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for disappointment
god damnit demonhunter was the actual dumbest thing they could have put in the game
Can I make a hot slut demon hunter that just fucks them?
Well, you can make a female Night Elf/Blood Elf DH and RP a slut or something, I guess.
>only elf demon hunters
and I thought being forced to play a nelf to be a druid was torture
Head on over to /vg/. We only allow overwatch metathreads and no man's sky threads cuck
That's retarded. Are they trying to make Night Elfs the new Elin? Oh sure, you can play whatever race you want but if you want to play any new content after 4 years of playing the same game you can only choose this one.
I honestly didn't care for Night Elves, I also preferred Blood Elves but I'm a lore whore so I'll bite the bullet and make a Night Elf DH because they are (lore-wise) the original DH, also Illidan was a Night Elf as well.
It says in the lore that very few Blood Elves learned the ways of a DH, and they only did so to avenge their homeland and fight back against the scourge.
No thanks, I'm good.
>all those deemun huntards
>all those people that will be needing obliterum for their class campaign
yes goyim, roll the cool new class like all the cool kids
and I, your greatest ally will provide you with the necessary items needed to further your story at a "fair price"
>two more days
Expansion isn't out until 3 weeks though, i don't get people who burn themselves out on shit before it has even started. There is zero things to do before the expansion and you will only get sick of the new stuff before it's even started.
>August 30th
>in 2 days
Huh? I don't understand this meme
If you pre-purchased Legion you can make a Demon Hunter at August 9th, basically three weeks before Legion even goes live.
It was basically just a reason to get people to pre-purchase the game instead of waiting till August 30th.
Why do you care what people do? Just let them do what they want, you don't have to understand it if it isn't directly bothering/affecting you.
Early access to demon hunters for retards who pre-ordered the expansion. After CATA, MoP and WoD people are pre-ordering let alone playing WoW expansions.
But I guess that's just PC gaymen in a nutshell.
god I forgot how shitty wow graphics look in the current year.
we will never get more races, will we?
how many more fucking races do you need
People have been wanting Demon Hunters since the game launched. Hell, I even made a Night Elf Rogue as one of my first characters in vanilla just to get that Demon Hunter vibe. Gave him the hideous face with the "blindfold" too. Even scoured the game files to see if there were some glaives I could use.
Probably not. Blizzard might do a hail mary and make Naga a playable race towards the end of the game's lifespan though.
Just curious, but what races would you want to see? I think the game has plenty of races to pick from, I don't think it needs anymore. There's at least ONE race for everyone to enjoy, I don't think you can really just hate every race, unless you're that picky.
Obviously wrong reply but the answer is all of them.
I preordered it on a key site for 28 bucks instead of 45
First month or two after launch are always fun when the majority figures shit out and its mostly new. Unless you spoil yourself on beta footage
There are no bugs or lizard/fish people, so the roster is incomplete.
Not him but Horde needs Ogres.
1 million people play dota? seriously?
Man fuck Ogres. Like 1% of people even play Goblin let alone Ogres.
They're just dumber, uglier Tauren with less culture.
lets just say that if you are smart then prepare a bunch of alts now with certain professions to craft the necessary items to complete the quest chain for the obliterum forge when Legion hits
cause if anything the supply and demand of the beta has taught me is that this first month will make sure you never need gold again for another token again and can buy the 2 million gold spider mount for your entire guild
Qiraji, Arakkoa, and Naga as playable? I'm down.
What we need is a newer, sexier elf. That the Horde can also play.
Several millions bought a bloodborne-machine and most of them aren't even playing the shitty game.
I'd play an Ogre Warrior. I did in Everquest and I'd do it again all these years later.
Shit I forgot the birds.
Ethereals too.
So I'm getting mixed info here. I thought I heard that the Pre-Event for Legion and OR Demon Hunter is coming out August 8th and not the 9th. The 9th makes more sense but I've read a few Blizzard post saying that the whispering and demon transformations for the World Events will start the 8th.
>less culture.
Did you even play WoW?
>Tfw can't be a Fel Bull
What professions?
Ogres are classic Horde and there's an easy as fuck and lore appropriate way to add them: the Stonemaul tribe. They're already part of the Horde and Rexxar is essentially their leader.
Why would you ever play a manlet belf?
How much do I need to shell out to start WoW/
Ogre culture is "We're dumb as rocks and live in clans out of holes in the ground". All the tribalism shit Orcs or Tauren or even Trolls do better.
>Race is so shit they need a "half"-Orc to lead them instead of one of their own
Ogres were basically slaves to the Horde because of how fucking dumb most of them are.
Simply cannot work with reconning their entire species. 99% of them are brainless hivemind creatures that exist to spread over the planet. The rest are minions of C'Thun.
Nerubians could work. Mantids could work. Qiraji don't.
Thank you, fellow happy merchant, I look forward to assisting the adventurers of Azeroth in their time of need, for a nominal fee, of course!
Warlord's of Draenor revealed that ogres had an entire empire prior to their mental capabilities declining.
Qiraji and Silithid are technically two different races. But yeah they definitely don't work.
Say give the Nerubians to the Horde and Mantid to the Alliance. Horde helped out the spiders in WotLK and they probably wouldn't want to work with any Mantid after Garrosh.
We should go full korean MMO
>dark elves
>water elves
>fire elves
>brown elves
>nega elves
>metal elves
>ghost elves
Turn it up to elven and make it elven square
Alternate universe. In the MU they were slaves to the Gronn.
That's not how alt. universes work. The split in timelines happened well after the Ogre empire was became less relevant meaning it still existed in the original timeline.
that's how they work in blizzard.
Why does Blizzard hate Warcraft lore so goddamn much? First this whole alternate universe completely changes everything, and then the Warcraft movie completely changed everything.
