Why aren't the SJWs losing their shit over the pedoness of this game?
Why aren't the SJWs losing their shit over the pedoness of this game?
Nobody cares about your literally who weeb game faggot.
This game is on Steam.
It has an android manufactured to look like a 10 year old human girl and her job is to exchange... services for payment.
It has gay characters, which teh SJW like, so things kinda evens out for them I reckon
>There are 2 posters in this thread.
OP what the fuck is wrong with you?
Fuck off back to 8gag if you need to talk about SJWs this badly. You yourself admit there isn't even a controversy but you're talking about them anyway.
Get a fucking grip.
What can't they just make her 18 then? They have a moral obligation to do so.
Only the First World is problematic.
SJWs haven't played anything that isn't a massively popular title that's at least AA.
because nobody cares about a pretend gookania game made for virgins on a hong kong jerkoff advice board
Its made by westerners.
Because pedos are the new frontier for the ever expanding LGBTQAAXTEIPGW movement. Besides, it's a robot. Nobody complains that your blow-up doll wasn't made 18 years ago.
play the game, faggot
she literally explained why she didn't want such modifications
You fucking idiot. He's talking about the game creator's obligations.
south westerners
No one gives a shit when the game is not popular enough.
It's completely ok to sexualize a lolibot.
why should they?
Because it's released on Steam, a place frequented by CHILDREN. You'd drop all that sex act too if you are a half decent human.
They have no obligation with your moral standards. The very own fact that you think someone has, shows how fucked up your whole snowflake culture is.
>op cares about SJW shit
being that much of a faggot
Is it also okay to fall in love with the lolibot?
yes, yes, you're being ironic
Of course
>game is about being a bartender (obviously not a job where kids allowed to enter)
>with a lot of lesbian undertones
>"b-but think of the children"
neck yourself
$0.00 has been deposited into your account. Thanks for doing it for free
Jill pretty says she want's her boss's tuna straight to her face.
I can't believe I fell for your bait, 10/10. Got me by surprise.
So in conclusions we can put this game in the same group as Unteralterbach, yes? My rage engine is revving.
Post more lolibot.
I mean they are both visual novels full of memes made by assholes from the chans.
it had lesbians so they were too busy crooning about how "progressive" it was to realize it was a game made by Sup Forums memers from a shithole that included said loli fuckbot.
Call me a dirty pedo too it turns me on
Probably because everybody's too exhausted to get into a big ol' internet slamfuck over videogames after gamergate, even the SJWs. Having online handbag wars over whether videogames are "problematic" or not is sooooo 2015.
Here, break some pedo kneecaps with this threaded rod!
There have been little outrage lately, hopefully the movement is dying down within game industry.
What, really? I'm kind of interested in the game now.
>close up of screw
>threaded rod
Because it has a bisexual protagonist
>those eyes
>that body
>those hearts
>that shading
>flat, shitty retraces of GashiGashi art
>be a total lolifag
>"how dare you enable stuff like this on steam, think of the children!"
I'm trying ok, not that young anymore, my stamina has its limits.
heart eyes are just as bad as tumblrnose
You take what you can get with this game.
So what fetishes to you like to mix with your loli?
me, alcohol and drugs, mind break, prostitution
i fucking LOVE four leaf lover
Roll will always be best lolibot.
SJWs are pro childfucking
So, is this the key to avoid SJW outrage? have something for both sides to feel good.
Sounds pretty good, m8.
cause most of them are children, or have the minds of children. if they weren't pro-pedo they would never get laid.
Apparently so!
This game has gays and lesbians, no wonder the SJWs are quiet about the pedo elements.
No, that's not it at all.
Most of these aren't trash.
Sup Forums is a blight
they don't even like lolis
even sjws like lolis
fucking faggots
It's actually a very solid cyberpunk type game from the point of view of a general bartender.
No saving society, no secret wars. Just serving drinks to strangers and friends
Because SJWs have nothing against pedos. Quite the opposite, in their vision of what a perfect world looks like all children have practical sex ed classes starting at age 4, begin hormonal treatment no later than 6 and get SRS before puberty kicks in, by which time the girls(soon to be transboys) have already gone through a dozen abortions at least.
They oppose having guns in schools to protect the children, but they are completely fine with sexual predators operating abortion clinics inside them.
I was checking their twitter, they rewteeted a SWJ's review, in said this: I felt objectified 0/5
I wish I was kidding.
How shitmonogatari is this game?
who cares
Ill return the spoon if someone tells me the name of the game please.
Roll is literal robotic perfection.
Rape, bondage, amputee, snuff
Asanagi has fucked me up
OP is bumping the thread over and over to try and make everyone talk about SJWs and keep the game he's shilling on page 0.
If you are not with the SJW you are against the SJW.
Venezuela is a shithole, even for South American standards. It wouldn't be a smart mode for the "sjws" to mess with such oppressed devs.
Also, the game is not popular.
Irrelevant weeaboo garbage.
And there's the proof
SJWs don't care about pedophilia (unless it's something they can attach to someone they dislike specifically)
Only pedophilic politicians care about pedophilia so they themselves can seem like they're not the pedophiles.
If you don't like anime or anime related things there are plenty of websites you can go to that don't have it as a central theme.
>It wouldn't be a smart move
Because she's cute.
lolidom is the best thing
What game is this?
Fucking hilarious.
>defending this """"""""""game"""""""""
Weebs will fucking eat literal shit as long as they can believe it has something to do with slant-eyed cucks across the planet. The fact that this game was made by a bunch of subhuman spic memer twinks and still appealed to the same autist demographic just goes to show how easy it is to profit from literal retards.
good post
VA-11 HALL-A, /agdg/ game that got released recently.
nice bait
(You) didn't even try with that b8 m8
sometimes i wonder why degenerates like shindol/asanagi/akai mato are only ones who can get on this level of arousement. i wonder if it's only specific kind of drawing or am i fucked as well
both, maybe
If you don't like anime or anime related things, there are many websites you can post on that are not this one.
What goes through a person's mind making posts like these?
He wants the (you)s
Says the neckbeard on the most normalfag board on Sup Forums.
>buzzword the buzzword on buzzword buzzword
>most normalfag
That'd go to something like /diy/
"i'm gay"
sometimes i wonder why degenerates like shindol/asanagi/akai mato are only ones who can get on this level of arousement. i wonder if it's only specific kind of drawing or am i fucked as well
probably both
akai mato is lovely though, it's rough on the outside and soft inside. nothing like asanagi
bondage, orgasm denial, pantyhose
extra points if they want to remove the stockings but they can't
I wonder how many people would actually have sex with Dorothy if she existed in real life (as a sex robot) and it was legal to do so.
>building your own shit is more normalfag than video games
Who are you kidding? Video games have literally no learning curve and you don't need any skills at all to get in.
In the game she said she likes teasing men with sex (she looks like a 10 year old), and from time to time one of them turns out to be a pedo.
Everyone. In the mid 19th century the age of consent in Europe was 10 to 13. Hell, the Victorians even legalized homosex, before conservatives banned it again in the 1870s and raised the aoc to 16, after an investigative journalist showed how easy it was to buy a loli sex slave in London. All men would like to fuck teens, but as part of the Victorian idealization of childhood we've artificially pushed adulthood back.
Literally all OP.
I hope all this effort was worth the one extra sale this thread has earned your shitty game.
>extra points if they want to remove the stockings but they can't
Name one doujin that does this
Their arguments prove otherwise.