>You will never play Life Is Strange for the first time ever again
>You will never play Life Is Strange for the first time ever again
>You will never be in high school ever again.
Thank the fucking Lord.
What's wrong bro didn't mack enough poontang when you were 17?
Why do we have so many LiS threads lately?
>faggot makes thread
>200 lurkers see it
>30 will try the game
>5 will make a thread about their experience
The first episode became free on Steam recently.
because the initial "it's a SJW game" meme has thankfully died off and some people realize that it is now possible to make a thread about it
>Thank the fucking Lord.
I never understand why people look back at High School so fondly.
>Shit teachers that make your life miserable if they feel like it.
>Complete illusion of independence.
>Parents still dictate where you go and what you do.
>Having a shitty part-time job that's not worth the effort.
>"Parties" are garbage 9/10 times, and are basically like hanging out with your friends but worse, because someone is playing god-awful music in the background and everyone is trying to act like they're already in college and they can't hold their liquor.
>Have to show up to a "job" five days a week that doesn't pay you, nor really has any immediate pay-off at all, and in the long run doesn't matter if you aren't networking.
>A social scene made up of idiots that think they're adults, but act like children.
I think the only thing I look back on fondly was the sports, but that's only because my coach wasn't a total ass and the football team was actually competent.
Thank god.
Oh, no!
You mean... no more hipster beardface and no more pretentious polaroid camera?!!?!
That's hella sad.
But I haven't played it yet...
>Blatant hipster and SJW pandering
>Poorly written characters that a lot of people hate. To the point that they were actually rooting for the serial killer.
>Never really explained or put down rules for the time powers
>Nothing you do matters except for the very final choice.
Why do people enjoy the game? I tried playing the first episode to see how it is for myself but it was so fucking smug about how it was PROGRESSIVE and DEEP that I quit around 20 minutes in.
>ywn a teenage girl with a bad girl yuri gf
why live?
Because i can play as a cute highschool girl and pretend it was my highschool life ;_;
Name one hipster beard-face who isn't a bad guy in LiS.
>You can play it for the very first time whenever you want
>You won't
feels good man
>get the free first ep on steam after already finished the whole thing on the ps3 when it came out.
was the writing always this shitty?
was the acting always this robotic?
was the story always this stupid?
amazing how much shit I was willing to tolerate just for the sake of a 'new' experience.
Was watching GB's playthrough of this recently.
>that alternate timeline
>Warren fucking up Nathan
>That Frank conversation
>Tracking down the dark room
>Finding Rachel
Reminded me how fucking good ep4 was, goddamn.
You managed to be more pretentious faggot than this hipster game.
Hey OP
Jou ma se poes in'n fishpaste jar
>Blatant hipster and SJW pandering
except it actually "subtly"showcases the idiocy of this mentality(quotes because it's actually pretty obvious but retards don't seem to get it, including the SJWs themselves)