Is Kermit still right?
Why wouldn't he be right? He exactly described Sup Forums.
le reddit screencap xD
Yeah, he sounds about right.
Kermit is like 12 years too late to his realization
Sup Forums has always been about hivemind shitposting
Fuck off back to /trash/, XDposter
undertale shill gets buttflustered
what else is new
Undertale was trash though
>saved thread with zoomed words and agreeing posts with reaction faces
but THIS guy is cancer!!!
>It's not legal to own niggers like this anymore, user
Holy shit kek
No, he was a fucking newfag who somehow convinced himself he knew Sup Forums culture, and then proceeded to disagree with himself.
Undertale is bretty shit though.
Yeah, sort of.
Sometimes the negative hivemind is for the better of Sup Forums.
Fucking this.
No, only it's fanbase is. Game itself is fine if too easy.
But undertale and Pillars of Eternity are bait worthy, one pioneered meme's and became 'western originality' while the other was a hollow shell of the past despite almost nailing it, since they just decided fuck all on the character creation system 'Should of went full Icewind dale' really.
Why do you faggots always feel the need to include reaction images that don't contribute nothing to the image whatsoever?
>Posts that rants about hivemind
>Chances are all those replies happened because of kneejerk retards wanting to be part of the party
Face it, nobody won.
>Implying that's the fucking point
He's a hero.
He managed to shut down the worst of Sup Forums.
He used the right words, he had good vocabulary and he ended every sentence with a gut punch.
Every "lmao fuck undertale amiright guys? criiiinge, kys haha tumblr sjw do i fit in now?" poster cannot legally continue to use this site anymore after being schooled this hard.
>For the better of Sup Forums
What. How?
Who the fuck are these faggots that keep putting reaction posts in screencaps?
undertale literally has cuck and queer messages and the tumblr audience loved it
you cannot deny these facts
>"lmao fuck undertale amiright guys? criiiinge, kys haha tumblr sjw do i fit in now?"
t. Undertale fag
Seriously, your game is crap. Fanbase is worse than cancer, but the game isn't all that much better.
ironically this is what the hivemind believes.
>tumblr filename
>undertale literally has cuck and queer messages
[citation needed]
>genetic fallacies
>crying over tumblr filenames
Sup Forums is more easily triggered than a pink haired feminist SJW on the rag.
I won't deny it if you provide good proof.
Not the tumblr audience part, I know that's true, I mean the "cuck and queer messages".
>He's a hero.
No, he's not.
>He managed to shut down the worst of Sup Forums.
No, he didn't. He literally outed himself as the newest of newfags.
Kind of like you're doing right now.
i love this thread so far
You can keep out certain undesirables by having everyone unconditionally shit on them.
Although that didn't stop /trash/ from happening.
he's right you know, stop trying to fit in, have your own opinion, else legitimately fuck off to reddit and stay there.
Are you kidding, Sup Forums had multiple threads praising Undertale's demo, those threads were literally 24/7. This board is just contrarian because of "Sup Forums culture", whatever that means these days. Sup Forums's culture currently is a shadow of what it has been, ergo, it only produces shit posts and is anti-productive.
Anyways, saged and reported.
He's not wrong, but that doesn't make him completely right.
Negativity is a good thing, it's a nice filter to keep Reddit and SJWs away.
Actually, people who don't form their own opinions and just default to whatever Sup Forums majority thinks are fucking stupid. He's right there. Doesn't make undertale a decent game, but he's right, you know.
>doesn't know how to reply
>announced his report
I've only played the game once, I've moved on.
However Undertale shitposters are unavoidable here.
One might say they are actually worse than the fans themselves.
>doesn't know
is this what (you) wanted?
i swear man seek meds.
Of course he is, just go to any NMS thread and see just how annoying Sup Forums can be
>Sup Forums has always been about hivemind shitposting
One might say go fucking kill yourself, faggot.
>Underage faggot pretending he knows Sup Forums culture
You do know that Sup Forums existed before 2013 right?
Why do we still come here anons? Just to suffer?
i would ask kermit just how far one could expect to get by adopting le epic pessimist mindset before getting called out by someone like him
if it works 95% of the time then it for all intents and purposes works
>Watch Dogs 2 thread
>people who are legitimately surprised the game got a sequel
>explain to them that it was extremely popular, became Ubisofts best selling new IP ever at the time
>they genuinely respond with "Oh, I thought it flopped"
>ask them why they thought that
>"I saw the glitch videos when it came out and didn't hear anything else since"
I don't understand the mentality of someone who shits on a game when their only experience of it is watching a five minute video about glitches.
