Is it possible to make a good game in the lord of the rings setting?

Is it possible to make a good game in the lord of the rings setting?

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We have the technology and creativity, but not the license, so no.

Shadow of Mordor.

Shadow of Mordor was a pretty good LotR game, so yes.

considering it shat on the lore a bit no not really. A good game needs to follow lore 100%

>get wraith power
>not become evil

It was a good game but a shit LOTR game. Didn't give off any feeling of LOTR in any aspect of the game at all. Even when Sauron appeared in that shit ending, it felt like a generic dark fantasy setting instead of LOTR.

Still enjoyed the fuck out of it though.

Sil is decent.

Return of the King back in the day was great

Divide and Conquer submod.

Most people don't even know the lore, except for what's in LOTR, which is only a small portion of it.

>brainless Bamham/Asscreed combat
>QTE final boss
>story takes a big wet shit on the setting

Grand strategy game, sure. Crusader kings style, sure.


Doubt that GSG would work, 90% of the 3rd age world are wilderness full of dark creatures or ruins
It's too empty for the GSG to work

I'd really prefer Silmarillion setting than third era one.

It would be something new. There could be more magic, you could meet Valars and Majars, shit would be more epic.

Lord of the Rings? No. Middle Earth and Tolkien's extended Universe I'm general? Absolutely. Just make a good RPG set within the Universe, then throw in some fan service here and there to appease the nerds.

I want a fucking Tom Bombadil music/rhythm game

We could be playing a finished MERP right now.

BFME and its sequel were one of the few genuinely fun RTS titles, divorced as they were from the overwhelmingly dull vein of Starcraft-likes.

because they were designed for consoles

The rts ones and the RotK games already exists you stupid shits

Two Towers and Return of the King are mindless hack 'n' slash games. People only like them because they use the movie licence so look and feel like the films.

No, the expense of the licence means it will only be used for generic hack n slash shit.

that's why IP needs to fucking die

>You will never hunt the Watcher in the Water with dwarfs

Yeah if no one owned anything then great vidya would get made every day!

No, its not.

if nobody would own the unownable, there would be a chance for people with interest and ability to actually make their games

Lord of the Rings Online is pretty good.

It was good before it go f2p

Yea i agree. It's annoying as hell having to grind turbine points for small shit like horse riding skill. It was also a lot more fun when the lower level areas where full of people and fellowship quests where more common.

Only if it isn't set during the Lord of the Rings.


Why Moria Balrog was so strong that it took 10 days to kill him, while Balrogs in the first age died left and right when they fought with elves and humans?

if they did an open world rpg where you started of as either frodo or bilbo baggins and kept the story exactly the same as the books I think a LOTR/hobbit game would be incredibly popular.
imagine witcher 3 quality of game, maybe loading screens behind every major region.

>muh lore
>muh lore mufugga
we're looking for GAMES not stories, keep your books in your ass retard.

That being said, LotR Return of the King for GBA was a great Diablo-like title

>you started of as either frodo
just how many frodos and bilbos do you need? "everyone is a hero" is one of the biggest mistakes of MMOs

It isn't that a balrog is necessarily a super strong entity. It's that you don't want to meet it in its home turf. Surrounded by fucking hobgoblins and the like.

Only fun for 3 hours.

Story is a part of most every modern game though. Are you okay?

imagine CD project red gets middle earth licence and makes wicther 3 like open world game
Fuck that's my dream

>Story is a part of most every modern game though
unfortunately it dominates, which is what user is having issues with

>CD project
Into trash it goes
Obsidian are the only ones who can actually make from this generc good vs evil story something good

There has been many made back in the DOS era

The Hobbit game was pretty fun

Lmfao. This guy actually likes obsidian over CDprojekt. Jesus Christ, you'd settle for objectively shitter games just for the chance to be contrarian.

LOTR The Third Age is pretty good desu. I played the Xbox version a while back. It's a turn based RPG.

I'm not talking about making an MMO.
the lord of the rings is an incredibly popular fiction, one that is responsible for creating the modern day fantasy setting. an open world single player rpg in middle earth where you are frodo taking the ring to mordor, all 3 books story, would be a very popular game. if it had the level of quality witcher has

that being said TLOTR is coplex book following many different story lines it would be pretty tough to make following only one character.

