>4.0 isn't going to fix all the useless and awful traits to make jobs more interesting/better
>just give us more bloated weaponskills like meme cleave 2 and generic off gcd we mash for extra dps
4.0 isn't going to fix all the useless and awful traits to make jobs more interesting/better
has something for 4.0 been announced?
But Yoshi P has said that he realizes that there's too many buttons to press and they're fixing it in 4.0.
Not that we can ever take him at his word, but still.
>FFXIV is also going to remove content like WoW.
Great, just what we needed.
I've been "clean" from this game since summer last year, is it getting worse still with each patch?
Pray tell which patch made it worse.
3.1, arguably.
going from 1.23b to 2.0
Isn't that the patch that kills Minfilia?
Any patch that kills Minfilia is a good patch.
I enjoyed the story very much in 3.0, but the content lasted way too little, and it became a boring grindfest, the same as 2.0 and all it's patches, each 2 weeks.
No, that's 3.2. 3.1 added Diadem and Lords of Verminion and left the game practically derelict until 3.2 semi bailed it out.
Didn't they say awhile ago 4.0 wasn't adding new abilities and just traits for existing abilities? That was awhile ago it could have changed though. At this point they honestly could not add any more abilities. I main DRG and I honestly couldn't see them removing much either. Almost all my abilities are needed for my rotation and the only ability thats pretty much useless is Feint.
Removing the bloated amount of abilities 3.0 added is the least of the games problems. Its biggest problem is the extremely formulaic patch and raid progression with completely vertical gear progression. Its and endless grind I only log on for raid anymore.
No 3.2 showed us the body. The transition from base 2.0 to Heavensward freed us from Minfilia.
Haven't finished the main quest yet though, I hope they don't pull some bullshit and bring her back.
Until they fix me having to level Dark Mage to 46, I'm not playing the game
>too many buttons to press
Yoshi is a shitter that play on a controller.
They need to rework a lot of the current traits too. BLMs surcast trait couldn't be any more useless. WHM/AST needing a trait to battle rez is dumb and only seems to be there to prevent PLD from raising in combat. However I really dont see how hardcasting raise as a tank during combat is broken or too powerful in any way, shape or form.
>Its biggest problem is the extremely formulaic patch and raid progression
That's probably not going to change, especially now that they have people riding this "understaffed" meme when every arbritrary excuse before was "wait until beta/launch/expansion"
You heard me you memespouting faggot. I ain't playing this game till I don't have to level dark mage. Enjoy your Chinese grinder and p2w bullshit.
>WHM/AST needing a trait to battle rez is dumb
Its definitely like you said on that. Its to keep combat rezzing locked into healers.
>They need to rework a lot of the current traits too. BLMs surcast trait couldn't be any more useless. WHM/AST needing a trait to battle rez is dumb and only seems to be there to prevent PLD from raising in combat. However I really dont see how hardcasting raise as a tank during combat is broken or too powerful in any way, shape or form.
It's more to keep people from being able to battle rez too early I think. There isn't a way that a tank would be able to stand still and not get hit for 4 seconds if they're doing their job.
Why do you need to level it to 46, user?
Not him but
>Dark mage
I'm assuming you mean black mage and for what? You get thunder 3 at 46 and its not a cross class ability why exactly do you need to level it?
He doesn't, he's a shitposting, memespouting faggot himself.
PLD raising in combat would at least give them something.
I forgot to mention SCH/SMN do not have any kind of trait, they can battle rez as soon as they get the skill.
If for some reason the PLD is ot'ing or if they pop awareness then it's very possible. Still not game breaking, just another near useless niche that PLD would have like Cover and Stoneskin.
Not much, but if it can save a run for whatever reason then it is something.
>tfw you join a guild, talk for the first couple of weeks, then never speak again unless you need something/are spoken to.
I don't even know why I play MMOs if I do this.
I'm guessing he's drunk and very confused.
He could have meant THM to 26, which is when you get Swiftcast, which I admit is fucking necessarry and a bit of a pain in the ass to do without exp boosters.
