ITT: Games you'll never play because of it's availability.
ITT: Games you'll never play because of it's availability
It's all digitalfag's fault.
PS3 emulation will happen eventually OP.
This is exactly why pirating is the only way to play a game correctly.
You can literally buy it at Best Buy WITH the DLC you dunce.
who's up for some Online on PSN?
> only way to play a game correctly.
> graphical glitches, fps issues
> oh and 10-15 years after it's original release
only retarded pckuks are able to have so stupid ideas
Red Dead Redemption
Yeah that's pretty much it
you can still buy it on best buy's website I think
Wow you got so fucking triggered you didn't even read the whole post.
You fucking dunce.
I still have that game installed on me PS3. I should really finish it sometime, it's fun.
Wait, is this game not available anymore? I still have it on my PS3 from years ago.
>literallt no way to get it in Europe unless you get an American friend to buy a code for you off of gamestop or best buy
Hold me Sup Forumsros
Isn't afterburner climax off psn now too?
That game was fucking great, digital distribution is a blight.
You guys want to play online?
It's on GameStop and BestBuy website, faggot.
Ubisoft was too lazy to renew the license so they just took it off the store, a couple months after DLC was released for it too
Remember when they put some PS1 games on the Vita store and then realized they weren't supposed to do that because of licensing (????) and took them off soon after
I think it was Spyro games
i'll probably never get around to playing undertale because I don't into steam.
I would say DAH because of its rarity (on physical disc) but I helped a pal 100% that already.
>tfw you will never play Marvel vs Capcom 2 HD
>tfw old PS2 copy is at uncle's place
It's not even arcade perfect so picking it up ain't worth taking away his fun he has with it.
It's bullshit. I got MGS on my Vita but that's only because I have to transfer from my PS3. Meanwhile I can download VR missions just fine from the Vita Store.
Crash trilogy and Spyro trilogy aren't playable on American accounts, I can't even transfer them like MGS.
yeah you had to get them in that very exclusive window where they fucked up and put them on the Vita PSN by mistake.
Scott Pilgrim is fucking faggot hipster SJW garbage.
buzzword buzzword buzzword
>itt: poorfags and fanboys
>games you can run on Xenia with minor glitches right now
Literally in every gamestop
Supermini Festa was shit.
MGS4 and God of war 3
Because Ill never own a ps3
Feels bad
uh, dude you can play that right now on PC.
Just get fightcade.
Wasn't doom on 360?
So you haven't played the game then. Thanks for your review.
>never bought the DLC to SPvTW
Somebody has a crack of it, right?
>ITT nobody who watched Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006
it was cool to see Paul Robertson turn his concept into a real game, IP be damned
the anamanaguchi soundtrack didn't hurt either
Does this actually work?
That short's "gameplay" structure was rather rigid if it was supposed to play like a game would.
Because on top of not being that popular in the US, it got a limited release and I don't have a PS3 to play it on, because I don't want to buy another console to play one game
Eyes of Heaven, the sequel, is definitely going this way
Wait really? With how popular it was,you'd think there were more
ASB: 6/10
Eyes of Heaven: 3/10
You're not really missing out on it since it's a bad fighting game but has a lot of fan service to the fans of the manga/anime.
>I don't actually have a rebuttal so I'm gonna tell you to fuck off
Heritage is way better even if it is just part 3
But to show that we want more Jojo games, we have to buy them. Anyway, I still want it for the fanservice.
If you played anyone other than Stills you're a closet homosexual
The fighting mechanics might not be on par with Heritage, but I still want it to have it and for the fanservice