Fall damage

>Fall damage

>Game 1 has fall damage
>Game 2 and 3 have NO fall damage
>Game:subtitle and Game 4 bring fall damage back.

>being an Overwatch babby

what is Quake?

>jump damage

>running damage

all joking aside, this is an actual thing

>Game has Fall damage
>Still hurts even though it's Summer

>character drowns underwater

>swimming exhausts you
>running doesn't

>in the next games character can finally swim

>character dies when they're killed

>character gets killed when they dead

What is assassins creed?

>fall damage
sick of kids trying to pretend they played good games before.

>character learns to swim in first game
>sequel they can't and you need a certain character to teach them

>it's a football minigame

>Game 1 is perfectly normal
>Game 2 has penis inspection day cutscene
>Gam3 doesn't

>running at a jogging pace tires you
>crouch walking doesn't
Try that shit, its harder than it looks

>Stabbing damage

>penis inspection day
Is that a real thing in America?

Her name was Halo.

>this guy lived his whole life with an uninspeced penis

Jesus I'm glad I don't live in a shitty third world country.

>character is alive when dead

Hello African

back in middle school after our mile we'd all come back and take showers and our coach would watch. We just thought it was normal being that we've all saw each other naked

Is that the guy that organized the coup in Turkey?

>character has a stroke at the beginning of the second game to justify relearning everything

Same same mi famiglia. Was a total shock when my parents got my penis report card, and I didn't even know we were being examined.

>that one item you always carry but never use

The uninspected penis is not worth having.

there is fall damage in quake you colossal faggot

>Game has a fail state

What game?

is she the most unexpectedly super attractive woman of all time? like she doesn't look modelish or classically beautiful but she's an ez 10/10.

Dat file name tho. Got em.

She's a stalker.

>Character is dead when alive

Sorry, you're retarded.

>walk down stairs
>take fall damage
>developer considered GOAT

Pammy is QT! QT!!!

>character is dead OR alive

What game?

>take damage if you try to use a vehicle you don't know how to drive

You confused Pam with Kelly, friend.


>game has really miniscule fall damage for a year
>Game update
>you will now die falling two stories when you could fall from three with only damage taken

>mission starts at the bottom of some stairs
>take damage before mission even starts
>mission requires a boat
>have to use shitty jump to get into boat
>if you land in the water you die
>Have to jump out of boat the same way
>no climbing, you have to jump perfectly

tower of guns, technically
you can get powerups, one of these powerups make you jump slightly higher. if you collect too many of that powerup, you can jump so high you'll hurt yourself whenever you jump.

there were boats in GTAIII? you sure this wasn't any other GTA game?

Boats were definitely possible, they were just rare to come across compared to the other titles

Yes. They don't spawn until you've opened the second island.

>Get all upgrades in the first game
>Second game, MC has a bullshit stroke type thing and has to learn everything again

>you have to pay the toll to cross the bridge

>mission forces you to walk down stairs

>Fall through stairs every single time you try to go for mission

Fuck I was enjoying the nostalgia of GTA3 for a while last summer, but after I died like the 30th time due to a glitch I had to kiss it goodnight

>game has a dash button for dodging attacks and traversing
>You can dodge outside of combat to generally move around faster
>If you dodge off the top of a flight of stairs you fly off and die from fall damage

To this day I still wonder what the fuck "Nutten" is and why Sam had it on a shirt

>Protagonist dies in a comic/novel between games

Do you think people would be okay with this shit if it happened in a movie?

Several missions require boats. You did not play the game very long if you did not know this.

I'd believe it but can't think of any. Which games?

GTA 3 is a primitive, buggy mess compared to later games.

I thought he was the guy that shot up that black church?

B-but it can be fun sometimes, r-right?


>third game, MC loses all upgrades again
>no reason given

What is GTA SA

>Flashlight can run out of battery

>basic platforming is a problem
arin pls go

Which gaem?

>the first nigger protagonist in GTA
>he's the first who can swim
>no npc in the game can swim
That was weird as shit.

it means "whores" in german

>Fall damage can be negated with abilities/player skill

>Unity game uses the default engine flashl...
>It's a unity game

What is a Pikachu

moer likke falldamagia XD

Stop falling off cliffs dog.

For about 20 minutes on a blind play through.

>Potion of reflect poison damage 5% when standing on one leg (10 seconds duration)

Can take a fully charged swing from a giant, receive moderate damage. Fall from 2 meters, near death.

>you get few special abilities in first game
>in second game main bad guy steals your powers
>now you need to learn new powers to counter your old ones and fight the bad guy

She's the sexiest massively pregnant piece of thicc I've ever seen.

>platforming in a non platforming game
>platforming in the first person
Two awful