Vita Kernel Exploit finally, expect running back ups soon.
Why aren't you fags talking about this?
Vita Kernel Exploit finally, expect running back ups soon
What exactly did you expect?
Because my Vita only has 8GB of storage.
Because this shit is what killed the PSP, and Vita owners don't want the same shit happening to the Vita for the sake of a few poor fags.
I thought I wanted a Vita and then games started moving over to PC. If it can do flawless ps2 emulation I'll buy one in a heartbeat, otherwise I'll stick to my Sony Machine Large.
Vita has been dead for years.
Only first party shit, which no one really gives a shit about. The Vita is still getting decent 3rd party support.
I only want pirate DLC
didn't the PSP start selling like hotcakes when it got hacked?
Fuck off tripfag
gonna buy myself a second vita
The system itself did. Software sales, on the other hand, tanked, and publishers stopped bringing games to the west for it.
Why a second one?
Good. We need to give Vita a proper burial anyway.
You are literally retarded if you think the Vita can handle PS2 emulation, let alone flawless PS2 emulation.
Tbh vita is not region locked and the games are not that overpriced if you import shit, so yeah. Also fucking vita memory card space
>the games are not that overpriced
lol fuck off
>Why aren't you fags talking about this?
You know, it's not Nintendo. Hence, why making constant daily threads about hacking your Vita, when you can do the same about the 3DS and get more (you)?
Not interested until I can play backups online.
Super Robot Taisen is fucking driving me to poverty.
it's like you didnt read the full sentence, I import my shit. If theres free shipping I can usually get the limited edition for the same price as the normal edition. Otherwise I'm still 5-10 bucks cheaper than local.
You can get the game from like $5 to $15. How poor are you? The only thing that is over-priced is the memory cards, and piracy will make that worse, not better.
I can't wait until I can load psx games on to it and just sit and play those
>when it's ready
the vita is already dead in the west and people hacking in the west arent going to stop japan from making the games for their platform everyone owns. they'll stop publishing over here, eventually, but by then you could have either learned japanese and played every game for free or some new system will be out that kills the ps vita anyways.
I didn't have a psp so i didn't follow the hacks for it but are you stating that hacks that anyone could do including the Japanese stopped publishers from localizing games into english but not the developers from making them in the first place?
>Vita Kernel Exploit now letting you install homebrew. Back ups soon
>PS4 Kernel Exploit already running on FW 3.55 and security already being worked on to allow for Homebrew
Yeah, that's why we are only really getting the follow up God Eater game as a port now.
are there any game worth pirating on the thing?
I'd hate to see the vita go because of piracy. Hope this doesn't have much of an impact.
it didnt for the 3ds
The 3ds has like triple the sales of a vita.
yeah, see
> piracy = more sale
Inb4 vitagen comes here, but the Vita is essentially dead if you want physical releases of good games. Both SAO and God Eater 2 are not getting physical copies in NA. I expect Xseed will bring Ys 8 physically on the Vita, so I'll pick that up regardless of if the console gets hacked or not, hopefully they also do a CE. Vita really only has a year left to it, then we see if Sony just ditches portable, or tries something again.
Nah, but a portable with main stream success is going to be less effective than one with a niche following.
They don't make anything off of a console sake, though if that does encourage people to buy the memory cards maybe Sony won't care.
COuld this be SONY?!?!?!?!
What if they planned this. What if this is there way to get everyone to buy a Vita?!?!?!
Fucking finally, the 3ds is about to get BTFO with vita homebrew.
>1 minute between every post
real subtle.
Nah, I'm the last and the third-to last.
Call me when emulation happens
Im not buying that piece of shit
I might pirate sonic all stars racing and play that game. And some other game like this.
I buy all my games for vita otherwise that is why
We already have amulation.
Fuck you guys. Every niche game we get from Japan will be long gone now. Now that pirates found a way it's good as dead now.
>But we can fansub
Oh yeah? There are still fucking PSP games that are untranslated and now you dumb pieces of shit ruined everything.
