Final boss becomes stronger the older he gets

>final boss becomes stronger the older he gets

Other urls found in this thread:

>The heroe leaves the party and now is with the villain.

>Main character in the first game is a sidekick in the sequel.

>Defeat your brother
>He becomes a broken boss that deletes you.
fucking bugged ass game mechanics

>he still watches wrestling in 2016

I used to be a hardcore fan 90's to 2011 but then a span of 5 years of shit that WWE put out destroyed all of that. Wrestling sucks.

Jon Snow looks kind of badass

>all wrestling is WWE

You weren't a hardcore fan. Just a casual WWEtard Vince suckered into watching in the 90s.

it's getting better right now and Lucha underground and NXT are always worth watching.

>subterranean lucha

His Talk is Jericho is a fucking goldmine


fucking epic XD one of my favorite memes for sure

which subreddit do you hail from!

>he only watched WWE

>side character isnt in any sequels but shows up in a different game series.

Someone DELETE this waste of oxygen life

>game becomes to hard
>quits playing and plays a more casual game.

How did we go from this...

t. Obsolete Mule

>broken Matt on the Jericho podcast

Goddamn, Kevin Nash is sexy bastard

Now where the fuck is Big Poppa Pump photo?

CM Punk looks like the weird kid who got bullied a lot.

What the FUCK happened?

To avoid this thread being DELETED, posted the best wrestling games.

JBL looks like a serial killer


Was it a kayfabe interview? I may want to watch it.

>Play an old game you didn't enjoy before
>Find out the music was WAY better than you remembered and you easily find yourself having more fun with it.

Sid Meier's Pirates

It took me a good ten seconds to realize that I was looking at Cena and not Kurt Angle

I love stripping Torrie Wilson in HCTP

Even the trailer agree with me:

john cena does not fucking age jesus

>Final boss tells you what time it is

That was probably my favorite too, Brock was so broken. I think it was Smackdown 2 that had the great story mode

The Undertaker looks like he would have gotten bullied every day.

He was BROKEN by his Obselete Mule of a Brother, Brother Nero.
But do not worry fellow broken man, Matt Hardy managed to best Brother Nero DELETING him, a fate we all know is worse than DEATH itself, with the help of Skarsgard, Senor Benjamin and Vanguard-1.

Matt Hardy is one of the few men in wrestling who still cares about kayfabe. He was 100% in-character and it was fantastic

>final boss hides behind a dilapidated boat

shoot in character

>next game won't have this theme
>have to wait 2 years to get a game featuring good music and brand split
i hate the way they are making these games.

This game is so underrated.

Imagine how painful a Vader forearm is.

Let's not forget King Maxel's EXTRAORDINARY Xylophone.

Mick Foley could tell you

My uncle gifted me this game when I was 17 for my PSP. It was really good to play and very oversized.

Who's the blonde guy with the dreads between Jake Roberts and Mr Perfect?

Based Skarsgard and Senor Benjamin making the save

Who could i forget!
I also forgot the Violin, personally gifted to him by his dear friend Antonio Stradivari

I think it's Edge.

geez, these character models are more recognizable to their real life counter part than the models in 2k16.

>We will never see Broken Matt in Lucha Underground

Why is life so unfair?


>Subterranean* Lucha

You mean Subterranean Lucha

>We will never see Broken Matt in Subterranean Lucha



Day of Reckoning and Day of Reckoning 2.

Also this.

>Young Macho Man
Holy shit
>The Undertaker looking like he bout to stab his parents
>Cena looking exactly the same as current Cena

>Bayley will never sit on your face

>You will never have a DDR tournament with a bunch of wrestlers.


Too many worthless characters

>Drew McIntyre
>Jack Swagger
>Kofi Kingston
>Cuck Morrison


>want to watch LU
>all the websites for season 1/2 are all either broken links or fake

Guess I gotta download 50 gigs for a decent quality season 1.

I'll have you know, The Miz is an Wrestlemania main eventer.

And make it FINAL

In one of the worst WM Main Events of all time that barely anyone remembers.

Why would anyone think Miz being a WWE Champ was a good idea in the first place, fuck

xwt has a megapack with everything

It was 2011. In that time, every single one you name it was a world champion.

It hurts user.

>Kofi Kingston
>Cuck Morrison

Kofi is worthless. I give Cuck Morrison a pass because he was (is?) awesome in LU.

Hijacking thread.

Post your favorite divas.

Despised champion can work, but only if you have him steal wins properly, not when he is overshadowed in his main event by the Rock

>Drew Mcintyre
>World champion in WWE

I miss her

Morrison had a great year this season in LU.
Recommend checking out his cage match with Cage.

Thicki James

Layla was delicious.
>Didn't break character once
Maybe the Hardy Boys are fucking pot heads and worse but boy they are gods of wrassling


Becky is #2.

Based Big Movie Miz working the smarks

Kofi is the most talented member of the New Day. He's just terribly missused. Watch his match with AJ Styles.

don't mind me, just being the cutest Heel Diva this company needs.

It was the only real feud aside from whatever the fuck Pentagon is doing.

But spoilers from someone who attended the show, season 3 Morrison/Mundo is at his best

Still is, user

He is a good wrestler, but unfortunately a charisma black hole.

Honestly I wish Rock would just fuck off FOREVER. Every time he comes back he buries someone younger than him, steals TV time, repeats his catchphrases SMELELELE IT DOESN'T MATTER and then fucks off for a year again.


Seconding. I like the Rock on social media and in movies and shit, but every time he shows up in the WWE these days, I have to change the channel.

nah there was some other feuds going
Fenix vs Cuerno, Matanza in the first half
Sexy vs Mariposa Clan (I also hate Sexy so i know)

Alexa is too small and cute to be a heel. Every time she tries to be mean instead of booing I go aww.
And then she turns around and I see that ass. Better than Bayley's. It's got a better shape.

>the rocks cousin (male), the rocks cousin (female), the rocks cousins (tag team) aren't a stable yet

Exactly. Remember last time he came back before WM and basically talked about having sex with Lana and then Rusev getting mad? He's a goddamn heel but I felt sympathy towards him and Rock acted like a total cunt. To Big Show too.

And that fucking 6s match against Rowan, putting the whole Wyatt Family even lower.

>quit watching after wrestlemania
>months later find out that rollins and finn are battling for the fate of the universe

god dammit Im gonna have to watch summerslam

>by then, the brand split will be obsolete

her ass is fantastic.
she reminds me of a bitchy jealous small girl i knew from highschool i had a crush on, she also was blonde and had a pointy nose.
she just needs male bodyguards again.


sup /woo/

I stopped watching after WM when EDGY SAMOAN VEST WRESTLER became champion without a heel turn. Fill me in on whats happened since then and whether I should start watching again.

It's not his fault the promo quality has gone down so much since the early 2000. If we had guys that are as good as the Rock, he wouldn't be able to bury anyone.
Just right now, we have Enzo, and he could go toe to toe with the Rock in terms of charisma, but he needs to work on his wits.

I'd put Alexa Bliss' ass somewhat above Bayley, but Bayley's got that insane figure going on with huge tits + washboard abs + huge ass

>If we had guys that are as good as the Rock

I'm pretty sure Rocky wasn't given scripts by two dozen failed hollywood writers, it's why so many promos now sound forced and crap