Why are developers ignoring the touchpad?
Why are developers ignoring the touchpad?
Because that's the best thing you can reasonably do with the touchpad and speaker. Just the same as Sixaxis.
Maybe that means the DS5 won't have gimmicky shit and will be £30 like it should. It almost definitely won't though.
because it's a gimmick
Even if it was not gimicky it will still be $70.
Because only PS exclusives can make use of the touchpad and even they dont
It's been used well. Look at GTA V
kind of awkward to stretch your thumb to reach that thing
I don't get your point. Using it as 1 or 2 buttons is not ignoring it.
People complain if it's gimmicky, like navigating the map in AssCreed Blackflag
People complain when it's not gimmicky and used as a pair of extra buttons
People ignore it when it's used well like EDF4.1's chat wheel
There's no winning with it, I guess.
what did GTA V used it for?
>tfw you can navigate pc ui with touchpad but not ps
Speaker was pretty immersive for alien isolation
GTAV speaker was the opposite end of phone calls
The police scanner
and the light bar was orange/blue/green depending on your character
and flashed red and blue when you're wanted
Sound that came out of your phone came from the speakers in the controller, which was neat. GTAV has also made the most extensive use of the light in the controller: it turns in the color of the character you're playing as (Blue=M,Orange+T, Green=I actually can't recall the niggers name). When cops are after you, it flashes red and blue.
I remember the sixaxis having use in Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, but that's probably about it. Shame I guess but in the end it's just a gimmick.
What if you had headphones on? Wouldn't that be a bit awkward to listen?
Cause it's a shitty gimmick.
are are developers ignoring the mouse and keyboard
Speaker was also fun for this game
I like when they use it as an extra 2 buttons like bloodborne. Touchpad controls a shit anyway.
They could have used the swipe as a gesture shortcut.
>Want to make multiplatform game
>PS4, Xbone, PC
>Make the controls for Xbone
>Make the controls for PC, most people will rebind or use a 360/Bone controller anyway
>Get to PS4
>It doesn't have a select button
>It has a fucking touchpad
>No other platform has this
>It functionally has 2 buttons tho
>Select and one other button
>Or just 2 select buttons
>2 select buttons
>Call it a day
They kinda had that but it was wonky as all hell the buttons are more reliable and just as fast.
It was also fantastic in MGSV. My friend's face was priceless when he played it the first time
>marker placed
He tilted his head to listen to the controller. Honestly looked like a kid being puzzled with a talking toy, fucking hilarious
I wish people expanded on what second son did with different movements on the touchpad doing different things, even if it was context sensitive in that game.
One of the main cons of a controller was it's limited amount of inputs but having a touchpad that acts as a button and can have multiple swipes/patterns would greatly expand the amount of options available.
If you have headphones the sound plays through them instead.
That sounds immensely annoying.
God I hate that stupid light reflecting on the TV screen...
Because it's a shitty gimmick.
>you're stupid, left of the touchpad is the sel.... share button
Who thought this was a good idea?
It needs to be a touchscreen instead.
And bigger.
This never happens.
because it's useless.
microsoft: engineered a better controller
sony: engineered a worse, visually offensive controller with useless features
just like touch-sensitive dual shock 2 face buttons, it adds a bunch of cost for close to 0 use.
also kills your battery
Every executive who wanted in on that Facebook money
It happens on literally every dark screen.
You will need some seriously physics explanations to back up that retarded claim.
Your TV should not be on the same level as your controller.
You have no understanding of ergonomics.
nigger your TV has to either be on the fucking ground or you gotta be play standing up for that to happen, not to mention you also need a dark room and stay like 30cm away from the TV
Xbox S > XBO > DS3 > DS2 > GC > DC > PS1 > DS4
Speaker is handy in ffxiv for when your queue pops
PCfags detected.
And to clarify your millennial bitch asses, I mean this S
You should never be looking upwards to a screen - very unhealthy.
So the top of your TV should be around or close to your eye level when sitting.
That means an 50" TV will actually be pretty close to the ground for a regular couch 3 meters away.
The screen is also easily big enough to include your eyes and your lap, where the controller is.
And why would you need to be 30 cm away?
Do you think light just disperses entirely in 3 meters?
Sure its a dark room, not everyone can play vidya during the day neet-kun.
Kill yourself. No one plays on a TV bigger than 30".
reminder that VR will be no different
I play on a 50"
I play on a 23".
>You should never be looking upwards to a screen - very unhealthy.
Lad I play while on my bed and it's actually less healthy to have the TV on the same level
Yeah I'm pretty sure you're retarded. Also, have fun playing anything for long periods of time in a dark room and fucking up your eyes. I guess you don't have any lighting in your basement.
You're a millenial
>thinks the fucking xbox is old
>calls OTHER people millennials
This is an 18+ board friend.
What does that even mean?
Whats your basis?
>urr i cant come up with any reasoning yuurrr a reeeeetarddd
A dark room doesn't imply a pitch black room user, just you know, dark, not fully lit like in the day, where you already have enough reflections that the one from the controller gets lost.
Lemme guess your reply
>kys kys u retarded fuck stop making sense
The controller came out in 2001, if he was under 18 he wouldn't even fucking know what one was.
>Hurrrr durrrrr 15 year old consoles aren't old!
