That early access game you fire up once every 3 months to check if the devs have got their shit together or it's still...

>That early access game you fire up once every 3 months to check if the devs have got their shit together or it's still a buggy piece of unfinished crap

What's her name Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

never bought an early access game, not a cuck.


Gloria Victis.

What the fuck was I thinking

7 Days to Die, had it since launch and its slowly becoming bearable to play

Killing Floor 2

DayZ but it's once a year I check it

Ark, Space engineers

Games that have made millions of dollars, there are no excuses as to why they're not finished.

>buy Golf With Friends for like 2 dollars with some friends for drunk shenanigans
>its literally just some shitty janky golf game made in unity
>guy hasnt released a new course in like 4 months
>2 very minor bugfix updates since then

Kenshi, somehow they've managed to make the game even less stable

>expecting major development in 3 months



Most games are conceptualised and completed in under a year.

There's some early access games that have gone unfinished for 5 years.

>No overgrowth

That is utter bullshit.

Elite: Dangerous, even if it's not in early access anymore.

bought killing floor 2
never again
last time Tripwire sees my money
fuck them.

>Most games are conceptualised and completed in under a year.

Besiege and Subnautica are doing fine

Toxikk on the other hand

>Buying early access

Even if I got it for free, I still wouldn't play it. Why would you willingly play an unfinished game? It'll just ruin your experience with it. Going in once it's done is the only logical way to do it.

>in a thread with less than 15 replies

The Forest.

7 Kingdoms: Princess Problem

Don't judge, I played the demo to have a piss and found it fun.

Buying is not the same as playing. Some people like the to support the development of the game with the intention of playing it when it is completed.

Is subnautica still that buggy? I heard it was going pretty well?

I bought that shit like 6 years ago now and it literally feels no different.
It shall go down as the dumbest fucking thing I ever bought. I spent £30 on it.
I had no concept of indie early access trash.

No mans sky

>New FIFA, F1 and COD every single year

Cube World

>Day Z
>The forest
>Killing Floor 2

Learned my lesson. Early access, no buy. ZERO exceptions.

>3 games
That is not most games and COD has two studios that rotate.

I just don't agree with doing that. You're encouraging lazy behavior. If the devs want money then they should make the game. If you buy early access you have no guarantees the game will be decent.

Project Zomboid

It was always good, but its getting even better.

Are about to release whole new animations for everything. Something most devs seem to ignore.


Fuck my life

oh god i forgot i bought cube world, it was a good idea but it was executed poorly


Vagante but they actually deliver. Updates every two weeks aside from christmas vacation or when they went to shill at pax/etc. online multiplayer is working and they added emotes recently, which is something I thought would be really fun to have.

Not bad for 4 devs total.

I know that feeling, dude
This update to come better be damn good

Abandon hope.

They really need to fix the distance rendering issue. There is nothing to do once you upgrade the little sub. you can go to just about any depth.

Literally just waiting for content at this point, but updates are small and slow these days.

Check out Of Kings and Men. GV is gonna be fucked.

I don't agree with it either but people do it and they have their reasons for doing it. To say they're encouraging laziness is ignorant though and point of kickstarter/EA etc is that devs want money to make the game. There will always be lazy cunts that abuse this but it's ignorant to say that the consumer is actively encouraging it.

>If you buy early access you have no guarantees the game will be decent.
Everyone knows this.

Star Citizen. Pretty happy with how it's coming along. An update every month or so.

It should have been the first reply.

ARMA 3 :^)

>ctrl-F "It should have been the first reply."
>0 results


The game had potential but the developer just abandoned it.

Project Zomboid, 5 years of development and shit all to show for it.

That IS the excuse, man.
They made their millions, they don't have to do anything anymore.
Except break our hearts...

Wild season. Neat little Harvest Moon clone, used to be mega buggy and had no infinite mode to farm and stuff. Has infinite mode now, still a bit buggy and feels really incomplete. Devs seem ambitious though, so just gonna let it sit and gonna play Rune Factory 4 in the meanwhile.

I've been keeping tabs on that game for a while now, waiting for it to enter a stable release. I've heard stories of save files being erased each update and shit.

Starbound recently hit 1.0
They actually finished it, dude.
I've been playing it specifically because the devs actually kept their promise and released the game. Whether or not it's good, that's subjective, but at least they finished it.


But the game right now has more content than Killing Floor 1 at launch.

The Long Dark

played this and ended up refunding it. I am normally a fan of these kinds of games but it is just too dull for me to get into.

Pretty sure they stole the source codes from cataclysm dark days ahead. which is exactly the same game except turn based ASCII.

isn't it 3 studios now?

>muh NPC
>muh cars
the game is pretty good, not perfect but enjoyable

I need the source of that picture user

Man that game had so much potential, a shame you basically win once you survive a few nights and get a bow or gun

>That game you kickstarted nearly 4 years ago and haven't since seen a single convincing trace of ever really being developed

am I the only one that bought the long dark?

heh maybe it's just some casual arctic survival simulator
it's hot as hell out and this game looks chill with winter visuals, that should be nice to play

>huh I have no idea what to do and this is awful drudgery

>Camelot Unchained
>Shroud of the Avatar


>riddled with hackers
>hit detection can be fucky
>required to have at least a clan of 3 or you're just fucked
>unending grinding
>cancer servers with p2w
>grinding, blueprints require you to be in close proximity to towns which means more likely to get fucked
>farming is nonexistent, cannabis plants planted with seeds do not produce seeds

haven't played since a few months ago but I can't imagine much has changed

Nuclear Throne


I don't buy unfinished games, and I'm not a gambler.

>Nuclear throne
come on

it's an unfinished pile of shit, out of EA for cash grab and then promptly abandoned



But I still follow some of them so I can get to know when(if ever) they are ready for release and what features were added.

i dont think so, but maybe its just because im having fun with the multiplayer mod


Overgrowth I'd an engine test, not a game.

>Buy Nuclear Throne because i hear it's similar to Binding of Isaac
>Game keeps randomly crashing
>Can't find out any way to fix it because the community is dead
>Finally find out how to fix it
>Play it without crashing for a hour straight
>Realize how fucking boring it is
>Refund it and buy The Gungeon

Played The Gungeon for about 7 hours, haven't played it since.

I don't buy early access titles or former early access titles that haven't been off early access for at least 6 months out of principle.

It was in EA for like two fucking years and they only pulled it out when it was feature complete and the major bugs were fixed, then they continued to update it a few more times for good measure. If you legitimately feel that you were cheated by buying Nuclear Throne then maybe this whole video game business isn't for you and you should pick up a more stable hobby like gardening, because you seem retarded.

Guilty as charged. I really liked the idea at the time but then Wollay just nabbed the cash and ran.

Nah, shit game tbqh senpai. Bottom 10 of all time for sure.

Yandere Simulator.

I only check it to see if Eva finally chimped out and dropped it.


It's doing ok I think? Sometime I see the game updating and I check it out for 10 minutes but I probably won't really play it until it's finished.

The culling. Actually had a lot of fun with it. Shame it's just the one map. Really fun to coop with a friend


GTA Online

I liked 1.0 better

eternal crusade

this is the last fucking time i fall for the early access meme