Entitled little kids.
>even more companies will skip Vita due to piracy
>IFI and NISA will release all Vita games as PC port only instead
>Vita is essentially dead if you want physical releases of good games.
All these are getting physical release what are you talking about?
If you really are a hardcore fan of niche Japanese content and you still dont know Japanese or are in the process of learning it you get absolutely no sympathy from me.
i can feel the autism radiating out of this post
dweeb games don't sell in the west dummy
I don't need your sympathy. Bringing these games to the west and people buying them means there's a chance for more of them popping up. It's not about understanding or whatever, it's about supporting them.
I know being a moralfag here doesn't matter, but people like you don't care about it anyway.
Backpedal harder you piece of shit
Hey I buy all the stuff I like directly from Japan, Im giving Japan my money directly instead of most of it going to western publishers.
Japs still bought the games. The games in question are games that anyone who actually knows about is also savvy enough to be able to play them for free, even if they shouldn't do so.
>Oh yeah? There are still fucking PSP games that are untranslated
I've got emulation working now boys, but fuck, CHEAP memory cards where, I only have a 8gb one.
How good are those emulators, and is there a N64 emulator yet?
But you are one of a really small minority that does that. People buying localized versions are more then you and now that is over, the devs will lose more money now that everyone and their mother can pirate.
It's all shite right now m8, but snes runs at full speed.
The vita was on its last leg anyways, this wont really damage any game devs
>back ups
Fuck yeah, euphemism!
>paying for the main reason why your a neet
thats like paying someone so i can get nowhere in life
it's still trundling along at the same pace it always has.
Name 3 systems Vita will emulate that 3DS hasn't already.
Flawless PS1 maybe. That's it
Don't care if they ever find a way to play pirated games. the P4G undub is the best thing that happened to me all week.
You're so fucking ignorant
N64, Dreamcast, PS1.
Saturn, SNES FX games, Dreamcast, perfect PS1 play.
Exactly, it was dead from the start.
Post some examples then
Vita was going to die by next year no matter what
mixing up cause and effect there buckaroo
You failed weebs are the worst
why are you so bothered tho
No one gives a shit about your opinion thief. Fuck off.
Because you're happy and I'm not.
That wasnt an opinion.
I do. This is a piracy thread, if anyone has to fuck off here it's you, avid kusoge consumer.
Honestly I'm glad we at least got some VNs and DRPGs this year. It just fucking sucks I didn't get any 1st party games.
Fucking sony.
I do, to be honest.
Im not just saiyan.
Failed weebs are so pathetic I wonder how you live with yourself
For games you claim to be shit you sure are eager to steal them
Because nobody is missing out on anything.
Pic related. All shit.
Saying that though, I'm not averse to thing getting hacked, purely because it'll make shita lovers cry their pathetic eyes out.
Seriously though, I've played all of the flagship titles for this piece of shit and I can honestly say the quality is low as fuck.
I'd have preferred it to happen maybe a year later. But most of what I want the Vita for is already out.
>PS4 Kernel Exploit already running on FW 3.55
I need a link son
Huh, how is this bad? This actually will make people BUY it.
>Buys Toukiden
>"This is shit"
>Buys Kiwami
>Buys Muramasa
>"This is shit"
>Buys Dragon's Crown
>Buys TxK
>"this is shit"
wew lad, I guess you just hate fun
nigga it's on github
As much as I was excited to steal all the shovelware on the 3DS.
It's time to stop.
Will this eventually allow me to steal video games PLEASE RESPOND
not without a kernel exploit
Should I do this now or wait until the exploits are done so i can remove my account and still run them once backup play is possible?
Regardless i fucking hope they make it so you can back up vita saves to the system because its fucking bullshit you cant
I don't hate fun, I hate shit.
I'm playing games on my PC every day and enjoying the fuck out of them. Vita games are fucking garbage in every sense of the word.
Game series go to the Vita to die.
Even fucking Ys has become a joke thanks to Sony handhelds.