Answer this, Sup Forums

Answer this, Sup Forums

Your favorite:
>singleplayer game
>multiplayer game
>all-time game
>game area
>boss fight

Then recommend a game you played recently

Other urls found in this thread:

It would take too long, maybe tomorrow.

>Mass Effect 2
>Halo 3
>Halo 3
>Dark Root Garden
>Urdnot Wrex
>Halo 3

all the games i played recently are shite

Counter Strike 1.5
Old Yharnam(not to be confused with Central Yharnam) in Bloodborne
Ulman from Metro 2033
Ludwig The Holy Blade

I'd recommend you play Metro 2033

>FEAR Combat
>Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen
>VtM:Bloodlines Downtown
>Fat Larry
>Any of the Call Of Juarez Gunslinger bosses
>VtM: Bloodlines both ambient and licensed

System Shock enhanced Edition is a real product of early FPS experimentation, but it's far more compelling that you think it will be.

>Deus Ex
>Deus Ex
>Santa Monica
>Samuel Beechworth
>Knight Artorias
>Sins of a Solar Empire

Deus Ex

Unreal Tournament 1999

Persona 4 Golden

Toussaint from Witcher 3

Joshua Graham from Fallout New Vegas

Toss-up between Grigori from Dragon's Dogma and Manus from Dark Souls

Hotline Miami 2 soundtrack

I'd recommend Dragon's Dogma because despite it's mostly generic plotline, there's some really cool characters and lore in the game plus the game has the best action combat of any RPG.

Half-Life 2
CS 1.6
Persona 4
Overworld in SoTC
Ezio from AC2 (but none of the sequels)
Virgil from DMC3

The Witcher 3 and the expansions

>singleplayer game
more Damsel SFM please
>multiplayer game
UT2k4, although tf2, CoH and ro2 are close
>all-time game
>game area
VtMB downtown
Bloody Baron, by far. What ana amazingly written character.
>boss fight
MGS4 final boss fight, or MGS3 final boss.
You already know I'm going to day VtMB again.

As for recommending a recently played game, Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs I've played, and rainbow six siege is much better than it has any right to be given how badly ubisoft wants it to die.

>Skyrim favorite of all time

What are you doing here?

>momodora: reverie in the moonlight
>monster hunter (any)
>hell (momodora III)
>M&L Paperjam's final boss
>hell (momodora III)

I'd recommend all the games in this list, most notably momodora: reverie in the moonlight

how does Ubisoft want R6 Siege to die?

they just updated it

>Screech's Sprint
>The King of All Cosmos

Both SMT3 and Samorost 3 were great, pick your poison.

The fucking bugs at launch, insistence on Uplay, the constant DCing - If this game was damaged by anyone else it'd dethrone CSGO, but ubisoft fucking blew it.

I actually bought that game during the last Summer sale.
Is it very long? I'm playing one of those 50 hours JRPG so a little change of pace could do me some good.

Yeah, reallly fucked up considering the potential it had


It took me about 3 hours, but can be completed in under an hour if you know what you're doing. Just don't bother trying to find every secret, some of them are ridiculously hard to find.

>singleplayer game
Vice City
>multiplayer game
Currently a mod for RO1 called Darkest Hour (wich is still pretty alive)
>all-time game
Stalker games with good mods
>game area
Grim Fandango, Year 2 (Rubacava during halloween)
Protagonist from Broken Sword or the Porn Director in Vice City, voiced by Dennis Hopper
>boss fight
Flammethrower guy from that first Syphon Filter game on the PSP. I just like it because or the indirect reference to Lethal Weapon and the fact logan badassly says "interrogation's over" when he kills the guy (trhough the fight theres this small dialogue, logan asking the flammethrower guy some questions and that guy just goes like "is this an interrogation?"
Dune 2000

>Deus Ex
>TFC/Quake 2/Tribes 2
>Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri
>Doom 2 Map 16
>Mudcrab Merchant


Symphony of the Night
Diablo 2 LoD
Final Fantasy 7
Final Destination Melee
I don't know/Can't choose
Retro Dracula from Castlevania Harmony of Despair
Go Straight in Streets of Rage 2

Played Dying Light recently, more fun than I expected and fun with friends if you choose to play with some.



>Implying I can pick an all time favorite
Skyrim I guess. Pokemon, League of Legends and WoW are the only things that can even begin to compete as far as hours sunk into the game. WoW and League are alright, but I don't like them anywhere near as much as I used to. Pokemon's great, but I care more about the Pokemon themselves than the actual games.