Nah he's just shitposting
>p2w bullshit
Dead giveaway he's never played it
>If for some reason the PLD is ot'ing or if they pop awareness then it's very possible. Still not game breaking, just another near useless niche that PLD would have like Cover and Stoneskin.
That would only ever come up in 8man, and no PLD is gonna offtank during that, it's such a specific niche thing, I don't imagine that ever being a thing considering how much it would handicap their mp usage.
Even with awareness, normal hits will interrupt casting if you take enough damage.
PLD being able to battle rez wouldn't change the meta at all
The bigger reason is probably the not wanting it done too early.
That's fine, just let PLD have it so they can give WHM/AST a useful fucking trait. Even if they didn't want PLD to have raise, they could have just not allowed them to cross class it, but they can. Why give other jobs useless traits just so one job can have a worthless out of combat rez?
>with the chat mode in say
PLD really needs more depth, played it to 60 and then picking up the other tanks made me realize just how shallow and boring it is. It does the job it's meant to do well but is absolutely no fun to play whatsoever, unlike WAR that also does that job just as well while also having big satisfying hits to go along with it.
I literally told you why, it's because it has nothing to do with PLDs being able to rez and all about locking battle rezzing out before a specific level. If they really cared, they wouldn't have let SMNs battle rez.
Or it's a holdover from 1.0 since class structures were largely unchanged since then, and the whole job/class system is a holdover that needs to be fixed eventually.
But what fucking difference does it make if you could raise in battle below level 28? Fuckall that's what.
free kupo nuts
>But what fucking difference does it make if
Progression, it gives you a sense of progression, duly earned or not.
but does whm and sch have to wait while acn gets it the minute they get raise? That makes literally no sense.
>give a dps class a battle raise
>healers have to wait until level 28 to do the same thing
October during the fan fest
That's dumb and bad game design. Why not just give the classes raise at a later level instead of giving it but also placing unnecessary temporary limitations on it?
The class system will never be fixed. It should have been addressed in HW, but their only fix for it is "well, we're just gonna make everything jobs now!" which is a bigger band aid than the entire 1.2x patch, which was still better
No it isn't.
>healers have to wait until level 28 to do the same thing
Not even true, you can do battle res right after copperbell.
At the cost of a complete lack of any sense of progression when you hit 12, learn Raise and realize it's literally fucking useless.
4.0 will not
>Bring back asses
>Improve the combat
>Drop PS3 support
>Make the game into FFXI 2
>Fundamentally change the nature of the game
I don't know why people think the game is going to undergo another huge change. They found a successful formula, they're going to stick to it.
And too many people play on console to drop it at this point.
I have essentially given up all hope that Paladin will ever become "at level" with anything else in the game. Surely, you can do the job of a tank, but either of the other two options will perform the job better with more utility.
Paladin is absolutely mired in incredibly niche, often useless abilities. Divine Veil recently received a stealth nerf, in fact, and it was already absolutely and thoroughly useless to begin with. Not only does it have the middle-man necessity of being healed (when you will often be at full health right before a party-wide AoE blast when you would want to actually deploy DV in the first place, so fat chance getting the timing correct), the barrier effect of Divine Veil now disappears instantaneously upon anybody with a said barrier receiving even 1(!) point of healing.
I absolutely cannot fathom Square's decisions. On multiple occasions now, the team has acknowledged that Paladin is simply inferior in all forms of play, solo, group, or raid to any class, period. Yet, they continue to inflict harm on the overall quality of the class. Even the changes to statistics for tanks to place primary emphasis on Vitality for their attack power calculations was of far greater benefit to Warrior and Dark Knight than it was Paladins, and the remaining changes in the same patch intended to help shore up Paladins weak performance did nothing at best.
Disclaimer: Gladiator was my first class all the way to 50 through Main Story Quests back when the game first launched, and yes I'm angry. Even if it's all fixed somehow, someday, I will still be angry because it never made any goddamn sense.
>That's dumb and bad game design. Why not just give the classes raise at a later level instead of giving it but also placing unnecessary temporary limitations on it?
