
>He still cares about Hearthstone.

>rngstone is considered competitive

Use the catalog

It's archived you retard.

It wasn't when i posted

>Silence a frozen minion
>Silence already silenced minion for a free card
>Silence deathrattle that gives enemy benefits
Sounds good to me.

> for a free card

you mean the one you wouldve drawn if it wasnt for that one? you don't gain anything by drawing one

Priest already has a 0 mana silence. This card is the worst card in the fucking game.

>Silence deathrattle that gives enemy benefits
Like what

>turn 2 play ancient watcher
>turn 3 play purify on ancient watcher + power word: shield

how is this shit again?

Because you could just do the same thing with Silence with more utility in the card outside of one combo.

oh i get it. it's a herald volazj buff. if you silence his 1/1 clones they go back to normal stats.

because shaman can just play a 4 mana 7/7 with one card instead of three

you don't draw any cards from silence

You also don't waste 2 mana on silence

>silence any minion
>0 mana
>give a minion +2 health and draw a card
>1 mana
>silence a friendly minion and draw a card
>2 mana

They're doing this shit on purpose, right?

acti/v/ision is real, since overmeme is out they are roaming the board and pretend it's battlenet. so I hope you have more meme to post cause you haven't seen the last non ironic hearstong worshipping thread, alongside non ironinc wow threads. And diablo 3 defense force.
Mods are with them too, it's useless to complain.


>>play Rag last turn
>>they spam the board with minions to absorb his ability
>>Silence your own Rag, get to attack face and get a card

>turn 1 Zombie
>turn 2 another fucking creature

Play shieldbearer turn 1
Power word shield + inner fire turn 2

Holy SHIT priest is op as FUCK 6/6 turn 2 oh my god. Like dude, super op.

If you think relying on card combos in the early game when you did barely any draws is a good strategy then you are an imbecile.


oh wait


Whoa, you can get a 4 mana Yeti for 2 cards.

What is card cycling in a 30 cards deck ? Stay clueless retard.

I guess he might mean the beast? But then you'd have to put the beast in your deck.

you filter your deck, so you have a higher chance of getting the card you actually want.

Here is a 2 man card that cycles, and puts 2 stats on the board, more useful than silencing your own fucking minions.
Protip: priests don't play it. It isnt good enough.

You know that they nerfed that card to be a 1/1 like more than a year ago right?

>filter your deck
>in fucking RNGstone
>with static 30 cards
>can't even scry or search your library

I dont need protips from a rank 25 but thanks

How is this in any way relevant?
My posts says "2 stats", 1+1=2.
2 stats on board is better than silencing your own minion, and this card isn't good enough.

I see your 2mp concede and I raise you

This adventure looks to be dogshit, especially if you're not mage, hunter, or druid.

And why would you run purify instead of novice engineer if you want to do that?

No one runs engineer in priest anyway, that's how good your cycling is.

Yogg hunter got some nice cards and druids can finally run something else than token teacher so i'm happy enough.

No one plays priest anyway, blizz should remove the class from the game.

No I agree with you that purify is complete garbage, possibly the worst card they ever released, I was just talking about the image you posted. Anyway priest is still fucked in constructed and especially fucked in arena since purify is a common.

>Add a card for the absolute dumbest meta

Ancient Watcher/Eerie Statue and Defender of Argus/Silence shit is fun for a couple matches where you can go "Hey that was pretty cool i dont think they were expecting such a big minion so early" but its the absolute dumbest shit that will only fly at rank 20-15.

I mean for fucks sake priest only has four options for it. Two Ancient Watchers and Two Eerie Statues. If it was a warlock deck style he'd have that 9/9 that dies if its the only card on your side.

Disguised Toasts Unicorn Priest is more viable.

>Adds it to your hand
Jesus christ, if it equiped it, the card would be playable.

Hunter got possibly the most broken 3 drop in the game.

3/4, the best statline for a neutral statted minion. With the aura of all your secrets are free.

It's like Kirin Tor, but infinitely stickier and better.

Blizzard is smart, okay.
You are paying 3mp for a 2mp creature AND the ability to pay 3mp for a 2mp weapon.
You get the ability to pay 6mp for 4mp value. It's the Blizzard's new planned rogue deck: Anti Value.

If it equipped it, that card would be overpowered.
But the 3 mana on the weapon is harsh, should make it 2 mana and its fine.

It would still be garbage at 2. They should be adding cards that are strong or worth something, not this bullshit filler crap.

The more cards I see for this adventure the more I think its pointless that they even tried.

That's debatable.

The absolute earliest you could have it out is turn 2 if you coined it out and then used a backstab.
But at that point you're paying 3mp and 3 cards for a win axe.

If you do it normally then you're getting an axe on turn 4, where it is still good but much less useful than it would have been as a normal turn 2 win axe, as the opponent will be putting drops that have 4-5 hp on the board now.

