FACT: Quake >>>>>>> Doom
Doom is literally only known for it's memes and dickriding millennials
FACT: Quake >>>>>>> Doom
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Doom 1 >= Quake > > > Doom 2
I much prefer Doom's enemies to Quake's bullet sponges but I have to say Quake's level design is beyond perfection, there was not a single level in it I remember being bad yet I remember a bunch of Doom's levels being subpar.
Quake > Doom > Doom II > D44M > Quake II > Doom 3 > Quake 4 > Q3A
Nigger, we're ALL millennials. If you grew up with Doom you're in the millennial generation.
i liked the sp of doom better and the mp of quake
Quake 3 > Doom II > Quake 1 > Doom 1 > Final Doom, didn't touch the rest
Millennials were the ones who grew up with doom
Doom (specifically, Doom 2) has better enemies and weapons. Quake is kind of boring.
My favorite Quake is 4.
I don't think you understand what fact means.
>there was not a single level in it I remember being bad
u seem to be forgetting the entirety of The Elder Realm and gaming's most underwhelming boss fight
doesn't look half-bad 2bh
Dooms enemy designs, as well as weighty fast movement and fast-paced music make it better. Personally also really liked the visual design of Doom, really like the Hell levels, even though Quake's is more consistent. Needs to be more hell levels in games desu.
nice b8
They are both amazing games, but Quake's development obviously ended up getting rushed. Doom on the other hand is a masterpiece.
gotta love that quake color pallet!
Knee Deep in the Dead > Quake 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > Rest of Doom > Quake 2
It does look pretty bad
>there's a fucking medic class
Damn that's old
This is true to anyone that has a higher skill ceiling.
Unfortunately Sup Forums is filled with kids that pretty much suck balls at video games. While Doom also has a high skill ceiling, it's also caters far more to low skilled plebeians than Quake does. These low skilled shitters are happy to walk around shooting brain dead lumbering imps with an input laggy shotgun and feel special about it.
Doom has also become quite the Sup Forums meme since /vr/ was made and that faggot filled circle jerk reddit general was created.
looks like someone is scared to pvp
Quake is the best game id ever made hands down.
>muh skill
>muh arena shooters
you guys have literally killed your favorite genre
I wonder how does that feel
Doom > Q1 > Doom 64 > Q2 > Doom 2 > Final Doom > Quake 4
Q3 > other Quakes > Doom series
>Q2 > Doom 2
fucking retarded
Doom 2's level design is that bad.
Doom has the best monster designs of all FPS ever so it balances that out.
If D2 level design bothers you that much, just play TNT or Plutonia. Or NERVE.wad.
Shadow Warrior > Duke Nukem
fight me
SW2013 > DNF
I like Quake 1's aesthetic more than Doom 1 and 2's, but I think Doom is a better game. I agree that Quake feels underwhelming for a game that came out just after Duke 3d, although it's still a great shooter at heart.