Just got to the sewers in this game and I'm considering uninstalling it.
Is it worth persevering through this?
Just got to the sewers in this game and I'm considering uninstalling it
No, it's a shit game only liked by Sup Forumsirgins and faggots.
That area of the game is utter garbage and singlehandedly drops down its score. Absolutely worth powering through it, theres plenty of amazing stuff further. You can noclip through it and lose nothing of value, especially the part with the abominations.
I got through the sewers in about 1/2 an hour on my first play through so I don't get whats so shitty about it
It really depends on your build. My first character was focused mainly on non-combat skills except for stealth and the sewers were save/reload city.
Buy a shitload of shells and Mercurio's Spas, go as fast as possible through that shit. It gets better later but getting there is a huge pain in the ass.
Skip if possible, cheat wathever it's just a pain in the ass, the rest of the game is worth tho.
What game is this?
>not noclipping through the grave
just keep running, the sewers aren't that long. it's worth it.
>tfw got through the sewers in 15 minutes as a Tremere on my first run and didn't even know this is what people were complaining about
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Every time.
Power through it bro, it's a shitty area that no-one likes
Like 7 years ago I played this game 95 percent of the way through only for it to glitch out at the end and not be able to continue
never forgiven it desu
>he didn't stealth through the whole thing
>not melee with the polearm
No shit it's going to suck if you only use the Glock and no disciplines. Just Protean/Blood Purge/Celerity through that shit.
Alright I'll power through it. Been enjoying the game up until this point. Wish I'd put more focus on combat skills.
No, the whole game is fucking trash
>not just no clipping through
Saved me a headache going back through the second playthrough.
Combat in the game is ok nice until sewers, then you can return to combat without problem, still i recommend you start putting points to hit hard or last because final boss fights are going to be a pain in the ass.
Unless you're Tremere or Gangrel you'll want to get a few points in guns when you fight Sheriff.
>mfw Ventrue playthrough totally wrecked Sheriff melee
>get to his transformation
>almost get killed for using flamethrower upwards
The price i pay for being retarded.
Either my stealth was high enough or the monsters were bugged before patching. At any rate this was back in 2004 and i was playing the game to hate it because I was a tabletop fanboy.
>Needing to use ranged on the Sheriff at all
Nobody does this, right
>that feel when no massive mod overhaul to fix areas like this
>going through the sewers with blood loss mod
just noclip through the sewers and focus on building up your combat skills once you get out, since a boss fight later on is balls hard
I only use it when he is a bat, when it's face to face i fight him like a man, sword vs sword, i wish the combat animations were better so that fight agains't him was much better and hyped.
But you can turn the lights so he flies into the beam and it stuns him for fucking ages
Just started playing again with the plus patch, how the fuck do I get into Malcolm's office to get the painkillers? Bloodbuff got nerfed hard and socializing is hell as a Gangrel.
>mfw didn't knew this
Is there something else i don't know?
Only one thing
You're a faggot, user
I got to this spot, and I'm like
>"wait, no, I have to be going the wrong way. This has to be some bonus level. This thing is taking me forever. I'm running low on ammo. There's no NPCs or anything.
And then I came across the end. Juts slug it out. Remember the game was rushed to completion. The end is a bit shaky.
If you're a combat guy, you'll love the next sections.
There's a shortcut if you have enough hacking skill to skip 90% of the sewers
>just noclip through it lmao
Wow, what an amazing classic game! haha just skip it :)! this game is amazing xDDD lol vampires haha, lol just skip like half of the game, the rest is GOAT though :PPP just ignore all the shit parts that make half of the game :))))))
>Skip one map section that it's just a shitty laberynth filled with monsters and have no story purpose whatsoever
>totally ruins the game experience
>just noclip
you guys cant be serious. its not even that bad. I must have made 5-6 playthrought so far and you can just run for the most part. It takes what, 10 minutes?
Just noclip
That's what I did.