>open world single player rpg
nice contradiction you have there. You must railroad the player hard with the story, so you can't have an open world

As a huge fan of Tolkien I cant play anything that takes a huge shit on the books and everything they stand for.

Is the third age good? I played it a lot when I was younger but I don't know if that's just because I loved LotR

witcher 3 was shit as both an open world game and an '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''rpg''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Lego LotT was pretty fun couch co-op. There was a retarded turn based rpg on the game cube that was two players. The old hobbit game was charming enough. Most LotR games are fun enough.

My wife has a touch of the 'tism and has, and freuently plays,all of the lotr games.

>the unownable

Yeah you only say that because you have never made anything. Imagine working on something for half your life, only so everyone else can make money out of it without giving you a single cent.

Are you Chinese?

CDPR would fuck up the setting by trying to make it all gritty.

All I want is a good open world LOTR game where I can visit the different places.

I want to walk to the Shire with the green grass , round doors, the festive music.

I don't think we have enough info on Beleriand to actually have a full RPG there. 2nd era would be cool though.

Fuck Shire.

I want to visit Gondolin.

>open world LOTR game
lotr world is pretty empty though
People complained about skyrim being walking in the forest simulator, but end of 3rd age was far worse

>People complained about skyrim being walking in the forest simulator
skyrim barely has any forests and you literally don't need to walk anywhere in TES games since Oblivion

this desu my fav lotr game

Thats pretty much one of the best reasons for playing LOTRO.

Real life is pretty empty if you think about it.

That's why games have a lot smaller scale. Area-based open world, featuring only the most interesting areas, not whole world, would be nice.

except that LOTR is all about the journey, not the destination

Just because The map was empty does not mean that there is nothing there. There are plenty of villages and cities Tolkien mentions and never Shows or depicts in any way.

dungeon crawling game in moria. start on the surface, make your way into roughly hewn goblin tunnels, down into the great dwarven cities, and finally, deep, deep below, caves where nameless horrors lurk.

emphasis on exploration and survival, moria should be a dangerous place.

I am not talking about LOTR based game here, but generally a game set in Middle Earth.

What I have in mind, you do not have to be able to explore the whole world. Maybe it would be better to take only a part of it, and make it more detailed.

When will there ever be something made that focuses on Angmar. One of the coolest locations in LoTR with some interesting areas

>There are plenty of villages and cities Tolkien mentions and never Shows or depicts in any way.
There are, but end of 3rd age middle earth was still pretty empty place
It was less populated than bronze age mediterranean while being bigger, when Anor kingdom still wasn't in ruins
Dragon's Dogma actually is the best game to show how traveling around middle earth would look like

Dungeon crawling game set in Angband the biggest of the Morgoth's fortresses, that would be cool.

Oh wait. It already exists.

Melkor did nothing wrong

>where nameless horrors lurk.
Fucking Gandalf didn't wanted to talk about them
Do you really think that party of adventurers would stand a chance?

Does The Witcher 3 not exist in whatever universe you inhabit?

witcher, yeah it is it's own story compared to the book but the start middle and end is definate.
same coud be done for TLOTR, you have to take the ring , you choose to take it to mordor and you complete the task.
everything that happens in between can be up to the player.

In my opinion, the most damning thing in th Shadow of Mordor was the shitty QTE bossfights following the solid first bossfight against the Hammer. I never played the DLCs though


>BFME 1 & 2
>The Third Age
>Two Towers and RotK

It will hopefully never happen. Tolkein never sold the rights of the Silmarillion to jewnited artists.
So we as of yet never have to be cursed to see some hollyjew 3 hour long film full of cgi masturbation and mandatory non-white characters jammed in by sjw kikes.

Any love for War in the North?

I know this is off-topic, but can anyone tell me what's the best software for drawing or making maps? Especially a LOTR kind of map.

I want to do it for my game.

LEGO Lord of the Rings
Battle for Middle-earth (II)
Two Towers and Return of the King hack 'n slashes

If you really like FF10, Third Age isn't bad gameplay and the locations are cool (Moria is dope) but it's literally fanfiction-tier writing.


Microsoft paint is pretty good

What was wrong lore-wise? I've read LOTR and The Hobbit but not the Silmarillion. I also haven't played the game in a while.

It's like a merging of the movie lore and the book lore, and it didn't quite work, at least for me. On one hand, Sauron showed up in person like he did in the books, but on the other, you're a half-wraith ranger, which didn't sit well with me.