Who are you going to play as in Dishonored 2? Emily or Corvo?

Who are you going to play as in Dishonored 2? Emily or Corvo?

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Emily first. I wanna get a taste of the new powers first. I finished the first game like 5 or 6 times so corvo will wait.

She really looks like an older Emily, I'm quite impressed

>Who are you going to play as in Dio simulator 2? Nimrod or Dio?
Jokes aside, probably Corvo.

Corvo becuase I'm already familiar with and fond of his playstyle

My hype for Dishonored 2 is pretty much 0. It just doesn't look very interesting, and I only got Dishonored for $10 during a steam sale, and I only put 10 hours into it total.


Thanks for posting. Really insightful stuff.

That's really cool user

Emily because I want to creep on the floor and tear people apart as murder queen.
Do you think Daud will show up out of nowhere? Dishonored 2 pretty much follows his good ending.

mirin brah

how do get ur hair like that zyzz

Corvo first, I want to play the game and learn the levels with the original powers.

playing emily might seem like a brand new game in some ways, which is a good thing

sjw shit not worth even a pirate

>sjw shit

Really like this meme that every game that doesn't try to be edgy is sjw shit

>It lets you play as woman it MUST be sjw bait



Mirrors Edge (Original)

I still haven't played the new one. I just feel so fucking let down from what I've seen of it.

Will wait for it to be $10...

user I played ME:C and it's not SJW. The shitpost here had no reason to exist. Also the game is ok, I had quite some fun with it

You know the lead designer is the same guy who worked on Deus Ex right? Literally the opposite of SJW.

I am a huge fan of the first, but after the seeing the demo at this E3 I just think we are waiting for a disappointment. The entire thing looks really ROUGH. clipping and shit, really doesn't look AAA. They should've just stayed with the first Engine desu.

UE3 sucks

I am still not sure about the Director. I know worked on the first one, but the first game also had the other guy who is now working on Prey. Following his Twitter makes me believe he will infest the game with his political viewpoints. Like, say, doing a quest for a trans character to make their father accept it. Something around those lines.

I don't know why a sequel would exist, its story is boring and there's no depth in it, plus, it looks terribly dull.

At least the game was playable.

>following game devs on social media
This is why you don't enjoy video games, Sup Forums.

>our last game had a mediocre story. lets improve it this time around
>nah fuck it, lets just make it so shit and generic you can swap around the protagonist from a queen to a guard and it will still work


gameplay should always trump story

Should I buy Dishonored on sale right now Anons?

it's p fun but still not on par with deus ex and thief
i'd grab it if it's dirt cheap

>tfw Stephen Russel is voicing Corvo
Once again, another studio does Thief better than Eidos

And how about we get both?

>tfw your girlfriend tries to convince you that you look like the young corvo and she wants me in cosplay asap.

I'm being cucked by a game character.

where is the subscribe button?

For real though, here's one of my videos, a little plug for you:

The shot posting here existed because Anita Foreskin was called in to consult on the game and some pretty blatant SJW comments were made before the game's release.

Can't really blame the shitposting for that.

I disagree.

>you can choose between female and male
>it's sjw shit

would it make you better that emily would died and you can only play corvo?

kys pls

>same eyes
>same hair colour

anyone want to argue that Corvo isn't Emily's dad now?


>Attatched ear lobes

Trust me, I know. There are shiton of games that I just won't support based on the lead dev team ideals.

Corvo had his game. Now it's time for Emily to kill everyone, just like I raised her.

The year is 2016. I payed $60. There is ZERO EXCUSE for a Platinum tier story when I buy a videogame.

Corvo. I hope his dialogue is good.

Emily seems really fucking boring, the only interesting thing about her is the Domino shenanigans.
Corvo is still a spacetime wizard capable of going absolutely cuhrayzee, probably even more than in the first game.
So Corvo probably.

Probably Emily first for the new powers. And she seems more geared towards stealth so I'll do that and then do a high/very high chaos run with Corvo next.

Have you seen the small bit we've seen of the Quakecon demo? And no, UE3 sucks. They're using their own engine right now which shares about 25% of its code with either idtech5 or 6. If it's 5 they removed the megatextures.

i like this one better


My first pick was Emily, but now I'm not sure with Stephen Russel and all.

Corvo. I always pick female characters when I can but fuck, Emily's powers are utter shit.

Domino, Mesmerize, and Far Reach all sound pretty rad. What's your holdup?


They are nothing compared to a blink-powered Dark Messiah kick

Is there a footage of Windblast yet?
Hopefully this shit can create a tornado now.

Far Reach is gimped Blink, with some additional features I probably won't ever use. The rest is easymode garbage which doesn't even sound fun.

Emily with powers
2nd playthrough as Corvo with no powers

I think it's more or less the same, though it should have various upgrades like every other power. The blog post describing what happened in the video these gifs are from don't really mention wind blast.

It's basically a combination of blink and Daud's pull but you can be seen. It's funny people complain about blink being so overpowered but then when you can be seen using Emily's equivalent you call it gimped.

It's canon that he fucked off to serkonos.
The e3 footage takes place in serkonos.
It's possible.

So what is considered canon?
low or high chaos?

>Emily looks like an AIDS infected tranny
Why do western developers do this ALL THE TIME?


lol all these people saying they dont have hype for it

you just know it's piratecucks because there will be denuvo

She looked pretty ugly as a kid but I think she looks less ugly as an adult.

Emily because I don't want to look at a man's ass the whole game.

Probably Corvo then Emily.
Will do a second plsythrough as both with no powers.

I haven't heard anything about them using Denuvo. Do you have any source for that?

I don't think you've ever seen an AIDS infected tranny

It's a first person game you dip

goddamn, corvo is handsome as fucc

It's first person you retard.

He's also voiced by Stephen Russell.

Corvo because I can say things like " Daddy's coming" and not sound like a rapist.

I like blink. I acknowledge that it's broken but it appeals to me conceptually. If they removed it, I wouldn't complain. But it's still there and gets upgrades yet Emily doesn't have it.

The year is 2016, there is zero excuse for not knowing the difference between payed and paid.

But it was practically confirmed in the first game itself

Baited and Outsmarted

Domino power seems interesting. I wonder how it will actually work. Would be fun to have an enemy walk forward and the other linked enemy jumping off a cliff.

It's confirmed, user.
I was going to buy it since I loved Dishonored 1 so much and wanted to support the devs. But Denuvo is a no go for me. Same thing with Deus Ex. Loved Human Revolution, was going to buy Mankind Divided - but Denuvo cancer.

Inb4 "Hurrr you are just a butthurt pirate". I do pirate like anybody else, but I make sure to always buy the games I like. Not with Denuvo faggotry though. I have my principles.

Give me a source, user.

I don't think the enemies moving on their own is transferred but there was a description of a tester linking a guard and a civilian together, pushing the civilian, and the guard was also pushed and fell off a cliff.


>new tricks with old powers
>enhanced further by advancement trees to be better than the Knife of Dunwall versions
>abilities are all about whipping around unseen
>potential interactions with Daud would be more matured
>voiced by Garrett

Emily was going to be interesting, but the more they revealed about the setting and the characters made Corvo a definite first choice.

Bethesda has started to put Denuvo on every release of theirs.

Emily. Corvo should be resting in his grave.

And murdering people as a womyn always makes me hard.

pretty sure the only game they used it on is doom

Pls no. I've been boycotting denuvo games.

I loved the first game but I'm not gonna make exceptions.
I also really really wanted to give nuDoom a shot