
And how in any of that blew Sup Forums out?
People can talk a whole lot of shit but we actually have to see that shit in action or they are just lying cunts.

I...I just can't do it.

I can't take it that I'm on the wrong side of history. We lost Sup Forumsros...we fucking lost. Time for introspection. We have to change everything

I hope this won't end up like those other guys where they promised a whole lot then barely fulfilled half of it.

Sean is one of the good guys right?

Oh god I got blown the fuck out rwalbrlwbrlawbrlblbar

>2 days to release
>Add huge new features
>Promise even more
They should really just delay the release date again

what happened fill me in

>leaked game was shit
>w-we've actually been working on the REAL game that one is just fake
>people still looking forward to this heaping pile of shit

Why would he be?
He only ever gave us Joe Danger and that game wasn't anything to be excited about. Wasn't even a good trials game.


Don't say that

Based fucking Sean, lads

Game releases in a few days.
Game has made its way to some peoples hands already. It has some issues.
Day one patch is detailed in that link, fixes some issues, adds things etc.
Everyone overreacts because Sup Forums


kjrltrffjg cm ufg

Early access is standard now, games no longer need to say they're in early access anymore.

How can anyone trust him when he has contradicted himself, misinformed and downright lied in interviews over and over again?
I'm not saying the game will be shit but it won't be what everyone expects it to be.

>Sup Forums now believes fucking patch notes could be lying to them




>mfw cu cks on Sup Forums were saying the leaks was 100% accurate of the final product
>mfw cu cks from Sup Forums were saying that large day one patches did not exist
>mfw cu cks from Sup Forums were saying that HG was not doing anything during the delay
>mfw cu cks from Sup Forums told me that everything i heard from the game was a lie

You fuckers made me wait for doom. I refuse to listen to you fucks ever again. Last fucking straw.

did they have time for beta testing?
the launch will be worse than trump poll number


Pirates and leakers actually helped buyers.

The game was in really bad shape, and some of the most basic expectations went unfulfilled. This patch was a rushed effort to keep pre-orders.

What's with all these hardcore shills?

what's wrong with it? Some species exist this way or are you just retarded because you find it funny?

Please don't trigger the alt-right fags



This patch was supposed to be a DLC if it wasn't for the leaker.

Prove me wrong.

This list is shit. Bring it.

How did you interpret me saying that he lies in interviews as him lying in the patch notes?
That is a fascinating string of logic.

>mfw your damage controlling ass is actually implying they made all these changes in less than a week.

God, your asshurt is great. Im savoring it.

This. Also, still not able to fly with friends.

38 pls

Holy shit. Can Sup Forums ever recover from this??

Dude's have always been talking about updating the game with new shit after launch

They've never talked about DLC

I know you're just shitposting anyways

>Next up we’re adding the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters.
>reduced pop in
>took out the trade exploit
>added dead moons
>made the Galaxy 10x bigger
>fixed the crashing

Eat shit Sup Forums

I honestly want to shitpost but I can't.

>if you take joy in Sup Forumss shitposters getting absolutely fucking destoryed, you are a shill.

Well fucking gee golly god, sign me up for shill school than, because this shit is great.


So Sup Forums, are you ready to play No Man's Sky?

Read the patch notes. They directly state they made balancing changes and fixed exploits found by leakers

Canceled pre-order re-ordered

>Topic about patch notes for game
>'How can anyone trust him with all this contradictory shit?'

Gee I don't know user

What is the theme? Meme waifus?

>Sup Forums


I don't care about the game much but I'm posting to say I followed your link and it fucking burned my eyes out of their socket and gave me a headache.

>sharp white text on deep black background

Fuck, at least use grey or a softer contrast, jesus christ.

I was wrong.

I admit it. All my complaints are pretty much solved.

I think this is the first time "its only a beta" was actually correct.


damage control : the thread

>Feeding – creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.

That sounds pretty great.
Might make a friendly play through a bit more fun.

Way to fucking go Sup Forums.

You dun goofed beyond recognition.

The amount of shit talking about this game and now what? They proved themselves this game is worthy.

>neo-Sup Forums believes, yet again, everything they are told by devs at face value

Jesus H. Christ.


well guess I'll give it a go

Still pirating though

This whole thread is cancer.

>"found by leakers"

>mfw your damage control is so bad that you think they did not test their builds at all


Found the redditor

Seems a little too good to be true that they've managed to eliminate every single issue encountered by people with early copies, and introduced several brand new features on top of that, all in the space of a few weeks.

