The more it hurts when they don't fall and close up the security gaps

So I like all sorts of games. Which game is more worth my time of pirating? DOOM or Tomb Raider?

the harder Sup Forums is going to cry when the multi million dollar company strikes back.

Remember Denuvo isn't cracked and can be constantly updated. They just need to fix the steam bug, trace your IP and then its ass pounding time.


Both are garbage and I can't understand why people like either. They're certainly for for fans of either series.

I'd say if you like Tomb Raider play Doom, likewise if you like Doom play Tomb Raider. You're less likely to be disappointed.

Just Cause 3 uploaded, too.

Denuvo hasn't been cracked at all,you just using a shitty steam glich like some desperate faggot who would suck dick for crack because he has no money to pay for his fuckin adddiction.



So, anyone have that graph showing Denuvo's positive effects on sales and profits?

There's a graph?

Which games implemented it after release and didn't update?

That's the only way you could show a direct correlation, otherwise you're just speculating about sales figures with no reason.

That's fine, anti-piracy outfits do it all the time.

As if 1 download = 1 sale

You guys do realise the how point of Denuvo was it can stop people from torrenting the gams from the first weeks right? Denuvo acknowledged that "every protected game eventually gets cracked" but by the time it would happen it wouldn't really affect the sales at that point

Tomb Raider is a movie, play Doom

Doesnt change the fact that games in question still cost WAY too much even after months.

At the other hand, most of recent games cost at least twice or three times too much and refuse to get lower. I could get first XCUM for like 6 EUR, second game still cost 50 normally and the best it got was 50% off, ending with price that should be base to begin with.

I have to multiply every game price in EUR by 4,5 for hell sake.

Putting aside the fact that you're assuming people who can't pirate the game are now going to buy it, you're also assuming that short term sales goals being the only defining characteristic for a game's success is a good thing.

It's not.

shush filthy antisemite

don't make yourself so easy to spot

the harder they fall

>second game still cost 50
Yeah. It's almost as if it just came out and was a hit PC game. If you really want to make a game sell for 25% its price after a few weeks, hope it's shit and fails hard like Battleborn did.


They're clamping down on the exploit fast.

I had the same error in Tomb Raider.

I ran DLauncher.exe one more time and chose to uninstall the patch. Then I ran it once again, it patched itself back and it worked. Don't know if ABZU also has DLauncher, but if it does, try this.

Yeah tried that, still won't work.