Midday Gardens from Spyro Year of the Dragon

This motherfucker, because I had a prophetic dream about him a year before his release. I dreamt his splash art, I dreamt his reveal trailer, I dreamt two of his abilities and I even dreamt his name. I never told anyone about it though because I thought there was no way Riot would ever make something as cool as him. When I woke up and saw his reveal trailer a year later, I legitimately believed I was having a recurring dream at first. I have never been as excited for a content patch in a game, and I probably never will be again.
Nothing will ever beat the feeling of having a literal dream come true. It was so surreal.

Kael'Thas Sunstrider in Magisters Terrace. That death line is one of the best video game quotes the world has ever seen.

Bastard Bonds.

And my recommendation goes to Bastard Bonds, provided you can tolerate an RPG where about 60% of the cast are big, burly, half-naked men(There are also women and even a few properly clothed men too).

braum is honestly one of the best coolest champions they braught out

Worse taste than most normies, goddamn

My nigga!

>Killer 7
>Uncharted 2
>Killer 7
>Central Yahrnam
>Birdie Hall (LISA)
>Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
>Hotline Miami 2

Replayed Catherine so that or Furi

Fable the lost chapters
Dota 2
pokemon crystal
Gary Oak
Wind Waker

Sonic Generations is fun

Because I like piling shitloads of mods into Skyrim, or because I used to like Legolegends?

>metro 2033 redux
>soulsborne pvp
>dragonslayer armor
>Gwynn's theme from ds1

>Mass Effect 2
>Gotham City Impostors
>Gotham City Impostors
>Presidium, in the Citadel (Mass Effect series)
>Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect series)
>Garl Vinland/Maiden Astrea (Demon's Souls)
>Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (in particular "Laurence, the First Vicar")

I would recommend either Destiny (if you have no problem making online friends, and aren't turned off by a bit of a grind) or Bloodborne (haven't beaten it yet myself, but the experience is a roller coaster of triumph and exacerbation, lol).

victoria 2
ehhh fuck, probibly either planetside 2 in 2012/2013 or red orchestra
>all time
spec ops the line, pls no bully
>game area
the centeral tower/ factory on that one red orchestra map
dont have one
o and s
spec ops the line again
i recomend infamous

Alright I'll give this a try

>Fallout: New Vegas
>Grand Theft Auto Online
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Solaire of Astora from dark souls
>Jetstream Sam from MGR
>Mass Effect

I finished bloodborne recently and would highly recommend it

cs 1.6, your mom
Conkers Bad Fur Day
mirror enemies like dark fiend ryu or devil trigger dante
Hexen believe it or not

last good game I played was Grim Dawn.

Also I'd recommend metro 2033 and pretty much all the soulsborne games

>singleplayer game
Heroes of Might and Magic III
>multiplayer game
Heroes of Might and Magic III
>all-time game
Heroes of Might and Magic III
>game area
Toussaint from Witcher 3. A bunch of places from Witcher 3 actually
Lee from Walking Dead
>boss fight
Psycho Mantis got me going crazy back in the day. So much technology.
Heroes of Might and Magic III

I'd recommend you play Witcher 3, at least if you like story and good writing. The controls are not as fluid as you might hope, but if you've played any of the Bamham type of games, this has far better combat despite the memes.

>Metro 2033
>TQIT because nostalgia
>Sceptre of God
>Sextuple Typhon
>Ragnarok Online

If you like aesthetics, sneaking up on people and not controlling your bursts then play Blacklight. It's dead as fuck and the netcode is shit but the gameplay is pretty good. Don't be afraid to rent equipment because the default will bore you to death. Community ranges from great to angry tryhards.

Both. Add WoW and you're a genuine faggot m9

>TES3: Morrowind
>Halo 3
>The Outlands of WoW upon initial release of Burning Crusade
>Adoring Fan from TES4: Oblivion
>Ansem boss battles from Kingdom Hearts 1
>TES4: Oblivion

Whoops I forgot. I'd recommend STALKER because surprisingly many Sup Forumsirgins still haven't played it

WoW is something I started playing with my family back when it first released, and have been playing on and off since then.
I have a shitton of hours sunk into it just because it's an MMO and requires a shitton of hours, but it was never in the running for my favorite game, except maybe like 8 years ago when I was still actively playing it with my dad.

Also, remind me again how 1500 hours and 300+ mods in Skyrim is casual? The game may have been a casual shitpile on release, but those 300 mods don't do nothing.

I didn't say you're a casual. I said I'd rather discuss video games with a normie than with someone with your taste.

Not the other guy, but Skyrim, even with mods just isn't a very good game.

