Best videogame mechanics thread?

Best videogame mechanics thread?

Starting off with a classic.

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Jump kicking


>rollng is faster than running/sprinting
One one hand it's a shitty oversight.
On the other hand it keeps you engaged when traversing the overworld.

dash jump off walls

witcher 2's roll is so fast once you upgrade it. it looks so silly but it feels so good.


Fuck that's so goood

>having to press the same button over and over keeps you engaged
Nope, it's just tedious as fuck.

Yeah, F.E.A.R is fucking fantastic when it comes to that.

What game?

But nobody said you have to.

nice, like some worms levels

More like worst.


It's one of the Umihara Kawase games

Here is a great mechanic.

Lunging melee attacks

Nice meme any platformer or action adventure game that doesn't have a double jump feature is shit

Prove me wrong

Looks like Umihara Kawase Shun judging by the 3D platforms.
What he did in that webm is incredibly high-level and likely took a lot of practice.

Then it just means the game is poorly designed.

This is pretty awesome.

>Posting Reddit: The game

Way too much forced design and article difficulty, typical western indie trash

pointless pickups

Umihara Kawase
in particular, Shun
Don't let the titles fool you, they're all worth playing

One one hand it's an oversight.
But on the other hand it keeps your attention.

>forced design
Can you actually redo this post without the memes, I'm genuinely intrigued by your opinion.


Incidentally, I can't think of any platformer that features double jump that isn't shit. Or any action game with platforming and double jumping where that portion isn't complete garbage.

No It's a great gimmick.
It doesn't do much at all for gameplay except make things bigger or smaller.
Props to the programmer though

Wall running
Makes great games even better

>hates Reddit

>Reload mag
>Hit reload again
>Gives you one more round

I think the old rainbow six games did this

I was just pretending to be retarded, if you want someone who's actually retarded then read this post

So Portal's mechanic is a gimmick too?
You don't know what a mechanic is do you?

best movement mechanic in every game it's in

>reload 500 times
>get 500 extra rounds in the clip
geez what a great mechanic

that fucking pull-jump you could do in Ori and the Blind Forest was the best

or in the case of Titanfall, make a forgettable bland game a bit more interesting

>I can't think of any platformer that features double jump that isn't shit.
Jak & Daxter had double jump right? Or maybe I'm mixing it up with Ratchet. Or both of em had it, idunno.
Either way, both are good.


>load gun
>first bullet in the clip goes to chamber
>clip now has one bullet less
geez what a complex contraption

Wow. This is the last (you) you're getting from me.

I'm sure you're shit posting but giving you the benefit of the doubt, I presume it is because one is already in the chamber.
also snaking in racing games can get hype until you do permanent damage to your hands

I read an interview with the dev of that that said he liked mechanics that have a simple premise but are implemented such that you have near unlimited possibilities if you're skilled enough, and thinking about it all my favourite mechanics are like that.

The umihara kawase thing, rocket/grenade jumping, all those crazy movement mechanics from quake and suchlike, are just so fun


>going left in a platformer
I did not expect to get bother by that as much as it did.

He said two good games with double jump mechanics, what's with the sperging?

But Mario and Sonic have double jumping

Are you trying to say there is not one good game in those franchises long histories then your retarded

cpm movement is literally the best thing

Door Kickers does it as well.

>Holding roll IS the sprint button
Thank fucking god

>sidestrafing is faster than running
>jumping backwards is faster than running

Double jump is a way to help shitter players since it usually makes the game have gaps that need the 1.5 jump height or allow people to press jump a second time to change direction if they regret their decision. In a game without double jump, the commitment to a singular jump is much bigger and the player has to be much better at using it not to fuck things up, to the point the only thing you can do with double jump is but a lower plataform where you need to time the mid air jump.
Just compare how easier plataforming is when you play as say, zero instead of x or plague knight instead of shovel knight

I fucking love canceling in general. Especially unintentional ones, but intentional ones are great too. Best of all are unintentional ones that get left in because they're awesome. Always makes me feel like a kung fu master or something. Close second for other cool timing-related mechanics.

>canceling end lag of moves in God Hand with stationary dodge
>canceling turning around after a run in Rivals of Aether for an extra speed boost
>FG combos in general
>one of Parasoul's moves in Skullgirls
>Roman Cancels in Guilty Gear
>jump canceling in Virtual On to lock on and orient yourself towards your opponent

>performing dash cancel is infinitely faster than running and dashing normally
>devs buff running speed
>dash cancel is still miles times faster

Not him, but it's a nice feature, especially in games where platforming isn't the main focus or it's difficult to gauge distance. Double especially in games that are assholes about making you have to redo huge amounts of content if you fuck up.