If true, they truly are based fucking devs. Taking it with a grain of salt for now though.

I'm even willing to bet much of this stuff is things they intentionally scrapped to release as DLC later. Are we really going to believe that they whipped up animal interaction, geometric anomalies (wasn't this stuff in the trailer anyway?) and weather in just a week or two? It's obvious they're reintroducing cut content because they found out what they got was way too disappointing for players.

Hell, I'm even going to give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume this shit was cut because it simply didn't work, and now they added it just to try and build up the hype again.

>The Universe – we changed the rules of the universe generation algorithm. Planets have moved. Environments have changed biomes. Galaxies have altered shape. All to create greater variety earlier. Galaxies are now up to 10x larger.

e.g. we've added more color and shape variations. WOW THE GALAXY IS 10 TIMES LARGER

>Planet rotation – play testing has made it obvious people are struggling to adjust to this during play so it’s effects have been reduced further…


Sef rollins


I read the first three changes.
What the fuck, did they anticipate people getting early copies or something? It sure seems like it.

>mfw fixing bugs is only due to the leaks.


They have been working on this patch for over a month. Check their Twitter

agreed. with an OP like that this shit should have gone straight to page 10 and archived. this place is getting shittier every day tbqh

serious question because I have been away from Sup Forums for a bit:
why are people hating on no mans sky so much? what exactly did the team or maybe one of the team members do?

usually when I see Sup Forums lynch a game/company like this, its usually because of some sort of SJW pandering but the game is about space exploration and creatures so I dont see how that fits anywhere...

inb4 nobody actually gives me a serious answer and just get meme answers instead

So fucking glad they expanded space stations. Seeing this huge grand structure and then finding out it only had two rooms was disappointing.


You sound upset

Holy shit, that's the face of a numale.

what is Sup Forums you fucking piece of shit newfaggot?

God, the asshurt is palatable.

I'm glad I didn't pre order because the way they talked about this game for all these years prior to release is that you'd be able to play with friends.

Dicks out for sean murrambe

This works both ways. The game still isn't fucking out yet. Everyone needs to chill.


Is it really surprising that a small indie studio can have fewer testers than people who played the leaked build? I definitely don't expect a bug free, feature complete game on launch. And with due to nature of procedure generation you can be forced to restart the game from scratch to see the new features (as evidenced here). Nah, I'm definitely waiting a few months before even thinking about picking NMS


Oh Barneyfag!

It is a well known fact they have openly stated they plan to continuously update the game post release at no cost.


>upset at Sup Forums getting wrecked

Why would i be upset at such a thing?

>We made all this stuff you haven't seen yet better so you won't even be able to tell even if you had seen it

>Still no farming
>Still no depth to combat
>Still no actual NPC's doing actual things
>Trading is still fake as fuck, you'll see ships following paths in circles
>Still no building
>Still no crafting besides RADIATION SUITS OH TOO MUCH FUN THERE

Shit game is shit I was right fuck ANYONE who payed $60 for this!

rollan 111111111



Tell me why I shouldn't wait for this shit to get patched in before buying it Sup Forums




>1 week after leak
>they add stuff that would never be finished in 1 week
Something is really fishy about this.

you must be new here

every overhyped game gets shat on for obvious reasons.
if you weren't a retard you'd realise this game wasn't getting very far.

obviously it's in everyones interests that every game is great but it just feels so good when shilled shit turns out be be shit.

This is the new trend of development.

They're using the Minecraft method of free updating over time. This means no sequel but instead an constantly evolving game to draw in players. I don't think this was originally DLC, this is cut content to then be reintroduced as "FREE". It's a clever method to keep us coming back for more.

Literally releasing an unfinished game and everyone cheers. Goddamn.

>Temporal AA didn’t make it in time, but it’s so close


jesus please

Rolling for Nepgear

>they did not do basic playthoughs

Lel, god this shit is grand. Whats next? The leakers wrote the patch themselves?

>Exploits – infinite warp cell exploit and rare goods trading exploit among other removed. People using these cheats were ruining the game for themselves, but people are weird and can’t stop themselves ¯\_(シ)_/¯



this is the kinda thing i visit Sup Forums for

Being wrong time and time and time and time and time and time again and never learning.

Sup Forums has been so rong about everything so consistently that the one time they were spot on "TOR" they had to make a HUUUGE deal out of it
