Welcome to No Mans Sky

Welcome to No Mans Sky

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Man, I can't wait for the Steam release

They should have gone all out with making really dysfunctional looking abominations. Would be more funny, they look shit anyway so might as well do it properly

T-The birdie was just having a good day...

How would it even feel to have something that large moving around in your stomach. It's like if a human would swallow a cat

>Another flop by Sony

What a surprise.

bird was probably dead before swallowing

Yeah man it probably flew in front of the eagle and then it just died out of nowhere

Seagulls are notorious for killing and eating other birds, like sparrows and pidgeons, and that's among other stuff like trash or dead fish. That's also the main reason why they're not an edible species, they tend to be poisonous due to being garbage on the inside.


Look at this image
Look at it and realize what is going to happen


Shit game It'll be $10 on steam in a year

>Looks shittier than minecraft
>No Story
>No Multiplayer
>Shitty Early access games have more building options than this
>You always run out of inventory space
>You see the same planet over and over and over again with different colors and different hazard precedual generation is a joke
>Made in part by sony.

Be a man play dwarf fortress unless your a lil faggot.

can you imagine being inside something else's stomach
its pitch black, slimy, stretchy, damp and then all the sudden you're burning all over from stomach acids

i came here to derail this hate thread but


and now, these messages from your favorite developers:


The team bit off way more than they could chew, overhyped it, and got the sales they needed to make a profit. In the end, they're going to go down in history as completely incompetent.

Yeah I wonder if the seal killed the bear

Why does this give me a boner?

>made in part by sony

that is literally the only reason those other points even exist in your head. Also this game has NO "building options". Saying other early access games have "more building options" is like using "mario games have more mario than nms" as an argument

this kills the shitposters

No, BBC just didn't want to show the cute baby seal being killed by the Polar Bear.

And then they do the fucking Jungle episode with the fucking Chimpanzees ripping a monkey apart, the Harpy Eagle bringing it's chick a fucking hand from a monkey to eat, and that fucking Ant Raid




We should exterminate all bear-type animals

I don't ever want to see one of those fuckers charge at me

then stay in the city you idiot
bears don't do anything wrong, they keep animals from overpopulating areas and we barely have anything to with humans.