Why are you not watching the olympics, Sup Forums? Sports are like super-vidya with qts
ponytails are the best
because sports are like limited vidya with PG t&a
I mean, look at this accuracy. I bet she would be great at FPS
Fuck off.
There are even some quality JUSTs if that's your thing
oh christ.
Poor Frenchie
At least it wasn't a joint injury, then his career would be fucking done.
Some of the athletes even legitimately like vidya. Check this Kurwa qt's Witcher eyepatch
You don't need to play Overwatch to see qts with guns
Where do I watch it?
Aren't female athletes supposed to be ugly?
>i-it's like one of my Japanese animes
I love volleyball!
holy shit more of this qt?
Is she on the russian team? I didn't see her yesterday.
>not supporting the Mexican athletes
He's a mudslime, nothing of value was lost.
>asian letters on her badge
Kazakhstan. I don't know if they are in the olympics this time.
Holy shit, what a cutie!
Mudslime, frenchie. Potato, potato.
>Take World Cup from the South Americans
>Take Hockey from the Canucks
Is there anything they can't do?
but thats not real hockey
It looks like something Robotnik would wear. Not the Witcher thing.
t. beaverfucker
She's greek. Quality Athenian genes
Not vidya, but decent thread so far
They aren't for volleyball, unfortunately. I really wanted to see her.
I can't help but think my gf is into girls with how into the women's volleyball +beach volleyball she is.
What other reason is there to watch it? I don't understand.
If atheletes looked like this and had sex as a sport i'd watch.
>Is there anything they can't do?
Not stop themselves from winning too hard. That 1-7 could have been 0-14 but the German coach told the team to slow down and let the Brazilians score at least one.
fug i remember this. what's the name of the artist?
egyptian queue tee from the 10m air pistol earlier
Seriously, when did female athletes get this fucking hot?
>run from wild animals 24/7
>get this fit
actually i'm mexican
Camera man knows what to aim for
>Seriously, when did female athletes get this fucking hot?
You joshing me m8? Almost all of them will have 9 or 10/10 bodies simply from being career athletes. All it takes is a decent face to top it off and bam - qt
Olympic athletes are notorious for having orgies at these events. It's like a biological imperative to want to mate with the finest specimens so even the qt female athletes think subconsciously "it's fine if I get pregnant".
since always
this is animays
Holy fuck, that firm jiggle.
>tfw no kazakh gf
TV or Internet duh
Seriously London games did not have this much T&A Olympic footage. It was edited and cencored like mad. This year you see everything from people bleed, break bone and jiggle like jello
>tfw no giant gf
She's one of the few titty monster volleyball players.
Most are pretty flat.
She's not a giant, she's 1.82m
The fuck is this? I didn't post that
you don't want it
What is going on here? WHY?
Fuck... I hate having to bury my dogs like this. It's always a devastating event.
But hey, laws are laws.
>tfw when only 1.80m
Wtf Is going on here
Imagine getting bullied by all three of them.
what are they doing to that doggo
Why the fuck do you keep posting this shit
She's probably getting blacked by kenyan athletes right now. It's a buffet of 10/10 bodies of every nationality with magic athlete sperm squirting cocks.
These camera men are doing the lords work with this
but I do
Doge probably killed people
>tfw your dog commits adultery and you have to bury your dog and stone it to death
She's hated by a lot of women.
she was the beauty queen of almaty
They could increase rating by a ridiculous margin if they added medieval tourney events. I'd totally watch ubermench charge at each other wearing Adidas-brand plate armor covered in advertisement. Jousting, fully armored zweihander fights, Mongol-style horse archery competitions.
If she put on heels she could hold you from behind and rest her chin on your head.
lol, so much denial from these competitive sluts
Luckily she is safe at home in kazakhstan
Sloppy, asymmetrical, and fucked up the landing
But dat ass
Why would I support a culture that loses 0-7?
So has the US won anything so far? And I don't see any cute girls either.
They have always been hot you fat faggot
kek this is embarrassing
ah i get it, it's reversed
Are you implying that Olympics are only povertyball?
The Olympics should do some side show Big Brother shit.
Go away, Anita
I remember seeing a version of this webm that also had footage of male soccer players diving and pretending, do you have it?
Man I want to fuck her so hard. She's gonna be my jerkoff favorite for gymnasts this year I can tell.
i need her in my life
There's got to be more than a few rug munchers amongst them
Probably not though.
i'd give her the BBC if you know what I mean