like what hero is a good starter, what do i have to look out for, really just anything. thx.
I want to start playing dota 2, any tips? pls help
Turn back. You'll pick up an interesting hero, then be doomed to die to keyboard-licking South Americans who can triple-crit on PA at will.
Low level pubs are a fucking joke. you can pretty much steamroll with any hero as long as you're reasonably good.
And get ready for the worst community in any game ever
Luck is also a skill
As somebody who's finally clean don't do it.
like every other f2p game ever?
i'll maybe listen to you... any other game recomandations for killing time during summerholidays? (I mean srsly, fuck going out)
This fucking game took 3700 hours of my prime years leave now or suffer dire consequences.
It's a shit game to play alone. Find friends to play with.
My best advice to you is to not start playing DOTA.
Start with 'Welcome to Dota, you suck' by Purge. A little out of date but still very useful.
The International is taking place at the moment, basically the World Cup of Dota, you can watch all the games in-client or on twitch. Watching pros is always useful.
Play vs bots, play ALL the heroes at least once (maybe not the harder ones like Visage or Meepo) so that you understand what you're playing against, also use this time to familiarise yourself with items, the courier, etc.
Once you get started, studying your replays is a massive help.
Or just ignore all that, pick Riki and run around being FUCKING INVINCIBLE because no one buys detection.
Dota2 is fucking great.
Community is generally trash, but that makes it so much sweeter when you happen to be teamed with awesome people.
Play an ass load of bot matches (where the players are AI) with a hero you think you'll like. It avoids looking like a dummy in a real match.
Fucking play it. Do it.
>no one buys detection
This makes my dick so hard when I'm playing Broodmother. If the enemy team doesn't even bother with gem, sentries, or a gem, I just wreck all their shit and watch them panic.
We're trying to save the man dammit
Nah. I've put about 500 hours into Dota, over the course of 2 years. (Still new, I admit no skill yet)
Most other games just seem insignificant and boring now. Same-o same-o.
.... dire consequences..
... because dire
Lich is the best beginner hero, it's basically impossible to not be helpful while playing him especially if you toggle his frost armor on (right click the icon).
Lich is probably the go-to hero for beginners, but you will want to at a variety of heroes to get an understanding of what they can do. You'll want to stick to bot matches at least until you know the items in the shop and are comfortable on a few different heroes. If you know anybody who plays, having someone to guide you as you're learning can definitely help.
homm III