After being a burnout NEET where i haven't played a video game properly in 3 years...

After being a burnout NEET where i haven't played a video game properly in 3 years, i decided to give it another try to resurrect the passion.
Since i have limited neetbux saved up, i need a budget gamer pc, 1080p60fps is enough, dont need none of that VR garbage or 1440p gimmicks.
Radeon RX470 looks best performance to price, right?
What CPU should i get that won't bottleneck the rx470?
thanks brah.

what a fag

The 470 is the same price as the 480

>he has barely any time for his hobbies due to sucking jew dick 9-5

>he's burnout from doing nothing
Medicine is my job and my hobby.

>he barely has any money to spend on his hobbies because he refuses to work

get a job instead

Just go for the RX480. Its like $20 more and a fair jump in performance. Make sure you get a good quality PSU.

Ideally you'd want an i5, but check out the benchmarks when its paired with something cheaper, like an i3 or FX-6300 (i.e. just search on youtube "RX 480 i3" or "RX 480 FX-6300")

Chemo is poison the government is purposely killing people with medicine

>lies the slaves tell themselves to cope with their miserable existences

for the processor get a Intel Quad Core processor like a i5 but if you can't afford it get the i3-6100 since it allows better upgrading than AMD's shit.

your tax money is enough for my non-greedy environment-friendly christian lifestyle.

i would not even take a shit on those cpus

They are already dead, might as well try to save them with poison.
Says the poorfag with no future.

Yeah, but they retail for under $100 now, and generally, AM3 motherboards give you more bang for your buck than Intel mobos.
Can't say much for the performance these days, but that's why I say look up benchmarks first. I can't be assed to right now.

Yeah, sure.

A NEET has actual, true freedom while with all of your studies, titles and training you're just a pathetic slave serving the jews.
How do you feel about it? Do you feel proud?

RX480 is best performance to price, and amd upgrades their cards performance as time goes on too. and many games will get vulkan updates so they will run even better as time goes on too.

you can find the 8gb version selling at $199 with a 4gb listing if you look close enough.

i had one when my phenom 2 x4 died
it was slower and hotter, replacing it with an i3 was a massive increase in performance.

Sometimes I can't tell if you retards actually believe this shit, or it's just some excuse you make up to cover up your crippling autism.

>he says i have no future while himself contributing to mankind's extinction

Here's my cheap build, with a 480 and a decent monitor it'll come out less than $1k

Just get a 1080, it might seem like big investment but that way you don't have to worry about upgrading your GPU ever again.

>you don't have to worry about upgrading your GPU ever again.
You mean aside from Nvidia's planned obsolescence?

please don't get the V300.
it's awful SSD where they sent the reviewers copies that are better than the retail ones

>muh freedoms
>I-I'm not a slave!
You are a slave to your own stupidity and actually serve the jew's white genocide.
>Says the guy not having children, life or purpose.
Good goyim.

>cheap build
>get SSD
user pls.

>buy a $500 gddr gpu
>with gddr being replaced in 3 months
Sounds like you just got played the way its ment to be

I'm surprised not one response has been

>he brings children into this hell to be wretched slaves like himself with no future but perpetual slavery
you are complete cattle that are bred and farmed for profit and you dont acknowledge it due to your brainwashing since birth.
How horribly sad all this is in my eyes.

nah, I don't think they would pull that off again with the 1000 series

hbm doesn't increase perf.


OP, if you get it at the msrp price ($180) it is a fair card, if not, go with RX 480.

>musturdrace thread
>just pay the most goyim you not poor are ye?


>doesnt increase performance
>4gb 500mhz HBM2 is equivalent to 12gb DDR5 1.5ghz

false flag jidf poster trying to convince whites to stay NEET and get bred out of existence

>believing in hell
>Implying I didn't prepare a future for them
You are the cattle, the end of the white race.
You are brainwashed by escapism.
All the sadness you "feel" reflects your state of mind.

Jew spotted.
Kill yourself.

Listen to this user, I got fucked by their bait and switch bs tactics. My SSD barely hits 300, spend like 10 bucks more and get a SSD worth shit.

>this thread

Don't tell me people believes this shit.

angry samefag loser who has to get up at 5am tomorrow to suck jew dick for pennies.
stay mad.

If it's so great why is the fury constantly behind nvidia's equivalents?

Kill yourself jew, no one likes you.

i3 6100 is perfectly fine for 1080p gaming and is super cheap (110$)
you might want to reconsider ati though and instead go for 1060

fx8350 is $299, beaten by the $165 i3 6100

fx6300 is $155, beaten by the $99 g3258

They get beaten by intel at every price point where they have current chips.

The gentleman who made this picture is a genius.
I read it hundreds of times and it still amazes me how true it is despite my indoctrinated views telling me the opposite.

This is why Sup Forums is a containment board. The autists there tell themselves this shit so they don't feel empty inside when they realise they have nothing to live for. It's fox and the grapes really.

>fx8350 is $299
>fx6300 is $155
Where the fuck are you shopping?
In my country the 6300 is 90 and the 8350 is 150

Australia. 90 US is about 125 au so the differences shouldn't be that much. How much are the intel chips there?


>Self proclaimed useless NEET
>budget gaming
>buying into the 720p 2.0 meme res

Fooling noone shitposter. Close the thread.

i could say the same about you, the "autist" you uses Sup Forums excuse to cope with his pathetic existence.