Monster Hunter Generations

>Villager requests unlock extras and more importantly, more quests
>Only the person who posts the quest in a multiplayer game gets the credit for it once it's complete
>So everybody will have to post the quest themselves, like urgents
>You have to be offline to check the villages for any new requests
>There are fucktons of requests in the game

Who the fuck approved this bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

2 M I L L I O N

Are you tired of our requests yet, hunter-kun?
We have more coming in MHGU


Quickest way to get Elder Dragon Bones?

>Doing Dreadqueen with negate poison.
Why didn't i do this sooner?

What food can I eat for Perception?

I'd wager on some of the low rank elder dragons in Guild.

I just took the plunge for this game along with a 3ds for £130, hopefully I don't regret it too much. What's the early game like this time around?

>early game

Worst in the series history

It's like an egg-transporter simulator at first then you get into the real hunting game.

Same as always. More gathering quests, but none of them keyquests

Itchinose found a way to make it even worse than MH3U. It does get better though.

Early village is filled with a fuckton of gathering quests, but none of them are Key quests so it's just a pain for completion. It's somewhat helped by the Prowler mode being really good at gathering.

Low Rank Guild quests are fine though.

>build volvidon cus fast cahrge in low rank
>can't build a stamina gem to negate the stamina drain unless I grind hub or wait for HR
for fucks sake.

are there any decent low rank focus ssets?

A shame I guess, but I've not played properly since Freedom Unite anyway, maybe I need a ezpz intro.

>but none of them keyquests
That's nice to hear
And that
>It does get better though

Is Ceanatuar's back shell random every time you hunt it?


HR3 Nakarkos room, can soemon give me a hand?

stop focusing on LR sets
>but muh skills
you dont need it when the game is already easy this early
I did switchaxe and hammer all the way until high rank with Jaggi armor upgraded

I think so, I did a small bit of farming in LR for his set. Used a hammer to smash the shit out of the Gravios skull.


How is LS in this game?

its been like that since monster hunter 2
he randomly grabs a different one if you end up breaking it unless they changed it so he cant replace it

Kek isn't that like... Nothing?

Are major title 1 and 2 related to MonHun or no?

And what if the monster hunter title is just monster hunter stories?

The only weapon in the game where all four styles compliment it well whilst at the same time having its own three arts being good/great as well.

>just finished Plesioth urgent and got a Wyvern Gem out of it
Sweet. Wasn't as bad as expected, then again I use GL so all its hipcheck bullshit was easy to block. Such lack of character though, from the featureless white eyes to its death animation just being it slamming on the ground like a dead fish.

Village quests have ticks for completed quest with red banner. But my 6* has a tick with blue banner.

Im assuming theres some quest I havent unlocked yet for village?

Steve and Mosgharl mix can give crit draw and focus.


Can you still get a monoblos horn if you break it fully? or did they scrap that

yep, enjoy ticking things in guild to unlock everything in village

I was kidding about the eggs but yes, hauling off the monster eggs is the fastest way to complete points quests.

It's not Stories, that won't sell past 500k anyway.

E3 has shown that Major Title 1 is RE7 and Major Title 2 is DR4.

On the guild card, what will happen when the moofah finally reaches meowstress?

She gets hoisted by the hood.

just started playing, tips for best weapon sets to use? been trying charge blade

They fuck

i want to fug purrpritress


Just try shit out and stick with what you like
I suggest you pick one slashing weapon type, and one blunt type to switch back and forth depending on what you need from monsters and what you're fighting

Hot moofah horn

Did Lance attacks always lack super armor? I'm trying to poke this Rathian yet whenever she does anything I always get interrupted. With weapons like this which trips themselves who needs a shitty LS user in your team?

So how am I supposed to play Lance in this game? The new triple poke feels kind of slow and awkward to use. I heard someone mention something about the charge attack finisher being absurd, whatever they meant.

advanced "high" rank village quests only unlocked by doing high rank guild
better buckle down for another 150 hours of doing guild

does type of weapon impact monster drops?

impact weapons are better for breaking shit, cutting weapons are better for cutting shit

If you don't have a big opening, use a short counter instead of the new third poke. You'll still have plenty of time to use the third poke in most situations anyways.

No. The thing determining drops (other than RNG) is what parts of the monster you break; blunt weapons can't cut tails.

The weapon you use doesn't matter. Try them all out and find something that suits you.

>NX launches March 2017
>Capcom's financial year ends in March


Actually, just bring some Goldenfish Bait. The fish are worth 500 points each.

>stories wont sell 500k

How much you willing to put on that?

>I heard someone mention something about the charge attack finisher being absurd, whatever they meant.

90 motion value (or the percent amount of damage done in relation to your weapon's strength) is no joke.