You're kinda right though, e.g. I think Super Meat Boy would've been way less interesting with a double jump on a character without giving them gimped mobility otherwise, but that's because that game's difficulty is 100% about the platforming itself.

>Incidentally, I can't think of any platformer that features double jump that isn't shit.

>Double jump is a way to help shitter players

hold the fuck up lads

How about short hop, attack, cancel the recovery frames by hitting the ground, attacking immediately, canceling recovery frames with a dodge-roll through the enemy and landing a bonus-damage backstab within only a few frames of the enemy coming out of hitstun?

Taunting is so goddamn satisfying.

Especially when it makes the enemy fight harder.

Single jump is just a clunky mess movement wise I am able to free flow alot better with two jumps rather than one. You can easily make things harder for a double jump rather a single jump.

>taunt does damage

Ghoul's and Ghost is a game series where you often do single jumps, or the double jumps are just double jump arcs.
Compared to the normal way of doing it: 1.5 jump height platforms everywhere

The fucking best.

Censor that shit user, it's some /d/-level lewd for me. What game?

Getting a meteor smash is any of the Smash games as Ganon. It is just the most satisfying end to a match.

>complaining about reddit

Kill yourself my man

Neither Mario nor sonic have double jumping

parries/just guards

pure bliss

or just rule-breaking mechanics in general

Battlefields do it too.


Specially if they have to be well timed. so satisfying

> game adds double jump mechanic
> most jumps after that point require the double


> game's entire premise is a unique mechanic
> challenge modes involve fewest/no use of unique mechanic to complete


Sonic had double jump in COLORS.
Which generally meant you had to do tricky double jumps, which was horrible.

No one cares what (You) think dumb namefagposter

>you're at 13/30 magazine and have 100 bullets
>reloads in 1.3 seconds
>now you're at 30/30 magazine and 83 bullets

When are vidya gonna introduce long vs. quick reload mechanic. If you just throw away your magazine, you're gonna lose that 13 bullets. It bugs me as a child and still bugs me to this day

At least it should put that mag away, so next time you reload, you get 13 bullets.

fuck off dunkey
captcha 1 ora tennyson

Any King of Fighters game.

If youve never played combat surf in tf2 youre missing the fuck out. It feels so satisfying playing soldier with increased air accel, you have no fucking idea.

A few games have done this. The last one I remember playing was a half-life 1 mod called Firearms. There was even a button to merge your magazines so you didn't end up reloading back into that 13-round mag.

Mario has them in a less traditional sense where a second jump after your first one lands leads to a higher jump. It's functions like a Double jump

Sonic in 3D titles double jumps his first is a normal then the second is the homing shot which functions like a double jump as well

You almost never need to use the double jump in 3d Mario. Backwards jump usually suits your height needs and long jump for distance.

what is "14/?" and "14/???" or are those junk entries? google is failing me

Mario has higher heights on succesive jumps. And different properties for all his jump types.
It can not in any way be compared to double jumping.

thanks mate

In that case I need to pick up KoF.

Rivals of Aether's Kragg has one of the most satisfying spikes in the game. Think Mario's with about twice the oomph. Also his taunt is a spike too, but I meant his dair.

made me laugh, thanks user


Why are you going backwards?

Castlevania Circle of the Moon
La Mulana
Cave Story

Destructible environments

Destructible environments are only good for the first few minutes, after that it becomes monotonous. There is one exception to that, and that's maze-like levels that you can destroy certain sections of walls to make the maze even more confusing with even more ways to go and double back through.

Two of those aren't even double jumps

What? Castlevania, La Mulana and Terraria all have actual double jumps. Besides, the Booster is close enough to a double jump in terms of actual gameplay.


>Lunging melee attacks

You call Red Faction Guerrilla monotonous? That's like the best part of the game

>unlockable double jump
>breaks all platforming in previous stages, making them boring to revisit.

Crash 3
The jump-spin-helicopter move made it even worse

There is a Fallout New Vegas mod for this and there is a tactical shooter in development called Ground Branch where if you tap R you drop your mag and if you hold R you do a full reload and keep the mag.