Is there any remote chance of Nintendo buying this and officially licensing it?
Is there any remote chance of Nintendo buying this and officially licensing it?
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Why would you want such a thing?
it's more likely to get C&D
T-to just show us that they care about Metroid...
>selling a game
>that a free version exists of
>"Hm, nobody bought it. Guess the fans don't really care all that much"
I would personally be pissed if they just walked in, bought a free fanmade game, then turned around and released it as if it was theirs. Let them get off their fucking asses and make something themselves.
are you 12 or just completely retarded
knowing nintendo, they probably already have their lawyers trying to take it down.
Nintendo isn't desperate enough to hire autitsts to make an official game for their series like Sega.
Why is it called "Another" Metroid 2 remake? Seems like over the years, it's always been the only one.
That's because all the others died and were forgotten.
Like always, Sega does what Nintendon't.
This. Metroid will always be relevant whether or not it gets another 2D game. Nintendo doesn't need to pander to the 20 or so people that like this romhack.
Nigga get real. Nintendo has done fuck all for Metroid's past anniversaries. They don't care about Metroid. Other M failing to them meant the brand was failing and Federation Force is a quick way to milk some cash out of an irrepairably damaged brand.
>20 or so people
It's trending on social media
Nintendo prides themselves in making their own games instead of outsourcing them like Sega.
What does that have to do with anything? As long as people keep talking about Metroid, the hype will always be there. That's why it will stay relevant forever.
Doubt it, the quality isn't there to release it officially. The assets are straight up ripped from Zero Mission. It's lucky to not be C&D'd
>The assets are straight up ripped from Zero Mission
But that's wrong.
Like Other M is reason to be proud.
>he says while best F-Zero game is made by Sega
The only thing not completely lifted from Zero Mission in this screenshot is the Metroid itself.
>The assets are straight up ripped from Zero Mission.
The fuck are you referring to? I was playing Zero Mission yesterday. It's all new sprites.
And the backgrounds, and the walls, and fucking Samus herself.
>bought a free fanmade game
>released it as if it was theirs
Those statements are contradictory, at the very least the guy who made the fangame must be credited as the original creator.
It's a matter of public perception. Do you think most people will sit through the credits to find out who actually made the game?
So did anyone beat it yet? Was it good
A friend of mine did. I personally stopped after dying to an Alpha in a room full of thorny plants. I'll go back to it though, because it's a really fun experience so far.
>A friend of mine did.
Not, but since shitty fucking "games media" has been plastering it all over their sites expect a DMCA soon.
Yes, friend. What about it? Wanna scream "REEE NORMIE GET OUT OF MY BOARD"? Go ahead, I guess.
No. I'm just jealous.
He did all the work. Just because copyright is a broken system doesn't mean they own all his labor. He did what they didn't, they don't deserve any fucking credit. If they want sales they can make another fucking metroid themselves.
How do I get this super duper missile?
Ah. I'm sure you'll find people who share your interest.
Shinespark into it, looks like.
and the powerbomb effects, missile and super missile blasts, missile tanks, Etanks, Super missile tanks, every boss fight (even Serris), speed boost effects, most of the enemy sprites...
I mean, hell most of the game is unique shit. The only things that are taken from that game are some of the ground/wall sprites. And that's only noticeable because of course ground sprites will be repeated everywhere in an area. Even then there are several unique ground and wall sprites.
Cherrypicking like is just fucking nonsense.
Nvm I figured out there's enough space to run on top. It's really convoluted because you have to drop down and do the jump dash or whatever.
I had like, the opposite effect. I'm usually a loner at home because there's so much to distract my time. But at college it's just me going everywhere and hanging with random people and friends. I guess for me, it's just the convenience of hanging with friends. At home (out in the middle of nowhere) it's not convenient. On a campus, it's hella convenient.
people do it all of the time...that's what made valve exist
>playing f-zero gx for the firt time the other day
>"wow this is a really really great game!"
>mfw when it's all sega's work
This game is pretty damn slick. It really makes me want another Nintendo 2D Metroid. Maybe they put a small team together making one for the NX? I can dream...
2d is a bit harder than 3d if you're trying to meet deadlines. Might not be a small team if they're trying to get something out for NX... cuz it'll need to be fast or that shit's dead on arrival.
Not on consoles
Good examples of how to sell free pc games:
Cave Story, Spelunky, etc
Should I finish Zero Mission or the OG before AM2R?
They had to be pretty much "remastered" or remade for that.
Still cheaper than making from scratch. You already have a lot of the code and ground work. Just install new assets and redo some challenges. Not saying it isn't work, but its a good way to heavily reduce the costs associated with planning and actual development that a brand new game comes with.
zero mission
No, but I'm amazed they have yet to C&D the fuck out of it.
Most of the work is done, only left to port, test and rake money
I'm convinced the creator of this thing is embarrassed and hiding the fact that he used Game Maker Studio to make it. certainly not advertising the fact.
I like GM so I wish it would be credited when people make good things with it.
read the title user. It's the one truth.
Capcom did it with SF vs Megaman for Megaman's anniversery.
Currently Metroids 30th.
I could see Nintendo in the state that it is now doing something like this for a franchises they barely work with or care about.
Do I suck or is it impossible to out run the reactor explosion below the tower? I got stuck waiting for the damn automatic doors to open.
You aren't really obligated to show the engine, especially if you're aren't selling it.
That said, he's told everyone he was using Game Maker. I can't see why that would be something to be ashamed of. In fact, the fact that he did this good with what is looked upon as a lower end engine should be applauded. Most people think stuff like Unity and Game Maker are bad, but its just that they're cheap so they attract the shittiest of people who don't have any real ambition most of the time.
You are supposed to get blown up
well he could've put it in the readme or game credits or his website.
of course not, but whenever someone codes something in C++ you can guarantee that they're bragging about it.
>Most people think stuff like Unity and Game Maker are bad
which is why I care.
the guy finished a well made fan game, this is an accomplishment in itself
I think this is the best kind of thing that happens in the video game community
Fair enough. It's true that this could make Game Maker look good. I'm not sure if they would want to take credit though. Might be a nintendo issue there. Maybe that's why he didn't say anything. Maybe he's trying to protect them.
I think the best part is that its one of the very few games like this that is made from scratch. Most of the time they are romhacks.
I just hope this will mean Metroid fan games become a thing. At least until Metroid Maker gets released by Nintendo which would be never.
guys i just want to ask is other M that bad i haven't played it but might play it, does it deserve all this hate ??
what are you talking about metroid fan games were always a thing , dont you know about metroid construct?
and with this utility you csn easily make your own metroid game
You're right, those are from Super Metroid.
>It's another rampant indie shilling thread
To be fair Valve has without fault always hired everyone involved in each of their "bought out" games.