Is the Yakuza series worth getting into Sup Forums?

Is the Yakuza series worth getting into Sup Forums?

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God no.

God yes.

God maybe.

God damn it.

God I don't know.

Been kinda burned out on games, drop them on the fly because I just can't get immersed into them and this series does get quite some praise.

Don't have a Playstation 2, is it okay to start at Yakuza 3?

God can you repeat the question

This is the epitome of "REEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT" appeal thanks to PSN Plus but I'm just as guilty in this case.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I love the Yakuza series but 5 was absolute dogshit.

I've only played 4 but it's pretty fun if repetitive after awhile. Games are huge time sinks with fucktons of mini games.

Dont worry its a fast downhill route after this one.

I just started 3 yesterday and it's been pretty fun so far. Granted, I'm not too far into it.

I started emulating 2 recently, it's pretty damn good. The fighting sorta gets repetitive but the atmosphere is nice and cozy and the story is good.

looks awful

5 was last year's GOTY and is on PS+ if you have that right now.


why's this faggot deleting all his posts? literally the wort trip on this entire website.



Very much so. Good narrative, fun game and minigames.

It's download only. I love to have physical copies of my games + it takes up less space on the hard drive, which is important cause my PS3 is filled with games.
Why does SEGA hate us so much?