Just read about the news about patch 1.03 in No man's sky!
Just read about the news about patch 1.03 in No man's sky!
It's going to be pretty sweet when this game gets 95 on metacritic and Sup Forums drowns in damage control.
but most people who played it early already reported that its mediocre at best.
Make that all of the people that played early copies. All of them they were let down, that it doesn't live up to the hype or anything that is claimed, at all.
>w-we fixed everything
Sure, Sean. We believe you.
I don't even care about the game i'm just glad Sup Forums was wrong yet again.
"Next up we’re adding the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters."
edit: This is a direct quote from the news page"
absolutely not true. Everyone of them said they very much enjoyed the game and atleast half of them said they love the game and that it lives up to the hype. There is literally only 1 streamer who said he was disappointed with it.
We've seen this all before with the crime against humanity known as Spore. The next generation of players will have to suffer the same fate we did
Why did we allow it to happen again? Why didn't we stop this?
>If I say something, that makes it true
Read it and weap
Are those energon cubes? The fuck is going on?
In a few months i predict this is one of those games were Sup Forums will pretend they all liked it from the start and that it was just some other anons that shit on the game
When you scan your scanner can highlight resources like that
>empty promises for after the reviews are out
gullible slaves, all of you
No one gives a fuck about metacritic scores you dumb cunt. "Game journalist" have no more authority on the quality of a videogame than you or I do.
Especially for big titles like this where it's almost certain the big name reviewers were paid off.
The only score on metacritic that matters is the user score and even that should be taken lightly given that people will vote 0/10 simply for releasing on Sony first.
"after the reviews are out"
you do realize the reviewers get this update tomorrow aka when their review copies arrive?
>No one gives a fuck about metacritic scores you dumb cunt
Is that why Sup Forums is plastered with metaritic scores for a week whenever anything noteworthy comes out?
Sup Forums cucked by a diverse team of nu males
Just like pottery
>No one gives a fuck about metacritic scores you dumb cunt.
Your opinion is not everyones opinion
80% of that sounds like PR speak
Some kind of "we totally fixed this by like.. adding more variation and stuff, I swear"
>3 people who played it don't like
>Here on Sup Forums we believe this is a good sample size
Newfags and idiots that like to shitpost about muh low metacritic finished and bankrupt and hahaha get rekt retards this game is great are not relevant.
ever since Sup Forums showed how completely nonexistant their knowledge about the gaming industry is back in early 2012 i love when Sup Forums gets shit on by devs
not that OP but I was under the impression that people only cared about the user metacritic score
why would they make empty promises for a patch that literally comes out tomorrow? There's no reason for them to fish for pre-orderes at this point considering they've been top seller for months now and lying 1 day before a patch about said patch would just be a bad marketing strategy
did they also made a cure of cancer while they were at it?
i haven't seen a single streamer yet who "doesn't like it"
Even the first leaker who told everyone about the bugs and exploits made it clear that he completel loves the game
It has been mostly Sup Forumstards though
Cant handle the fact that people with beards can make games
Because it'll make people buy the game on day 1
Once they realize it, it's too late
Nah just some updates to the game.
The majority of it is tweaks to generation or balance. The "Three Paths" thing could be fucking anything, and the core gameplay loop of "wander around and shoot your laser at rocks" is the same boring shit.
Not to mention the fact that releasing patch notes for a game that isn't out and doesn't have a public release screams of damage control.
Only newfag transplants care about metacritic at all. It's just like Rotten Tomatoes: many movies that are considered great by basically everyone get 10% on RT because who the fuck knows why. Likewise plenty of videogames that are great get universally panned by metacritic, like Godhand for example, and plenty of awful games get near perfect scores, like Skyrim.
What makes NMS superior to space engine? Anything?
>Not to mention the fact that releasing patch notes for a game that isn't out and doesn't have a public release screams of damage control.
To the trained eye.
Reddit went from "I guess it's not all it promised to be" to "HYPE TRAIN BACK ON TRACK WOOO!"
It works
>internet bitching about how day one patch won't do shit
>patch notes come out to explain it fixes a number of discussed issues
>Damage control!!!!!
le gameplay instead of autistic galaxy simulator
Good thing I was on the right side of this argument. I don't think I could handle the embarrassment. Suicide is the only option shitposters.
Of course it works, that's why they did it. I wager they even have actual patch notes with the actual changes in for whatever testers they do have.
Unless Hello Games is far more incompetent than I'm giving them credit for and their test plan consists of doing whatever the fuck.
noone would buy this game purely based on these patchnotes. How delusional can you be to literally make a conspiracy theory out of everything any dev ever says
>sean spergs about how the update will change everything
>dont dudge till release date
>was thinking that it was going to be nothing, just bug fixes
>see this
See, this is what is was hoping for. Actual substantial stuff. I want to believe again.