Hell even at 1mp you're paying out the ass for a weapon because it'd be neutral value but with a lag of a turn on it to make it extra useless. (2mp for 3/2 minion and 2mp for 3/2 weapon)
It'd need to be free or it's garbage

That card is shit. First of all hunter secrets are garbage. Second, usually you'll only be getting one secret for free. Even if you manage to get two for free it's still forcing you to play the secrets on a turn that might not be optimal.

Also, it's not a beast.

>playing shitstone in the first place

Easily the weakest adventure so far for a lot of classes. Arena balance is once again out the window and unless some pros are seeing something we're not, Priest was removed from standard play. I'm only curious as to when Blizzard plans to add in any card that makes it risky to play aggro, because it seems like they've given up trying and decided to print token shit control cards every expansion and just allow the meta to be face driven tempo garbage.

It would be an okay card for 0 mana but for 2 it is just laughable.

Compare it to power word shield which is card draw plus always positive effect.
This is card draw plus situation positive but generally negative effect which is just abysmal.
The dream combo is a 4 mana 4/5 or a 6 mana 7/7.

Priest also has the worst basic card set and giving it a card that is infinity worse the power word shield just shows that no one at blizzard though more then a second about this card.

>mage class can't use wands
>holy class steals shit
>theif class DOESN'T steal shit
>demons are fucking awful in the warlock class
>bowman has more beast synergy than the beastman
>proud paladin is one of the most secretive

holy fuck

It is an abysmal combo.
Shaman can have a 2 mana 3/4 into coin 7/7.
Also no one plays silence and wailing soul barely saw any play while both of them are way better less situational cards.

>holy class steals shit
Priests have all the mindrape
>theif class DOESN'T steal shit
It's a rogue, not a "theif"

if you dont play a 2 drop you might as well concede anyway.
Also what is standard and priest in wild is not the problem.

they are just incompetent if you ask me

their first attempt at making aggro decks less powerful was to introduce the jousting mechanic and let you rely on rng to win against them, no big impact

then they rotated out all the Nax and GvG cards out of standard which left the meta without any slow high value early game cards which made the aggro decks rise in value again

and now they are to afraid to give the worst class in the game a decent card, if it was 1 mana it might have seen some value but for some reason it has to be 2 mana, and anyone who knows how hard it is to counter aggro decks knows that the main issue with turning things around is that you lack the mana to do so.

really brilliant there Blizzard

>hunter secrets are garbage
and opinion discarded

>>theif class DOESN'T steal shit


freezing is the only secret worth 2 mana

doesn't matter, rogues actually do steal shit and pickpocketing once was a thing

however in HS rogues are like insane burst of spells/damage out of nowhere instead of using stealth/stealing like you'd think

honestly is very accurate, this game is a joke

They are trying their best to solve these things.
But they havent yet found any theme for priest.

>theif class DOESN'T steal shit
what is burgle
>demons are fucking awful in the warlock class
what is imp gang boss / doomguard
>bowman has more beast synergy than the beastman
what is knight of the wild (kek)

that's piracy not theft

>however in HS rogues are like insane burst of spells/damage out of nowhere
So you mean like in WoW?

>their first attempt at making aggro decks less powerful was to introduce the jousting mechanic and let you rely on rng to win against them, no big impact

Because they didn't introduce cards to support it.
Imagine some high mana cards with text that reduces their cost.

>overrated jouster
>9 mana 5/6
>text: costs (5) mana
It would win all your jousts, and it would still be playable.

>that statline
priest nerfs incoming

free freezing is good enough, add cat trick and bear trap to the deck and you've got a lot of tempo out of one card

No one in high legend plays anything but maybe one freezing trap in hunter.

You can't draw an analogy to miracle rogue to anything rogue has ever done in WoW, and I guess you could say back when assassination was a good spec for pvp a rogue could destroy you in a burst, so yeah, good point.

maybe with extra supporting cards like that 3/4 they would

1, the other card redraw one instantly.

>what is power word shield

PW:Shield is so much better then purify in every way imaginable except some combo dreams that work 1 in 10 games.
2 mana draw a card plus downside is just terrible.


2, because you need both of them in your hand at the same time to get the yeti.
Without each other they are dead.

you still need to draw 2 specific cards to do it
simply playing yeti is way better

I'm done. Blizzard hates heavy control decks that are not warrior for some reason.

>Control Priest
We were never really TOP tier but it has always been a viable archetype before standard. Then the entire class died with WotoG.

>Freeze Mage
Pretty fun and challenging to play. Blizzard didn't like how new players think they couldn't have done anything against a freeze mage when they lose so they gutted it.

I played through WotoG, thinking "Well Blizzard clearly didn't expect Priests to be literally unplayable, but they'll fix some of their problems with Karazhan", I'll play some Cwarrior and Miracle Rogue while I wait for them to fix priest or Fmage.

Nope. I'm done. I'm not sitting through another 4-5 months of priest being garbage again. And no I hate Dragon Priest because it doesn't play like priest at all, it's like a weird Druid.

Same. Seriously considering just moving over to the elder scrolls hearthstone clone that just came out. I fail to see how it could be any worse.

Control Priest is cancer that was worse than anything Warriors are currently doing. Each match took 30 fucking minutes, and a great majority of the time you just flat out couldn't play what you wanted because they would just deal with it either through stealing it, or using your own cards against you.