You can jump on those fucking giant cylinder things and those fuckers can't reach you
I found it but my skill isn't high enough which is gay
>a small part of a non-hub map is badly designed
God, what a disingenuous shitpost. Reminded me of why I hate this board so much
The sewers are the first real combat intensive zone in Bloodlines, up until that point you could talk your way out of most fights or get through them with base level combat skills.
there's no downside to skipping the sewers entirely
to be honest I'm pleasantly surprised I had any decent responses to my thread. Not sure why I asked on here.
You will always find that one faggot who despises a game you like and will blatantly lie just out of spite
I swear you fags praise this unfinished mediocre trash with one of the worst combat I've ever seen and with a mediocre second half just because it's not popular and it's old.
I've always played this game with the plus patch, which adds a shortcut to this level. How long is it without the patch? I've never understood the complaints since I could run through the level very quickly.
I was genuinely disappointed that I didn't get to fuck the hooker I paid, just had her blood.
Why the fuck are people overreacting this much? Sure, the game gets more combat-oriented in the last fourth, but that doesn't mean it's boring. I enjoyed all the battles, especially the Gangrel hotel raid. Maybe people are mad because they didn't know and invested completely in non-fighting skills, but they should have read about it beforehand. Plus isn't it a well-known fact here that the game becomes combat-oriented near the end?
It's definitely a shame the game doesn't leave you with so many options to the very end, but it doesn't mean it's shit because of that.
The Sewers is literally the Black Mountain Mine. Thank god that VTMB does not have weapons degradation.
i think you may have legit retardation if that was your argument
no idea why you act as if this game fucked your mom or something
just fyi i finished this game multiple times way before i started browsing Sup Forums and its still one of my fav games
hope news about a fucking sequel come out already like rumored
Ok i will fall for it, we like this game because the story is engaging and it was one of the last few genuine RPG experiences of that era, a game that show the potential a studio can have even under the worst possible conditions, the combat isn't that bland actually after i started to replay the game a lot, i realized the combat was decent unless you are retarded, what it makes the combat bat it's just the animation in general and that they couldn't make proper first person shooting, but still the rest is top notch, from voice acting of most of the characters, to ambience, lighting, atmosphere, soundtrack, dialogue, combat, lore, etc.
If you don't like it thats ok, but don't imply we like this game just because it's old and not popular (which is untrue the game is indeed popular and is not even that old)
who is that? she's lovely
>Plus isn't it a well-known fact here that the game becomes combat-oriented near the end?
Something a complete newbie isn't going to know.
Frances Bean Cobain (Kurt Cobain's daughter)
>Kurt Cobain's daughter
>Something a complete newbie isn't going to know.
This, a new player doesn't know that there is a curve close to the mid to end section of the game, which is good because it makes you think about how you spend your stats for future, but it's bad because it can fuck a playthrough.
>only good game in the urban fantasy genre
of course its worth it!
I been searching for that gif long time ago user thanks
>Hotel raid
Fuck, Hallowbrook hotel was intense as fuck, packs of Sabbat jumping you, Brujah sanic'in into your back while Gangrel transformed and ripped you to shreds and you could waltz im guns blazing for a bloodfest or make impossible silent takedowns then you find the best fucking blade ever but I don't remember what the bossfight was
>can fuck your playthrough
I always end up hoarding xp and still be op as fuck, even if you fucked up once, you can just reload a save drom 10 minutes ago and the sewers are cakewalk. You either have presence, celerity, obfuscation or thaumathurgy at your disposal so you either rush through it, tank through it, blood vomit through it or sneak through it
Is presence even remotely useful? The only time I've ever used is was playing Toreador and celerity was better in every situation.
I dumped all my points into speech, hacking and seduction on my first playthrough, maybe a point in brawling. Needless to say the sewers were a complete nightmare, not to mention the Chinese bitch boss fight.
I also sided with LaCroix
fucking madman
>not Ming's place where the traps don't even work against her boys and those fucking flaming arrows
>when you play pokemon go and only geodude spawn.webm
>tfw no goth vampire gf because ugly sewer dweller shitposting all day on shreknet
Why even unlive
>I dumped all my points into speech
I assume you mean persuasion
You don't even need it that high
Now I know you're meme'ing
What if you actually dumped some points into diciplines or hand to hand?
