Beat first boss in a single try

>beat first boss in a single try
>next area has enemies that fight in pairs
>immediately get casual filtered
So much for that $20

Wait, which boss?
The fat one?
The tutorial boss?

of course


Great job, you suck.
DaS is da best.

Are you absolutely sure? Because it seems like bad game design

My man, you can do this. Practice and study your shit. Unless you don't give a shit and don't want to play it. Plenty of people beat it. My gf who mainly plays jrpgs and animal crossing and shit was able to beat all the soulsbourne games, took her forever and a half to git gud but once she did she was hooked.

Why the fuck do so many people give up on a game at the first sign of difficulty? What the fuck is even the point of playing games at that point?

Yes, you expectedly suck.

As a side note, tell us your class and starting gift

just out of curiosity, are you fighting the armored zombie guys or skeletons?

because if you're facing skeletons you're going the wrong way

very common mistake

>He thinks regular mobs fighting in pairs is unfair

see you in anor londo friend

I've finished Bloodborne multiple times and had a blast. I roamed around PvP hotspots and had a blast.

But for whatever weird fucking reason, I can't do shit in Dark Souls. Either of them.

Its possible to go through the catacombs at the beginning of the game. You just have to be good.

but it's not what you're supposed to do, and it's very unlikely that a new player can do it

ds2 is by far the worst one when it comes to actually fighting multiple enemies

they all crowd up behind each other and create this ball of wild swings and death.

BB was such a relief after that since enemies, while they do fight in pairs, give you and each other enough space between themselves that they're not always clipping through each other.

ill never understand why new players almost always go there. you're flat out told to go *up*

You haven't seen shit yet, OP.

It isn't
you're just really, really bad

i made the same mistake, mostly because i was running around the shrine checking out shit and i didn't even notice the flight of stairs in the cliff on the other side

>Lost Bastille
>Royal Swordsmen

>that one part after the honorbridge

I don't understand shields either. What do the different sizes mean? Should I just not bother and swing two-handed?

Fuck me, I miss the Evelyn.

legit trigger

good thing I was playing as batman and had a shitload of bombs on me though fuck that

i'd rather fight 3 heide knights at once than 2 facefuck ghrus

>>Get casual filtered
Maybe get good at the game, and stop being such a casual fag.

bigger shields can (generally) absorb more damage and you lose less stamina while blocking

a shield is a good for your first run

try not to confuse a shield's attack stats with its defense stats

honestly dude DS2 was when I stopped using shields and ended up either running or just dodging everything and waiting for an opportunity

I bought a shitload of consumables to like knives and bombs just to get a few hits on enemies before reengaging.

rule of thumb is small shields are for parry, medium shields sometimes absorb the blow so these are best for blocking the attack and trading blows, the great shields are for turtling so you can poke from behind them with certain weapons.

Did you go to the graveyard get raped by skeletons and then repeatedly go there instead of thinking "hmm maybe I should try somewhere else?"

while facefuckers are terrifying I hate the unnatural movement and the delayed Heide knight attacks.

that and when you smack them it just makes a crunch sound and they hardly ever fuck off like everything else in the game.

>beat first 2 bosses on 2nd try
>took ~20 tries to beat the gargoyles
>aquire zweihander
>beat the next 8 bosses on the first try

things got a lot easier when i started pretending i was using a monster hunter greatsword.

Am I the only one who thinks up is always the safer option?

>that image
My sexual urges are tingling

fellow gurochan user i see

>tfw skeletons

Because the "up" is hard to find while the graveyard is pretty much out in the open. The layout of the ruins invite you to go there because it feels like the natural way.

Of course when you already know where which area is it's easy to say "duh just go right left up left circle strafe right"

>playing DS1 yesterday
>in Demon ruins for the first time
>the wall centipede attacks me, I glitch out and fall through the floor, losing 30 minutes of progress

I hate this place

what show is that pal.

No, down feels like I'm going backwards. That and so many skeletons being clumped together seemed to pretty much be a big indication I should go elsewhere.

no idea mate sorry might want to use reverse image search


the worst part of that fight is if they corner you against a wall and then the camera starts glitching out and all you see is their golden polygon textures moving around and it just becomes disorienting and confusing.
FUCK that shit.

Doesnt the game autosave? Or you mean you didnt save at a bonfire

is this from a porno?



Need to play through this 3 times to get all the trophies.

boku no sword art

No it's a wrestling competition.

>get claymore, start with the key, go through the gate near new londo ruins, go through valley of thr drakes, loop around, completely skip tourus demon and that entire area of the undead burg, farm, +5 gaymore, go lower burg, kill capra cunt with woofers, get large ember, go to blighttown, farm slugs, get dem large titanite shards, +10 gaymore, drain water in new londo ruins with the spooki ghosts, get day phat ass large ember, farm dick wraiths 4 titanite chunks, +14 gaymore, back to undead asylum, kill other asylum demon, titaniteslab lads +15 gaymore, all of this can be done before you even fight gargoyles, you only have to fight the capra demon.

No, you just have to be alone and unemployed. Even if you somehow upgrade the ass to +5 killing skeletons on low stats is tedium incarnate.

The first time I tried to play it i never noticed the up path and fucked myself in the catacombs for 4 hours before quitting. My second playthrough went a little better

>killing skeletons without an occult or divine weapon
>just run past them

>take the worng path
> try to kill skeletons with a spear
> cry becouse rekt

Deal with it casul

>tfw OP of this thread
>realize I dun goof'd
>was still able to kill 3 skellys before imminent murderfucking
I feel a bit better now. Will try again tomorrow

This is why I love dark souls.

Shhhh. Teekyu

fuck you thank you

>Get Demons Souls
>I sucks
>Maybe Darks Souls is more easy
>I still sucking
>Maybe Darks Souls II is more easy
>I still sucking

I'm so fucking bad in this game, someone please kill me

>run past the skellingtons
>open up the bridge
>jump down onto the staircase
>jump down to the blacksmith
It's like 2 minutes tops, and you can get your fire sword of bullshit at lvl 1 and twink some newbies to death when they do another global replay.

Block or dodge enemy attack, then hit them until your stamina is low, but not depleted, or the enemy begins his attack. then roll out and recover stamina. repeat.

dark souls isn't that fun for its combat for me. I just love medieval fantasy shit. Varied movesets and weapons, fashion, and atmosphere are more important for me.

>get thing that's heavier and slower than a longsword but weaker and shorter than the zwei, >by cheesing the drake, good luck figuring out how lol
>start with sequence breaking
>go through the valley of lightning flamethrowers, good luck lol
>completely skip a piss-easy boss
>grind for materials without the ring and probably humanity
>go fight capra without getting decent armor or the poise ring
>murder a friendly npc to sequence break more
>to avoid another piss-easy boss fight
>avoiding those two boss fights leaves you open to pvp in two areas that attract dickwraiths and assholes and absolutely no one else
>go fight the stray demon with low health, weak juice and shitty gear
Good job mate, that's bound to make his first playthrough enjoyable.