Priest should never be strong again. Blizzard has shown many times they have no clue how to make a card game, they understand control types the least.

The most skill based and control heavy matchups are face decks versing each other, or two zoos versing each other.

Zoo vs Zoo and Face vs Face always bring intense, control heavy games, where you have to be counting how much damage your opponents hand has at all times and thinking a few turns ahead, speculating a lot.

My 250 wins as face shaman would like to disagree. There's no thought beyond counting what damage you've drawn or have yet to draw.

You want to play priest?

Go play Wild then. The shit is broken as fuck. Lightbomb and Entomb together makes Priest OP as shit.

You being bad doesn't prove me wrong.
Make an argument or make like a tree.

So you're saying I can get 1 yeti for 1 card, sort of like how I could have done 2 and a half years ago when hearthstone came out? Plus with ancient watcher plus purify I have to have those two cards in my hand, and if I do turn 2 ancient watcher and turn 3 purify, I basically spent 5 mana for a yeti, or in the best possible case, coin ancient watcher into purify, I got a 4 mana yeti. Purify is the worst card ever released.

>The most skill based and control heavy matchups are face decks versing each other, or two zoos versing each other.
No. The most skill based matches were always the rare combo deck that required lots of game knowledge and skill.

t. patron player

>Fiery War Axe
>Shield Slam
>Ravaging Ghoul

Uh, what? Warrior has way more bullshit removal cards than priest and doesn't depend on card combos as much. Also armor makes it viable against combo decks.

Elise Warrior matches can also be 30 minutes long but you don't see anyone complaining about that.

Anyone playing Shadowverse ? I like it.

>a great majority of the time you just flat out couldn't play what you wanted because they would just deal with it

I think you just don't like control

You'll have to restate that in a more coherent fashion, I made my argument, got rank 3 as a cookie cutter face shaman and gave up when I finally got Golden Shaman done and over with. Averaged something like a 58% wr brought down by me conceding to speed up match times where a win looked unlikely or I matched into a heavy control deck. I spent my time in game shit posting on here or watching youtube/Netflix while playing damage on curve, I'm sorry if I'm the one to break the news to you, but Zoo/Face is brain dead shit.

All of those things are conductive of Warriors actually ending the game earlier than fatigue. Especially when you add in the fact that Warriors have strong finishers, along with these removals costing little so they actually put shit on the board. Priest used to tap out for almost everything so it was a worse version of pass-go that just stalemated the game.
I like control in other card games, Hearthstones lack of Instants and reactions overall make playing against Control and playing Control the most boring shit in the world. Its far too binary.

>that's piracy not theft
Pretty good user

If you play Zoo vs Zoo or Face vs Face the same way you play normally, you were objectively bad, and lost these matchups.

>Turn 1 zombie
>Turn 2 play a 2-drop and trade your zombie with their 2-drop
>Opponent doesn't get any health back
>Realize zombie chow isn't even in standard anymore


But they're near unavoidable removal.
Priest has built in blind spots for all its removal except MC and Entomb.

Warrior can do anything and everything well and has an easy answer for basically any problem. I mean control priest is 100% NO FUN allowed, but no warrior is any better, faster, but easily 10x more bullshit than priest at its prime.
and I still love it because it's the only viable class with hp shenanigans

Where exactly did I disagree with you about Warrior being strong? Because I never claimed it wasn't. Stop projecting.

I was speaking to how Priest USED to be, not how it is. Vanilla was a very different game, and with all the cards they added to the game since if they added anything significant to priest you'd have to deal with all the new control bullshit on top of whatever they added. Priest has amazing base cards for control, it just lacks finishers and early game threats. Give them either and they will skyrocket to the top with zero countermeasures.

Or its an ok card that is perfectly fine to have one of as a tech choice against paladins and you are overdramatizing it.

Run 2 PW:shield 1 of those and 2 pyromancer in a dragon deck. Worst case scenario you can cycle it during a turn you got 2 free mana.

Necrololi is best. Also RIP Runecraft, almost always 0 board presence. Even 2 Fire Chain clears doesn't seem to be enough to catch up.

You are autism

I'm not, I'm saying that the exact reasons you cry about priest being terrible to fight against are 100% present in warrior, but worse.

Zoo vs Zoo is simple as fuck, it's all about having more minions. They only way to misplay it is going face and leaving some of their minions on the board when you could clear

Once again where the fuck did I disagree? The difference is if I lose to a control Warrior its over turn 12 at the most or something. I'd take that any day over how priest used to be.

Why doesn't this game have a proper discard mechanic? Is their engine really that fucking shit? Discard warlock or other decks would be really interesting if you could actually choose what card you needed to discard.

Same for not having a graveyard, what the fuck?

You mean Zoo vs Zoo is a slow control game?
Because that is what I said, and you are agreeing.
When two anti-control decks meet, they upgrade to control play. Thats my point.

>arguing about "skill" in Hearthstone

come the fuck on, there's barely any difference between deck types in "skill"