You could probably get a nosferatu one user, sounds like they'd fit into your lifestyle well.
>he didn't pick Brujah and go melee
Every vampire player in the setting regrets this decision sooner or later, the sewers exist to remind all the hipster faggots which clan is unarguably the best.
Haven't played the game in years, sorry if I don't quite remember what all the skills were called.
>Now I know you're meme'ing
Wish I was, I just wanted to max out all my social / exploration stuff, since the combat was a breeze, or at least manageable with blood buff, till I reached the sewers anyway.
Unless you have maxed humanity, you can't fuck anything, because your dick doesn't work, and don't even remember whether or not the humanity system from PnP is present in VtMB.
>getting this mad because people enjoy a game you don't
Is it worthwhile trying to play this game as a purely combat oriented character? Am I going to miss out on a lot of stuff?
It's worthwhile, you won't miss much. Try Gangrel and Brujah for melee combat and Toreador for ranged.
You don't need maxed humanity, you just spend a bit of blood to make your penis function. Not that it feels any good.
Sewers is the best part, don't listen to these fags telling you its hard.
The only hard part is that part where you have to fight this vampire that summons geodudes. Nothing else.
what build are you going for anyway ? I went full subtelty which is the hardest on this area because the 2 handed dudes see through invisibility.
The big guys are easy to kill and the fat ones even easier.
Only problem I can think that you're facing is to find the key or whatever it was which is near the fat dudes
>I dumped all my points into speech, hacking and seduction
If you have hacking you could've skipped the sewers assuming it was high enough.
You only have yourself to blame for not exploring a bit more and finding the back door.
To what are you referring to?
Not everyone use the plus patch.
There is a shortcut in the plus version of the unofficial patch.
>complaining about the Sewers.
>Simple puzzle
>enemies with simple movesets
>Geodudes hit easily in mid jump
>the big fuckers are easily avoided
>Oh geez, a werewolf, hah, better hide in this building until the eleva-
>BOOM Lykantroph through the fucking wall
Got it. Really hard.
The sewers were boring and a bit spooky but on my first and only playtrough they weren't hard at all. My character was melee main and he 1-shot those 2 legged beasts with an axe.
Considering picking this game up, what do I need to know?
Pirate GOG version
Open it
What the everloving fuck is wrong with you people. The sewers are linear, short and pretty easy on top. I went through them with that mod that makes you lose blood occasionally too and it was still easy.
Don't Open It
>Celerity is OP
>everything rest is shit
Nice balance.
>Nice balance.
its not abotu balance but playing the clan you like. For example, after all these years I've never played a brujah because I prefer Malks/Nos/Tremere, etc. Its single player, there's really no need for proper balance between clans.
>everything rest is shit
>what is Protean
>what is Thaumaturgy
It's just a matter of being able to actually use your fucking disciplines in combat. I'm fine with Celerity being strong but i'm really not fine with Thaumaturgy beyond blood purge being absolutely fucking useless against anything remotely supernatural as it will deal less damage than one shot from your gun and won't trigger any special effects like blood boil explosion.
just finished a playthrough as a malk. with the unofficial patches the combat feels alright at the end. melee is actually pretty fun especially when using block becomes necessary like against the sheriff
>no one expects a malkavian inquisition
Use the unofficial patch, don't go with a malk for a first playthrough, and if atmosphere is your thing (it should be if you're playing this game) consider using sweetfx to capture that cold, nighttime los angeles feel
>first playtrough
>got trough sewers in 10-20 minutes
>didn't even mind it that much
Why is everyone bitching so much? At this point just noclip trough it.
celerity makes it a cakewalk
no celerity means you have to fight every single one of those little faggots because they can catch up to you
Git gud
>no celerity means you have to fight every single one of those little faggots because they can catch up to you