Rate my haul Sup Forums

rate my haul Sup Forums

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>kingdom hearts
This image is the epitome of someone who was born in the mid 90s who recently became old enough to post on Sup Forums

neck yourself, you cancerous sack of shit


Gee I wonder what this thread is about

Pretty godlike

That buzzword sure showed him.


MGRR almost redeems it but not quite.

nice camera

what is it about trump supporters that don't acknowledge the guy is a literal dumb ass and arguably, a retard? say what you want about hillary, she would pass a high school algebra class with an A easily whereas trump isn't expected to pass a fifth grade civics test

fuck off to Sup Forums with your cult of personality shit, not videogames


>Mr. President, we need you to solve a basic algebra problem or we're gonna get nuked
>Oh fuck, all I know how to do is turn a million dollars into several billion. Why didn't I study algebra more instead of all that useless negotiation tactics!

>Battle for Bikini Bottom
>Metal Gear Rising

rate my outfit Sup Forums

Nah man. Don't worry.

Most people in your country are still retarded as shit like you.

The thing is Sup Forums has been getting a lot more non-american traffic lately, and we just enjoy watching the melt down of your entire political system from the outside.

It's like getting front row seats to the worlds biggest dumpster fire, while two hobos stand in the flames trying to fan them in each others direction.

They don't care, that's what it is.

You can point out every flaw and lie in and every single word that Trump has ever uttered and they would not care. They aren't looking for a meme president who speaks to their fantasies of killing minorities.

They don't have any ideological consistency or goals aside from killing or removing people that offend them.

Any troublesome facts or dissenters are silenced under a tide of KEK and other memes.

>$0.00 has been deposited in your account

>trump is a billionaire
>hillary is and has been a bought politician since the 90s

ok kid. 18+ and no reddits please

All you're missing is a small loan of a million dollars.

Give me one example of trump being racist

>inherit a company thats already too big to fail
>have a whole department of financial analysts who figure out how not to lose money and earn
>sign ideas they come up with

he's a fucking moron

>he's literally retarded
>shows no facts showing why he is
Learn to sort your opinions with facts bud.

>born in the mid 90s who recently became old enough to post on Sup Forums

Should be late 90s if they just became old enough.

2 more years and people born in the year 2000 will be 18

Considering most college students turn a 80k loan into 100k in debt I'd say he did pretty well.

I fucking hate you niggers. These are the types of images my fucking grandparents email to me. Go back to your containment board.


Which artist makes the best pokemon porn.

>killing minorities
Way to make shit up? I bet you're a Bern-Out.

>get blown the fuck out
>g-go b-back to pol

Saying that Mexicans are rapists and thugs.
Saying we should ban Muslims from entering the country.
Saying we should label Muslims so we know who they are.
Saying the wife of the Muslim father of that deceased US soldier "probably wasn't even allowed to speak' during his speech.

I don't think Sup Forums even votes. No matter the memes that come out of it, Sup Forums is mostly apolitical regardless of the Sup Forums boogeyman. But if they did vote for Trump, it's mostly to see the aftermath of him becoming president. Sadly we all know Hillary is gonna win anyway and that woman is basically female Nixon. Long story short, both candidates are awful and there's nothing we can do about it.

Anyone actually played this?

>Made billions of dollars
>over 500 successful companies
>employed thousands and thousands
>didn't get called a moron until he started to run for President

This is why.

But all of this is true.

Turns out it's easier to get a federally-backed student loan for $80k that can never be defaulted on, than it is to get an unsecured commercial loan for $1m with no prior business success and no real repercussions for defaulting. And it also turns out that you have to actually be a student to qualify for student loans, so you can't just spend the money on whatever. But you keep on with your rags to riches mythology.

shirt 10/10

the rest is trash

i dont know what any of those things are

t. trump supporter

Sup Forums is the skeleton.

>Saying that Mexicans are rapists and thugs.
80% of women crossing the border get raped
>Saying we should ban Muslims from entering the country.
Putting a temporary hiatus on muslim immigration until we can fix our current problem isn't racist, islam isnt a race
>Saying the wife of the Muslim father of that deceased US soldier "probably wasn't even allowed to speak' during his speech.
She wasn't allowed to, khan supports sharia and specializes in muslim immigration to America.

the idea is that he was smart enough to surround himself with those people and listen to their expertise. That demonstrates humility. Hillary also shacked up with a guy who was ambitious enough to become president. They both have their accolades. Calling Trump a moron is just hyperbole though.

That's a hard question to answer user.

Stating facts is not racist. We've done labeling before, what makes Muslims so special?

Trump has always been a joke of a human being.

Thank you for doing your part to save America, OP.

>a race
>not a group sharing an ideology that has proven to encourage acts of violence
Must be nice to life in your own little bubble

Both candidates suck but honestly this is the nicest compliment I have ever gotten on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is the fish.

He was referring to illegal Mexicans that are rapists and thugs, not all of them. He was making a reference to the guy that raped and murdered Kate Steinle except didn't mention her by name.

Muslim isn't a race.

Yes, we should keep track of refugees.

That was probably true. Most Muslim countries don't respect women so that assumption wasn't far off.

Fuck off back to Everyone else, you know what to do.


>buy a Trump shirt made in Bangladesh from walmart
>post it on Sup Forums for positive karma
Feels good man

Most of the people I have seen in game with Trump in their username are kids and teenagers not old enough to vote.

This is outdated and he changed his position to it being a mental health issue.

Hillary however has actively worked to ban video games multiple times not just posting one tweet about it.

While not accepting muslim immigrants is sensible it's also unconstitutional. You're not accepting a group of people based on their religion.

I like this meme.

>changed his position

no surprises there

>has over 500 successful businesses and is a billionaire

They aren't citizens the constitution doesnt apply to them.

>Sup Forums has been getting a lot more non-american traffic lately

Jesus, that must be why it's been so fucking horrible these past few weeks


Liberal tears. So delicious.

The wall is being built and you have to go back.

They're both weathervanes, they just align themselves to different winds. On a personal ideological level, I doubt Clinton and Trump are distinct in any important way.



>Hillary however has actively worked to ban video games multiple times not just posting one tweet about it

She was almost successful doing this in the 90's.

Sup Forums is the house.


>i don't know what reddit is
You should go there you'll feel right at home

Excuse me?

>While not accepting muslim immigrants is sensible it's also unconstitutional.
>Hey American, let me tell you about your constitution

He wasn't running for president when that tweet was sent either.

Have you compared 2008 Hillary to 2016 Hillary? Literally every position has changed.

>not posting the better version

>people will unironically vote for trump

you mean he has always been based as fuck


That's fair.

>They don't have any ideological consistency or goals aside from killing or removing people that offend them.
I want the US out of the Middle East
Hillary says she wants to set up a no fly zone in Syria thereby prolonging the war.

Trump says he wants to leave Syria and let Putin handle it.
I'm voting Trump without a doubt