Because the fights were designed and balanced for certain skills and abilities to be used at certain points. Let's just both agree it's stupid.>The class system will never be fixed. It should have been addressed in HW, but their only fix for it is "well, we're just gonna make everything jobs now!" which is a bigger band aid than the entire 1.2x patch, which was still better
They laid out a sort of roadmap for what they were planning for the patches right around 2.3/4
The combat was always supposed to be addressed during 4/5.0
I can see 4.0 bringing a ton of change to the game, as it was already sorta foreshadowed, and at that point the game is 5 years old which is kind of the fresh coat of paint age.
the class/job system will need a HUGE overhaul if this game want to have some lngevity, so it will have to be done sooner than later.
Also PS3 support will probably be dropped, but PS4 is fine for now.
>will not make the game into FFXI 2
Oh thank god
I really like the GLA class quests and stuff too, I liked being that better than the dumbass "free Paladin" bullshit they started pushing in the PLD storyline.
Either make me a knight or don't, don't give me this half assed shit.
>he barrier effect of Divine Veil now disappears instantaneously upon anybody with a said barrier receiving even 1(!) point of healing.
What? Is that actually true?
Yes, so AoE Heal spam after a big hit to the group will actually negate the shield. Or, in the case of deploying the shield BEFORE a large hit, if one Healer jumps the gun; the shields are gone for everybody before the pain actually lands.
There are a million ways for Divine Veil to go wrong in its attempted use between requiring a heal from somebody to activate it, and then having any healing simply cancel its effect, which is largely negligible to fucking begin with.
It's only 10% of your maximum health, which at the absolute best would only be 2,500 damage absorption or so.
There's no point.
>bring back asses
That's a genuine shame
>improve the combat
Not enough known to make this call
>drop PS3 support
They've already all but confirmed it will
>make the game FFXI 2
Good, I dunno if I've ever seen nostalgia googles slap on as tightly as I have concerning that game
>fundamentally change the nature of the game
Not sure why regen ticks don't affect DV. If they're gonna keep the dumb middle-man, at least give more avenues to achieve the benefit. 9 times out of 10, DV needs extra attention to be triggered when that's counter productive.
>Effect ends upon additional HP recovery via healing magic.
What the absolute fuck? What's even the point?
>nerfing PLD
>Good, I dunno if I've ever seen nostalgia googles slap on as tightly as I have concerning that game
Yeah seriously I got into FFXI for a little bit and I had to force myself to play it for what time I did. The UI was fucking horrendous it was everything was extremely archaic. It took grinding to an entirely new level. Grouping was required for absolutely everything (thats good or bad depending on your opinion) and it had a lot of freedom for class builds but that meant fuck all when it was unbalanced as fuck.
Same goes for 1.0. People try to claim "but it was pretty good at 1.23b" and was better than 2.0 are FFXI players with nostalgia goggles ram so far up their ass. I play at launch and it was always horrible.
2.3, 3.0, and 3.1 were all bad patches
3.0 lasted a good 60 hours, that's a whole full JRPG there.
2.3 had savage SCOB.
3.0 was the expac, literally nothing wrong with the expac, the problem was everything post release, which was also a problem post 2.0
>Were happy to announce the new expansion skills!
>Fire 4 2 and Blizzard 4 2
>Now with random positionals for that extra skill required!
>Only usable in Aether charged mode though!
>New skill! Aether charge!
>Only usable when you have exactly 0 mp!
>Lasts 11 seconds and any movement you do reduce the duration to 0 and drains your mana back to 0 aswell.
>but it was pretty good at 1.23b
Parts of it were. The jobs were much more fun to play, and not nearly as homogenized as they are now. You could switch jobs in dungeons, and you had to pay attention to the bosses to avoid taking damage vs avoiding the bad orange circles. The problem was everything else was shit.
Please look forward to it.
yeah, but an MMO should last way more than a full JRPG
3.0 was the best the story's ever been aside from completely casting aside the 2.55 cliffhanger. Still think the potato Princess should have emerged from that incident bitter as fuck and ready to clean house.
how long should a MMO last in playtime hours?
