It's been 8 years, it's no longer funny. Give Loss a rest.
Fuck off Tim
>being this new
Joke's on you! My mother died when I was in college.
My senior semester.
t. Fuckley
Sup Forums turns more and more into Sup Forums every day.
was it right before midterms or finals?
Come on
Fuck you newfag, loss is part of our board culture.
I don't like this meme
You fucking little- REEEEEEEEE
Loss memes actually made me understand what abstract art is.
Aint no XD quite like mine
fuk u sheldor
loving this meme
not replying because i don't want my mom to die, i just want you to know that you are a classic faggot
Don't you have something better to do with your time than mine for (You)'s?
fuck you
just to be sure
You do realize most ofg the replies to those posts are bots, right?
please don't kill my mom
>go grab a bottle of dr pepper
>my worthless neet girlfriend is playing EA shit and crying her eyes out again
naw man the only bots are on /gif/
do these JENNIFER LAWRENCE LEAKED BLOWJOB TAPE threads still exist?
You must be 18 or older to browse Sup Forums
>mfw a new loss comic
wew lad
Wtf asshole reported
i actually agree
at this point people that post it are just trying to fit in and seem Sup Forums core. same goes for the kiddys that always say "is this loss?" at random shit.
is this video loss?
no, it is not video loss. its just a gif of a man made of low-detail balls juggling.
is that the same artist who drew those League comics?
I dont know his name and google search its shit nowdays
please stop this, I can't take the stress anymore
nerf now or something
looks a lot alike
tales of valoran
nerfnow is some mix between manga and south american comic style