Not that the game doesn't have issues, but at what point do you jump from "I saw some glitches two years ago" to "OH WOW THEY ACTUALLY MADE A SEQUEL TO THIS TRASH? LOL FUCKING UBISOFT"
cuckoldery: goat mom hitting on sans while her husband is right there
queer: the 2 guards and the whole undyne/alphys thing
You do know you're proving kermit right, don't you?
Ye, because you always gotta pick a side on internet wars
The fact that you actually got emotionally invested is hilarious
>people use Sup Forums / half for Sup Forums for anything other than shitposting
There's a million other forums, including other anonymous imageboards that are better for actual discussion
>but they're too slow
So you want something that moves at shitposting speed but not be almost entirely compromised of shitposting? It's not going to happen.
>Sup Forums is le hivemind
I never said he was wrong, but saying "this is what Sup Forums has become" rather than "this is what Sup Forums has always been since day one" is fucking asinine, and only outs himself as a newfag.
Sup Forums has literally always been a circlejerk hivemind. If anything, the dissonance is increasing (rapidly) these past three years.
Prior to about 2012 or 2013, you would literally see 100 posts praising the same ten games over and over, and nobody disagreeing.
Just the fact that we have disagreement now is actually substantially different than 2006-2010 Sup Forums.
Sup Forums has always only had one culture: memeshitters.
Stop kidding yourself. I'm fucking 30 years old, I've been here for over a decade, and no, it was not "better when you were young."
Fuck off if you want to play that bullshit.
Just so we're all clear, yyyy-mm-dd is the best date format and all others deserve death by nuclear weapons.
Yes, but what he said doesn't just hold up for Sup Forums, it holds up for everything.
If you mindlessly adopt the opinion of the general populace without even thinking for a second what you yourself think about it, then you're no better than a robot no matter what your reasons for doing so might be.
>you must be 18 or older to post here
So this is how people rationalize shitposting? "lol it's always been like that"
>Keep certain undesirables out
So your method of keeping undesirables out is by having more people turn into being undesirable shitposters.
goat mom and sans hit on each other?
I remember it was just banter.
who cares you pretentious little faggot, you heed the lesson when it suits you and ignore it when it doesn't
jesus fucking christ when will the mods pick a side in this endless battle of the fucking mentally ill, I'm about to pop a blood vessel
I don't think I've had a good discussion on Sup Forums in fucking years, I keep coming back day after day and it gets worse, I think I am fucking insane
this is some stockholm shit or something I literally want to gun down every dumb little faggot who thinks this furshit pandering trash even qualifies as a fucking game
this post is a joke
>Are you kidding, Sup Forums had multiple threads praising Undertale's demo, those threads were literally 24/7.
Funny you'd mention that, because just look at this shit. Those threads barely got any replies and were very obviously by the same person.
>being this new
Sit down, son. You're embarrassing yourself.
It might have been a commercial success but it was a critical failure.
I know it did well but I would have thought they'd have quit while they were ahead because there isn't much following the game now but bad will
because its a community and a digital hangout spot
of course he is, and he always will be
this site isnt just an echo chamber, its that dark dirty part of the echo chamber that all the moisture collects and starts to rot and mold the fucking stone around it.
and the source of the echo?
autismo hivemind that instantly dislikes things because they don't understand it
we have such a great community.
>reddit niggers that think Sup Forums is for shitposting
Fuck you
Who the fuck are you to decide on whose desirable or not?
Video games are desirable. You don't like the video games people are talking about? Don't post in those threads. Holy shit wow I'm smart I impress myself sometimes.
>leet hacker GTA gets a sequel
>Warhawk never coming to PS4
End me
I've never played Undertale but if its playerbase is filled with the epitome of everything I hate about people it honestly doesn't sound like it'd be a right fit for me.
I won't shit on the game because I don't know it, but I'm not going to give it a chance or say anything positive about it. I think that upsets Undertalefags more than anything.
Can Sup Forums survive this?
>I've never played undertale but I don't like it or say anything positive about it because the Sup Forums hivemind tells me so.
>I'm worried about people online talking negatively about my opinion.
Yes that poster was the embodiment of neo Sup Forums
>I never said he was wrong, but saying "this is what Sup Forums has become" rather than "this is what Sup Forums has always been since day one" is fucking asinine, and only outs himself as a newfag.
Holy fuck, we have an actual fucking redditor here. No you huge humongous faggot, this isn't how Sup Forums has always been like. Where you even around before TORtanic?
>ITT: autistic and suicidal people without social skills are contributing to the hivemind because they want to fit in
I hate Undertale, but that faggot is right about you all - you're manchildren that can't fit into the real world, so you try too hard at being cool and edgy in order to fit into the pessimistic mold of the stereotypical Sup Forums retard, just to feel that somehow you can fit somewhere, because otherwise you'd return to thinking about suicide and having depression in general.
