What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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I struggled so fucking much at this part, it was my first time playing a Souls game and I got decimated every time.

I bought Scholar though so I had to get used to fighting them seeing as they pop up fucking everywhere.

>shoots host with stationed crossbow

Why is his head so small?

Can you parry?

for you

He was a half baked idea that got slightly more baked in SotFS

I couldn't back then

Who was in the wrong here?

What the fuck was his problem in SotFS? Pursuers were everywhere for no reason

>people used the crossbows for this fight

I'm a scrub, sorry.

you spelled his name wrong

Well why not? It's a mind numbingly boring fight and the sooner it's over the better.
It's only made more interesting if you allow yourself to be stabbed.

>one became a cuck to a hollow king
>the other became a cuck to a burned out slut running through a perpetual midlife crisis

So why was he following you?

Garl vinlad wannabe

>He didn't use the crossbows to shoot anyone that summoned him

WTF was thier problem?

Apparently it was something that was lost in translation.

>fight pursuer in the initial arena, die almost immediately
>fight him again on the ramparts and just barely take him down on my third attempt
>head to back half of lost bastille, he spawns as i'm trying to open a chest, i fall down a hole
>spawns again as i'm looping back to the beginning from the undead wharf, scaring the shit out of me, dogs eat me
>fucking around with illusory walls as i'm progressing through the level, spawns again in the most unexpected place possible, i die
>decide to open the door to belfry luna so i can farm a few chunks in an active SM range, spawns again in a tiny room and fucks my shit up
>go to the gender change coffin to get the stone ring because i couldn't remember where to find it, spawns AGAIN and i die in one hit because i neglected to heal after killing a pair of ogres

SotFS is rad, sometimes. The Pursuer went from a shitty boss fight and a pair of entirely optional, and easily missed, encounters to a flood of sneaky spawns you don't expect.

What the fuck was this guy's problem too?


Cute Demon's Souls homage.

they wanted to stop you from becoming a crossdressing fag in one case or a LOLSORONDUM TEH PENGUIN OF D00M!!! fighting chick wearing a dress in combat
they were heroes

What in the absoulute fuck was this guy's problem?


>ordinary guy with sword
>fast chick with bow and rapier
>fat guy with giant shield and incredibly frustrating weapon

I never noticed, dang.


I thought his whole deal was "he hunts undead".
It's not exactly quantum mechanics.

>The only good game wasn't made by him.

Raped by a dog at some point in his childhood

You're probably an ironic gay memer, but you're unironically right.

>das2 fanboy hates every other entry in the series
Why am I not surprised

I would be pretty pissed off too I was a boss in the worst game of the series

He's not a boss, he's giving you free Twinkling Titanite.


Can a boss get any more fucking lazy than this piece of shit?

My favorite boss in Vanilla DaS2, amazing design, cool lore, amazing floating animations, fun to parry, and a great theme.


I remember spending a whole day doing this. Funny as fuck

>it's obviously a dog because it's copy pasted from Sif
>call it a rat anyway


stuck in a shit game

He's a cursed guy similar to you except he's under the impression that if he hunts down and consumes other curse bearers he will be absolved of his sins or something.

How much you wanna bet a certain toothy serpent filled his head with those lies?

>get useful idiot to kill off undead like yourself so there's no one to link the fire
>recieve age of dark

Oh how the fuck did I miss that reference


actually many extinct marsupials looked doglike. Marsupials are pretty much rodents.

That feel when I spent two hours trying to hit him with the crossbow

We did it lads

>Marsupials are rodents

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
This is in no way correct, relative or true to any fraction of a degree

Nothing he died the first time I saw him. Dodge attack dodge attack. Darksouls is for autistic gamers.

what is his fucking problem ?

>it's another "I'm a contrarian faggot on Sup Forums" episode

He was such a wasted opportunity. I was hoping he would "pursue" you throughout the game. Like you occasionally spot his silhouette staring at you from out of bounds or see him stalking you before disappearing if you approach him.
Instead he just randomly appears in random rooms as a miniboss.



3 enemies at the same time, wow what a great easter egg homage

>tfw you accidentally beat these guys by having them fall on an elevator shaft trying to reach you.
I didn't even know they were there until I went to the wiki.

He's very mad because casually circling him from his left makes 90% of his attacks miss outright and that makes him feel insecure about himself

>SotFS adds him in more locations

and people say that it's the "fixed" version of the game

whats the problem with free 10k souls here and there

gotta tell you the hardest moment of the game for me was (without counting the insane snowy part) battling the dual pursuer to get the ring of blades +2