The original is better than the S. First controller made for fucking man hands and that's still not caught back on...
Both Xbox controllers are shit though, the black and white buttons were horrible for most games.
I love and miss those buttons...
>rip perfect flashlight button
My 9 year old hands got raped by that controller.
>Trying to do a driveby in GTA when Black+White control the "Make camera look out side window"
I just got raped by my uncle and I didn't even get an xbox out of it
I was 15 when it came out
>>It functionally has 2 buttons tho
Functionally the touchpad has at least three buttons.
I don't really see how it is so hard to map options as start and press on touch pad as select. For example, one could do it differently.
Like skip options button wholly and just use right and left sides of the touchpad as start and select.
This literally never happens. fuck off
I'm guessing another user with a badly placed, small TV?
Maybe it never happens to you.
I preferred the big fat Duke controller
I got my Xbox very soon after it came out, and I got used to this thing. It was great. Felt solid in the hand. Then the fucking S controller came along and fucked up all the button placements. Gay.
The only game I've ever played where the bar is bright enough to reflect was Destiny.
Because for some retarded reason whenever you get into a dark enough area to need a torch the light bar lights the fuck up
The Xbox One doesn't have it so multiplatform developers aren't going to use it in any way other than the select button
best use of it was tearaway if you enjoy gimmicks. Killzone's use of it was a lot more practical as it effectively gave 4 more buttons and controllers are always limited in terms of the number of buttons
This happens to me a lot. The TV stand is at lap level, making the tv center at eye level. I see the DS4 light clearly on the bottom edge of the TV screen and while easy to ignore, it's annoying.
Thats an amusing oversight on the devs part, but yeah its exactly that - its not that its constantly annoying, just when you get to a dark part or scenes - dark loading screens as well.
Maybe I notice it more than most because it annoys me, but its definitely there.
Because (surprise surprise) after the first couple of months with a system, the gimmick wears off and all you're left with is wondering whether the gimmick still works. The Wii Remote worked well and games could use it in multiple ways so it didn't go stale until Nintendo stopped making games, the Kinect did not. The PS4 Touchpad luckily didn't take up the whole controller and the controller itself (while the build quality is fucking trash) is ergonomically well-designed.
Want to know how Sony sold over 40 million units of the PS4? By being the most powerful, least expensive console with the best games for the most audiences (compared to Xbone) and no overbearing gimmick shit. Even most people on here who don't even like Sony or the PS4 have to admit that there are some great games coming to the system. I honestly think the Wii U has better games than the PS4 at this point, but it sold like absolute shit because of its gimmick tablet controller, the weakness of the console itself, and the price for the shitty Gamepad tablet driving up the price.
I like when i slide down the touchpad and the witcher 3 maps open up
>Want to know how Sony sold over 40 million units of the PS4?
By being not XBox at the E3 announcement?
>The Wii Remote worked well
Yeah, it worked so well Nintendo had to release an addon to fix it.
Most people who bought PS4 have never heard of e3.
>people complain
There's always a random guy complaining about something. That's no reason for devs to ignore it.
The reason they ignore it is very different.
Half the average people I know knew about the Xbox disaster at launch, normal news agencies reported on what the Xbox was going to be about with the 24 hour check in, no trading in or lending games etc. Everybody knew about it, the funny thing is the complete reversal wasn't reported on, so half the average people out there still think Microsofts original vision of the XB1 is true.
They aren't you can use them in every game even though it's shit.
Go lie somewhere else. I have my PS4 on my living room, I usually play during the day and I have a fuck huge window. My couch is roughly 2-3 meters away from the TV, and I have a large HDTV. I see the reflection of the controller's light almost always, especially in darker sections and it pisses me off. I even turned its brightness down. I wish I could simply turn it off, but Sony is too fucking retarded to add that option.
Playstation 4 is flawless, any complaints are fake, all complainers are just sour grapes. Nobody complaining really owns a Playstation 4.
dpad on the sony controller is 100% better
Why does the right stick look weird?
because it's a massive waste of money. should be Start Select, and have a button above PS for share. whoever designed the shock 4 needs to be gassed.
Of all controller gimmicks, why don't more devs adopt back buttons since its more useful than touchshit, its not like normiephone fags play with controllers anyway.
>the funny thing is the complete reversal wasn't reported on
that's literally how it works with everything though
professional journalists report corrections all the time but the damage is already done at that point. People hear the headline about an accused rapist, they stop paying attention by the time he's acquitted / exonerated.
Is that the new white and gold PS4 controller?
My Coral-tinted organic being.
Same reason why no girl is touching your penis, it is useless.
Why does video games today are so homogenised? Anything that has a gimmick is ignored or its already shit
Sup Forums go
So what you're saying is that Sony out-competed Microsoft?
Because if you don't have a quality idea around a gimmick you simply shouldn't be using it. Tearaway kinda used it okay but that's about it.
Yes but then again so could a rock
A friend opened his ps4 controller, disconnected the leds and replaced the battery pack with a cellphone battery.
Now his battery life lasts forever and the controller is top tier.
Has anyone done the same?
I would but I want my phone to last more than an hour in sleep mode
because it's best used as a mouse if you pair it to a PC or as a second button.
at best, we see some games using it as multiple buttons (mgsv had different functions depending on where you pressed it. shadowfall used it as a second dpad)