And I don't understand how wasting more time on the game, when it's not like a hard game or a game where you accomplish something with those hours is relevant. Just means that you played an easy single player open world game for a long time. Like saying "Ohohoo, but I've played JC2 for 1600 hours and I have mods in it, I am hardcore"

>singleplayer game
Uncharted 2's campaign
>multiplayer game
>all-time game
Majora's Mask
>game area
Phendrana Drifts
The Carmine Brothers
>boss fight
Makora's Mask w/ Fierce Deity mask
SC Chaos Theory

The Cave is pretty relaxing. Has that classic Double Fine quirkiness with fairly simple puzzles as long as you don't mind exploring every area fully, I think the longest I've been stuck on one was around 5 minutes.

>Half Life
>God Hand
>City from Kirby's Air Ride
>Moga Sweetheart from MH3U
>Final Colossus in SotC
>No More Heroes OST

This really puts in perspective how all over the place my taste is.
I'd recommend MHGenerations if you have a Circle Pad Pro or N3DS, otherwise I recommend MH4U which I found a lot easier to play with the virtual d-pad.

>singleplayer game
Ori and the Blind Forest
>multiplayer game
Smash 4
>all-time game
Donkey Kong Country
>game area
Rogue Encampment (Diablo 2)
Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
>boss fight
Sans (Undertale)
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

As for a game I played recently that I'd recommend... does it have to be a recent game? Because I recently played Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on an emulator and I loved it, but it's not exactly a recent game. If it has to be recent, I'd say Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls (it's a free Steam game).

>Grim Fandango
My bro! I loved when you got to the pyramid

It's not a great game, but it's still decent and has managed to be enjoyable for nearly 2000 hours now, which is definitely worth something. Most games are lucky to make it to 500 hours over several dozen playthroughs, let alone three times that.
It's also something that is readily available offline that I am not yet bored to tears of. The only competition it gets there is from Endless Space.

I don't consider it my favorite game because it's the greatest game I've ever played. I consider it my favorite game because it's always available and I've played the fuck out of it and still have some interest in it.

Dark Souls 3
God Hand
Autumn plains in spyro 2
gif related, both Azel fights in god hand

I've played Heroes of Might and Magic III for about 6500 hours. If you got any interest in strategy games, try playing them. They are always there, easy to just play a while, and get on your way.

I just don't get Skyrim. It's just so... Well, boring. Nothing happens in it, and the combat isn't enjoyable enough for me to just play it for the fun of playing it for very long.

Forgot about the game.
Gonna suggest Killer is Dead

>Singleplayer game
Toss up between Thief TDP, Gone Home and Rule of Rose

Red Orchestra 2 fascist cyka

>All time
See first response

>Game Area
Gone Home's house/The sealed section of Old Quarter (Thief)

Good question, 0 fucking clue.

>Boss fight
Having a conversation with the master in Fallout is nice

Too many to count, but Rule of Rose has a very very nice soundtrack.

Like most TES games, the combat is boring as fuck.
But what makes skyrim bad compared to the other games are the lack of interesting NPC's or quests.
There were also only a handful of unique dungeons. I say this as someone that explored about 80% of the map on foot and played for about 50 hours.

"lol" as in league of legends? :^)

>>singleplayer game
Ace Combat 4
>>multiplayer game
SW Battlefront 2
>>all-time game
>>game area
Bourbon (metro)
>>boss fight
Solo wing pixie
Ace Combat 4
>Then recommend a game you played recently

god that movie was such a try-hard russian soviet apologist propaganda

Oh, and I would recommend Else Heart.Break()

>Rule of Rose
ayy, glad someone else here has played this. Pretty fun little silent hill clone.

Yeah, that was what I was thinking. And I completely understand playing Skyrim for a hundred hours or something. You play the story, you mod it and play more, you sometimes clock some more into it but slowly just stop.

I don't get how people can play it for hundreds or even thousands of hours.

I'm writing a book on it as we speak

>Warcraft 3
>Killing Floor 1
>Harvest Moon Back to Nature
>Crysis 1 island
>I never asked for this
>Touhou 7 PCB final boss
>Yakuza 3's final boss theme

I am not even sure of myself, I just play a lot of games.

you belong in a gulag

>But what makes skyrim bad compared to the other games are the lack of interesting NPC's or quests.
what made skyrim bad is that it is completky devoid of any rpg elements beside stormcloak or imperials, who you leave the helgen keep with and if you kill parthanax or not.

Not that oblivion was much better but at least you didn't instantly become leader of every guild in an instant.