I think it's a pretty safe bet, people that play monster hunter don't play it for the brand, they play it for that very specific type of gameplay it offers

they're trying to appeal to a completely different demographic and I think that's risky

>that rude ass armor smithy and guild store clerk in the Hunter's Hub

Lance has only ever had 2, 3 moves with super armour, and they're moves you seldom use. Which is why I've never used a lance on the Raths, because fucking wind pressure. As for the charge finisher, it goes from 70 MV to 90 in striker mode, which is a pretty good amount.

What I've always read is that it went from 50 to 70, not 70 to 90. However, you'll almost always get an extra free 16 MV hit from the running portion of the charge.

Unless it's some dumb faggot like Nakarkos where the running part of the charge bounces no matter where you hit, so you either have to only hit with the finisher or just not use it at all.

Well I think it will sell at least 1 million units. So remember this.

Even the head? You gotta be squidding me.

Oops, you're right. That's what I get for trying to seem informed while half-asleep.

I don't know if it's because my Lance at the time in the HR3 urgent only had green sharpness, but it sure fucking seems like it. And with how weirdly defined the hitboxes on the tentacles are, you'll often bounce off of nothing while charging.

I soloed HR7 Nakarkos in 25 minutes with Lance. With how weird Nakarkos' hitboxes are, it's quite difficult to try to hit with just the final thrust. That full-second-long bounce is dangerous to the point where I just stopped trying entirely and stuck with poking.

Oh, right then

Where the fuck do i even stand to hit the triple pound combos on rath's head when they're downed? The last swing almost always misses even though i'm like an inch from its face.
Playing 3U btw, not sure if they changed the hitboxes in later games.


MH4 and MH4U release about a year apart from each other in Japan

This is shaping up to be the same time table

That or a MHG Vita version with no new content :^)

I just came to this thread to call you a retard.
most of the 3DS fanbase likes RPGS,specially the nips. same with MH, nips love it and a big part of the west too.

So we have to take into account
>MH fans that would buy anything MH related
>RPG fans
>MH fans that are also RPG fans
and >fans of neither that are willing to give the game a try.

This shit is going to sell alot.

I read the panel to the left first and got confused.

do I win the Normie Peace Prize?

How much it will sell and how much they think it will sell are different things. Capcom might think their brand will carry it to the 2 mil and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.

>Hunters kill monsters to wear their skin and wield their tooth/claw/horn as weapons
>Nerscylla does the same thing, by using Gypceros skin to protect its thunder weakness
>Nakarkos does the same thing but on a grander scale than Nerscylla, with not only using its mucus to craft bones it salvages from its meal but also using skulls to utilize attributes it cannot naturally use like how hunters must use elemental weapons because they have no elemental powers of their own.
It's like a vicious arms race between humans and monsters as both try to copy each other to one-up each other. It's amazing to find something this profound in a gameplay-driven game.

So they only expect a new MH game to sell only 2 million, it's definitely a spin off or port.

So whats the proper strategy and tips for skelesquid?

It seems like such a huge clusterfuck fight.

What would you like to see in MH5

You want to place yourself so the head is to your right. Your third hit starts on your right and rises upward.

It's not "only" 2 million

It's 2 million by March 2017

Shrouded Nerscylla uses Khezu skin

They aren't taking a risk with a console MH game for a long time.

a console version for fuck's sake

literally the only thing the series needs right now

More giant Vespoids

Oh right, I just forgot about subspecies.

Underwater combat

No swimming
Non-shit grafix (NX launch title please)
Remove arts


The game sells hotcakes on handhelds, they only made console versions of Frontier to throw them a bone.

>Today's 21st birthday
What should I hunt to celebrate? Got left behind on a training mission to enjoy some off time.

A PC version for maximum customizabiliy, which will never happen because a PC port of a mainline MH will threaten the market of a certain game and Capcom is somehow adamantly protecting that market.



Because it's what I personally want and I demand that I am catered to

Sky Combat

This desu senpai

But with better controls

so it's more like pokemon than dragon quest? disappointing

3 monsters at once
Area transition more smoothly without the need of a loading screen
Need confirmation to change areas
Some monster actively hunt others (Nerscylla and Gypceros, Seregios and Rathian, etc)

More prowler options
NX launch title

What does Bubble give you? Apparently it gives Evasion+1 -- and what else?

GL reworked into a faster more stylish weapon. If anyone played Fencer in EDF, kinda like that. Using something similar to the blast dash art for mobility.

I hope monster breeding isn't shit like Pokemon.

Which sharpness is Blunt best with?
Would it be fine with full akantor gear?

Evasion +1 and Constitution +1 while covered in bubbles
If you get hit or tripped you lose your bubbles
Bubbles also count as a Blight so they can trigger Crisis for the attack boost

Safely activates Crisis.
Makes you vulnerable to Severe BubbleblightI kid

Even with Blunt it's still worse than White sharpness though
Don't forget Mind's Eye unless you're using a Switch Axe

G3 has kushala, Teostra, Shagaru, Chameleos, and Nakarkos
pick your poison

Anyone up for HR5 Keys?

Make a room

>Herbology and Mycology together in the same set
Anyone here feeling all zoned out to the max?

How do I charge blade