your life.

>i5 6600k
>cryorig h7
>2666 whatever the fuck brand you like RAM
>whatever hdd you like + any ssd to boot off
>z170 A if you overclock
>nzxt h440 or in that non faggot range
>seasonic 550 or something that uses those parts
>any modern gpu you cretin
>using internal drives when external exist

I recommend not overclocking on a low budget or just for gaming.

You would get the same frame rates aside from a few specific games, just by buying an i5 6500.

The sweet spot for ram on skylake is 3600, and the boards that support it are usually SLI boards around $200+.

>Performing badly doesn't mean you're bad at something.

Someone never saw his daddy.