Bethesda can't make rpgs and they defiantly could not do one using voice actors.

I can't bring myself to read these threads, the people type in are always ultra generic shit, or hilarious examples of their own plebitude, like listing some ADS military shooter variant like stalker or killing floor

the real answer to these threads is to continue to challenge yourself with new games and new types of games, rather than settle on a 'best'

I'm thankful that so much new stuff gets made every single day

Dark Souls 3? Really? Did you play the first?

Favourite =/= best

Mostly I just like being able to slowly build my character up into a ridiculously overpowered god.
My favorite playthrough by far was when I stacked a whole bunch of different ways to empower shouts (all the shit from thunderchild, shitloads of shouting exp from mighty magick, one mod that made dragon aspect stronger, and all the speech perks from SPERG)
I got to the point where I could breathe fire on a 2 second cooldown, and my fire breath shout instantly killed anything it touched. At that point I had already completed the companions, winterhold, main quest, dawnguard, and almost all of dragonborn except for miraak. I ended up killing him so fast that he didn't even have time to do any of his scripted stuff. He just immediately teleported to the middle of the arena and then got impaled by tentacles.
Then I went back home to whiterun, hung up all my war trophies, gave some cool gifts to my husband and children, and then retired the character. It was great. I have yet to find a game that pulls off that feeling quite as well(Except maybe Bastard Bonds).

You do realize that after like five quests you are the leader of absolutely everything?

>ridiculously overpowered god

Okay so you just like to roll over everything. No further questions.

>singleplayer game
Suikoden 2 or Xenogears
>multiplayer game
FFXIV or Gears of War
>all-time game
Suikoden 2
>game area
North Window Castle (Suikoden II) or Hunter's dream (Bloodborne)
Fei (xenogears)
>boss fight
Vergil (DMC3)
Maybe FF7

i'd recommend to play 999

>Singleplayer game
Fire Emblem 7
>All-time game
Majora's Mask
>game area
I have no clue, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley?
Setzer from FF6
>Boss fight
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
>Recommend a game you played recently
Bloodbourne was really good.

Return to castle Wolfenstein
battlefield 1942
>all time game
Garry's mod :^D
>game area
entire San Andreas map
Deathshead from Wolfenstein:TNO
Monsoon from MGR
Half life 2

>Okay so you just like to roll over everything
Not always, but yes on occasion, which is what I play Skyrim for.

oh yeah, and I guess I would recomend Deus Ex with GMDX

I won't list any of the others but I will mention one soundtrack I bet most of you haven't heard:

>Two Worlds II

>You can play instruments with your buddies and in pubs

>Dat comfy sailing w/ dulcimer soundtrack

Such a huge potential game with a great vision but no followthrough

>WoW (world pvp)
>Dante's Casino from Rainbow 6 Vegas
>Modding S.T.A.L.K.E.R
>Mass Effect / MGRR

>Singleplayer Game
SaGa Frontier

>Multiplayer Game
Super Smash Bros. (N64)

>All-time Game
SaGa Frontier

>Game Area
the virutal museums of Namco Museum

Jin Saotome

>Boss Fight
SaGa Frontier: vs. Genocide Heart N O F U T U R E

Marvel vs. Capcom: Staff Roll

Fuck. Would recommend playing Ys Origins. Shit's hard as fuck mang.

Pokemon Silver
>all time game
WItcher 3
>game area
Ghostlands (TBC)
Wrex from mass effect 1
Last boss of Rayman
Diablo 2

Tribes Ascend
Oreo and Smores

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is a lot of fun.

>singleplayer game
F-Zero GX
>multiplayer game
>all-time game
F-Zero GX, this will never, ever change under any circumstances
>game area
>boss fight
Ornstein and Smough
F-Zero GX

>Recommend a game you played recently
Factorio, it's a pretty comfy game.

>tribes ascend

Mah nigga.

>>singleplayer game

Diablo 2 LoD / Dark Souls 1 PIRATED

>>multiplayer game

Dota 2

>>all-time game

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past

>>game area

Darkshire - WoW


Heather Cheryl Mason / Gray Fox

>>boss fight

Metal Gear Rex


>Dwarf Fortress
>I only play World of Tanks with /wotg/
>Neverwinter Nights
>Surface Tension (HL1)
>Wrex (ME)

I played KotOR recently. Pretty fun.
Shame I played KotOR2 first. I expected I would play as a (not yet) exile in 1 and hang out with Revan and slaughter Mandalorians.

Not being a contrarian

But I guess not being a contrarian in a place full of contrarians is actually being contrarian

I'm being contrarian