Shut the fuck up. Most movies on RT that score awful are indeed awful movies. Please tell me about these respected classics with shit scores.
this, literally embarrassment they most be pretty sad people.
What is the difference between emoticons and emojis?
sounds alright now. probably will check it out
>Muh patrician taste
Disproved by a single example: Independence Day.
Fantastic movie; rotten tomatoes shit all over it.
Emoticons is what your grandparents use
Emoji puppy
Oh also the new Ghostbusters has a 73 on RT and that movie is god awful.
RT is only good for reviews if you align closely with one of the "ur taste is shit" top critics.
>le fantastic movie that i liked
that makes no sense. The people on reddit are buying the game anyways its not like any of them cancelled their preorders
The only people who have been talking about canceling their preorders at all are people on Sup Forums who didnt even preorder the game and are just saying it to support their point of view
>warp exploit
Now isn't that something that they could have literally found with in house testing? That guy from reddit seemed to have found it fairly easy.
All the butthurt is procedurally generated
it's not really an exploit more of a re-balancing since the free warp fuel was a bit OP
theres literally nothing wrong with day one patches
Now be honest. Was it a bad movie because it was just bad?
>trying to live up to old ghostbusters
Or is it just the hate train of an all female cast?
>Singleplayer game
You soft in the head?
what are these 3d cube grids you see in half embedded in the landscapes in certain screenshots like OPs?
When you use your scanner it highlights mineable resources
where did this come from? if its legit, everything ive said about this game could be wrong
Fuck this game looks ugly.
What's with the PS2 textures?
It's bad because it's a boring movie and the actors frequently went on frequent improv scenes. Unfortunately, those actors aren't actually funny like the original cast was.
Also it was just boring and unimaginative even for a remake.
Nms website. Dropped the bomb a few minutes ago.
Why does the entire game have an instagram filter?
If Valve taught me anything, its that play-testers are usually dumb as fuck
Can a Steam key be found for under 40 bucks?
I'm curious. Lowest I found is 48 on kinguin
fucking sweet. hype regained. only a little, though.
I'm sure they will in a month or two which is how long people should probably wait to play this when they patch in more shit.
Buy me
it's PS4 for fuck sake and not the game. Learn the definition
I was reluctantly willing to believe NMS was going to bomb since I was never insanely hyped for it like some, even then Sup Forumss frantic mouth frothing rage about how the game was going to be total shit from a leaked incomplete code made.me shake my head in dismay. Now with these patch notes, full shitter damage control will begin, shill accusations will fly and everyone will pretend they always thought it was Ok.
>I'm sure they will in a month or two which is how long people should probably wait to play this when they patch in more shit.
KEK, already top on steam sales.
If I'm gonna play this game at all then I'd rather do it while it's not dead
Of course it's the games fault
>rewriting the story to symbolize freedom than control
shame the original ending was better, even if the story was shit
>those patch notes
>Sup Forums literally BTFO into a new universe
Because people are stupid fucks and will believe corporate sponsored nu-males over actual fucking gameplay footage.
Anyone pre-ordering this needs to be shot in the streets, the average global IQ would definitely increase a point or two.
What the f*ck is a "nu-male"
Emoji are a defined set of Unicode characters, rendered as pictographs
Emoticons are typically representations of faces composed of a variety of characters such as punctuation marks and letters
some edgy kiddo language
It's not going to bomb it's going to get 9s from every reviewer and have a month long "honeymoon" where people struggle to justify how it's really the best game it could be and while not being up to the hype it was Really the game they Really wanted and after 3 months or so everyone will be able to look back and say it was fucking shit, except for the game reviewers who are loathsome imbeciles.
It's a low-testosterone (low-T) man.
Yeah, because we all know reviews in videogame journalism are absolutely non biased and accurate 100% of the time.
>Space Stations – interiors are now more varied, bars, trade rooms and hydroponic labs have been added
>hydroponic labs
It's going to because game reviewers are complete idiots who bought into the hype more than anyone except maybe the guy who paid 1300 to play it a week early. It's going to take them a while to readjust their expectations, just like it took people several weeks to accept the fact that Spore was just a plain bad game.
I've never seen Sup Forums get blown the fuck out this hard before. God damn.
Can you wait until you can run into them, tap A on a proc gen plant that produces a random resource for some reason (don't think about why)?
Say it with me now
A hipster who bought into the regressive liberal meme of being a floormat for progressive minorities. Basically, a man who has forsaken his masculitity and everything that makes him feel like a man because he was convinced that a man being comfortable and proud in expressing his masculinity is oppressive, problematic and toxic. So these men usually lack anything that would make them masculine and usually reek of vulnerability and denial.
that is what a Nu-male is, but just like cuck and autist, the word is losing meaning because retards on Sup Forums throw it around too much as usual, but that's not new. NMS devs sure look like a bunch of hipster sheeps, but calling them nu-males is an easy insult considering the fact that the indie scene has more and more of these faggot non-men.