TORtanic was the tipping point for this board honestly. Since then, every game that doesn't fulfill every expectation is a "LE BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY XD". Now it's overrun with retards thinking that they need to shit on every game so they can be apart of the next "flop". I doubt they even play a percent of the games they shit on
Whatever you say buddy. This board, in my opinion, is just a shadow of it's former self. It's such a terrible fate. I weep for this board, recently is has gotten better with moderation stepping up, but in general it still sucks.
>Those threads barely got any replies
Are you kidding user, it was always full of people and it reached the bump limit in a slow pace and it started to pick up steam, and then before you knew it, the threads were fairly fast.
>cuckoldery: goat mom hitting on sans while her husband is right there
Nigger, that isnt even cuckoldery. Being a cunt, sure, but not cuckoldery
I haven't played Undertale, but I agree with dumb angry frog.
>Where you even around before TORtanic?
Not him but when a game is THAT bad it's bound to bridge gaps and bring the community together. It was our 9/11.
No because his entire points rests on the assumption that the user he was replying to thought it was a shit game without playing it. Easily could have meant that you can't talk about the game without ignorant shitposting, but ignorantly jumping to conclusions is apparently fine when you have 50 (You)s worth of reaction faces to put next to blown up text on the screencap.
I believe she was his ex-husband, take that as you will. But you were right about the queer messages forgot about Mettaton being a tranny though
>with a group of people who by the basic function of the website you don't know
>being a retard
>crying reddit because you disagree with something
Undertale is shit though.
How, exactly? Because I dislike undertale? I've played it, and it's a pretty bad game, with boring mechanics and a story that is so pretentious that you will grow an ironic beard just by playing it. But I can't dislike it, because then I'd be "proving kermit right", whatever that means. Again, kill yourself.
If you're so neutral and uncaring, why do you even post? If weren't invested, you'd just have kept scrolling, you fucking hypocrite.
This, literally the place where every reject from all other places on the internet ends up and shitposts to feel accepted.
in a way its completely understandable though
its still a form of validation
if you see a bunch of people say 'i hate X' and no one responds back, you can go all HAM on whatever X is and have no one attack you for it, and more than that you might even get cheers
but if you said 'i like X' and then get told to kill yourself multiple times? thats the end of the fucking world. not only are you a failure in real life you cant even get social cred when you're anonymous. you're less than nothing.
which makes the problem that much worse
>thinks shitposting is enjoyable
>calls other retards
Helooo rèddìt!
Yes. Momentary shitposters opposing permanent ones.
It's the majority that decides, retard.
I said Kermit was sort of right. He was right about hivemind opinions on games, but the hivemind opinion extends past that, and that's where he's wrong.
I've literally never visited reddit.
I've never typed the words reddit into my search bar.
I've never even clicked on a search result that links to reddit.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. I'm here between 3-4 hours a day, almost every day.
Keep crying, newfag.
Keep in mind that my original point here was not that the game deserves a sequel or not. Just that I don't understand the mentality of people who shit on a game without knowing the most basic information about it.
However I'll respond anyway - It wasn't a critical failure. It's sitting at an 80 metascore across all platforms, which while not GTA V levels, certainly isn't bad, even if you're going to claim tilted review scores. And while it certainly gets plenty of (valid) hate from the general gaming community, it does have a following.
I enjoyed the first game quite a bit, I think the core concept it laid out (GTA-style gameplay with a focus on environment control) is really fucking cool, and the first game did some interesting things with it. I think it's exactly the kind of game that should get a sequel that will add more meat to the potentially strong core the first game presented.
Sure, but I'm only talking about the very early ones I just linked. There was some really obvious marketing going on here and you can see anons calling it out even then.
when you regularly interact with a group of people for reasons that don't have to do with specific business yes that eventually grows into a community
>thinks shitposting is enjoyable
[citation needed]
Saying that this board only function to shitpost =/= thinking its enjoyable.
I'm not claiming Kermit is one--he has a legitimate point.
But overall, in general, isn't it odd and somewhat embarrassing how newfags immediately oust themselves at the slightest inclination and all act in the same hideous ways?
>I hate Undertale, but that faggot is right about you all - you're manchildren that can't fit into the real world, so you try too hard at being cool and edgy in order to fit into the pessimistic mold of the stereotypical Sup Forums retard, just to feel that somehow you can fit somewhere, because otherwise you'd return to thinking about suicide and having depression in general.
So, is Sup Forums able to name a game that did more damage to the world than Undertale?
If this board is only for shitpost and you don't enjoy shitposting, then why are you even here?