Can these retards please stick to something?
If it weren't for the quick pace of the movie and the King's retarded sacrifice at the end it would have been a better rewrite. Warcraft 1 was bland as fuck as far as story is concerned.
Same with Diablo. They had a fucking masterpiece franchise at their hand, and they fucked it up with Diablo 3. It's like when then Europeans (Blizzard-North) left the Africans their railroads and the niggers (nu-Blizzard) just destroyed and neglected everything because of idiocy.
WoD is happening around the same time as the original rise of the Horde, but in the MU in that timeframe the empire didn't exist at all and all the Ogres were just slaves.
The AU wasn't created with the time travel shit, it pre-existed and had differences before Garrosh showed up.
I leveled in Vashj'ir a few days ago and forgot how comfy that zone was.
Then you get to play as a naga battlemaiden and im convinced they could make it work as a playable race. Would love it
So how is Thrall supposed to come into play if the lethargy of the orcs doesn't exist? Is this green orc supposed to fit in among brown ones now? How is there going to be a Lich King if Ner'zhul doesn't exist?
In the case of a movie, you can't get by with a convoluted backstory without pissing off your viewer unless you're really good at placing it throughout.
WoW has a really annoying, really convoluted reason for the opening of the dark portal that would probably take an entire movie to explain, so they cut out huge massed of detail.
There is also Garona bullshit where she's half-dranei in the games but since the Draenei get like two seconds of screen time in the film they had to make her human and medivh her father concieved through planewalking.
Only a retard would get disappointed. If you don't know what to expect from WoW, a game that is over a decade old, you have mental problems.
Have you completley missed the huge pre-expansion event that starts on tuesday?
> mfw hoarding all the enchants and Boe shit for demon hunters so suckers will pay through the roof once they go live
The AU was the MU until Garrosh went back; it didn't exist as a separate entity until that point. Everything is the same up until Garrosh showing up, then the timeline splits and history changes.
These taskmaster comics are the best.
Share your secrets, greatest ally
It's possible that Gruul had his own ogre loyalists in both time lines and that the forming of outland crumbled the empire, allowing Gruul to subjegate the rest of ogrekind.
There is also the fact that Garrosh's intervention with the iron horde allowed Gruul to be subjugated in the alt time line. I took this as implication that without their aid, Gruul would have striked when he has the upper hand and enslaved the ogres assuming the Mage-king was killed during the formation of the fel horde.
Why did the movie bomb in America anyhow? Is Blizzards only market really in China? Are the majority of the millions of players WoW has had even from the west?
Also Grommash's mate was killed by the Ogre empire in the WoD timeline meaning Garrosh was never born, and Gul'dan's Harbingers episode showed that AU'dan was never a Shaman under Ner'zhul and was a Warlock from the beginning.
I plan to clear my reagent bank on Tuesday for the people rushing their DH professions.
WoW fans are picky about their already retarded lore and the movie got a lot of negative criticism for poor pacing, terrible acting and Orc dinu nuffin .
>tfw actual task master isn't this funny
>only played Vanilla and BC
>brief stint with Nost a couple years ago but got bored pretty quickly
>just picked WoW back up again and I'm actually enjoying it
>look up videos of vanilla
>tfw I remember that even though I'm having fun now, nothing will still compare to the awe I felt during vanilla
Nostalgia is a dangerous drug senpai
The Ogres were already enslaved long before the formation of Outland, the Orcs originally got them to join by freeing from from the Gronn. And they were all dumb as shit even at that point.
That's nice and all except MU Maraad is the one who tells the story of Grom as he remembers it in the MU.
jokes on you I only ever play Miner and Engineer on all characters.
>craft common shit with any prof
>destroy it in the dalaran forge
>get boliterum
>sell it
Any level?
Any particular item I should go for?
Blizzard is fucking stupid and can't get the universes straight.
I hope Blizzard learns that they should never mess with alternate dimensions and shit ever again, it never goes well in any form of media.
Gonna be fun. Legion is shaping up to fun. I can't wait till the daily XIV/Nos damage control threads
>840 Ilvl Demonology Simming at 200k DPS
Feels good to pick the best spec. Ready for talking skull
thats not the part that actually makes money though
its the quest leading to it when you need those 4 different crafted armbands that pretty much utilize every crafting/gathering profession except shit like herb/alch and you have to jump through rings to complete the quests to even get the recipes in the first place
oh right my gm was talking about that shit the other day we are going to craft that shit for each other/
>just a few more weeks before I can embrace the edge
>wield apocalypse
>summon ghouls
>raise the 4 horsemen
Fuck demon hunters, DK's have the best class content this expansion.
>Demon hunters.
>Can only be belfs and nelfs.
I play on alliance side. Male nelfs are fucking ugly piece of shits. Guess it's my time to rollan female.
>tfw preordered physical collectors edition
>most expensive of bunch
>don't get early access
>have to buy game twice to get it noe and if I do blizzard don't give cash refund
You forgot about this user
I felt similarly, but on the Horde side.
>can only be belfs
>hate all male belf animations
>don't wanna play a sickly twig female belf
Luckily my buddies and I went Alliance for this expansion. I can rest well knowing my demon hunter will be the true race they were always meant to be.
I was gonna buy it but I found that buying it from the EU raises the price with 10$. Fuck this I ain't giving blizz 10$ over what it costs in other countries, not after they fucking scammed me with WoD like that.
Weird, why is Mograine wearing his old set and weapons from DK starting zone instead of the Scourgelord set he wears now.
Also not even using the dreadsteed recolors. Wasted potential if they only use those for the one quest.
That's steam games you nigger.
They wanna out edge us, niggas gonna get cut.
Scourge pride world wide.
I didn't know I wanted this.