Yeah the story was fine. Everything else sucked except A3 and just made it clear they don't have any plans to change things up
in playtime hours? I don't know, but it should have fun things to do after the story is complete until the next patch, not grinding the same 2 instances and 1 raid for 3-4 months.
Name one game that ever did that
I'm still doing fun things after the story is complete.
Stop being retarded. They do a lot of stupid stuff, but nothing near that level.
>most fun thing in the game is the RNG treasure dungeon
aquapolis? how is that fun lol
None, that's why I stopped playing MMO's.
They coudl ahve a BIG openworld with dangerous zones that are hard to tackle and take time to explore so you can go out of your way to discover things, and not be able to do everything that is in a patch in 2 weeks.
What are you doing that is so fun user? I may come back if there's something worth.
"Dangerous zones" only remain fun for so long though, after a while shit just becomes incredibly tedious to deal with. I don't understand people who want basic shit like moving around the world to be a chore.
>still havent tried it
Man, an MMO focusing on more than endgame and requiring grouping. What a fucking travesty.
Because it makes the game world more interesting, the dangerous zones will expand with patches or expansions.
Also why they never add new areas with any patch? that would be neat as fuck.
>4.0 gets announced
>PS3 support will be dropped
>Will support new graphics feature with PS4.5 and high end PCs
>Inventory / Armory Chest space increased for everyone
>Gear progression will be reworked to a horizontal grind instead of a vertical grind, stats and abilities will be reworked as well
>New Battle Content will be introduced for PvE and PvP
>Eorzean Alliance will take back Ala Mhigo
>More surprises revealed in later Live Letters
>Biggest budget put into FFXIV thanks to SE's financial success of FFXV and Heavensward
New jobs as follow recently leaked:
>Red Mage as a Melee Magic based DPS, their weapon of choice will be a rapier. They will work similar to spellfencers meaning that they can imbue their weapon with different magic effects. They have a few utility abilities like a MP goad for party members and can also apply magic resistance down to enemies. Finally, they have a few ranged spells but they aren't as potent as Black Mage's spells.
>Beast Master is a Melee Pet based Tank, they can summon different pets with different functions similar to how Summoners can summon different egis. They have a large pet that tanks for them, they have a smaller pet that does good single target DPS, and they have another pet that focuses primarily on decent AoE damage. The Beast Master dual wields one handed axes and is designed to be a off tank job similar to Warrior but they can main tank well if they micromanage their tank pet effectively.
>Dancer will be the healing job. Their weapon of choice is Chakrams (which can also be glamoured to be invisible kind of like Emperor's New Fists). Their main gimmick is the ability to combine dance moves similar to combining ninja mudras to create powerful support buffs or heals. They are designed to be less about raw healing potency and more about mitigating damage and supporting the party with buffs/shields kind of like Scholar and Nocturnal Sect Astrologian.
Yeah, they should really just take away the world and make the entire thing menu based. Walking around and dealing with enemies is so tedious. I really don't have time for that kind of archaic design when I have to work 14 hours a day to feed my wife's son.
Because of production budget.
>and you had to pay attention to the bosses to avoid taking damage vs avoiding the bad orange circles.
Not really a valid point, most savage/ex trials have mechanics with no ground indicators and require you to watch boss positioning or something else. Many fights remove indicators that were present in normal mode. Normal modes or dungeons this is generally true for though.
>Bomberman bombs have to watch bomb locations and preposition appropriately no ground indicators.
>A6 Mirage charges/arms up or down tethers/mind blast which is only indicated by cast bar and requires interrupting. Final bot requires proper positioning to not overlap and not extinguish the wrong water spouts.
>Nidhogg ex divebombs/hot wing and hot tail
>Could go on for ages about A3
Just to name a few, after you get to end game content fights required a lot more than don't stand in the fire. 1.0's combat was also slow as fuck.
I just wish they'd make gear that lasted longer than 6 months. You bust your ass in savage and then as soon as the next patch comes out all that gear you got is instantly obsolete. Savage gear should be better than the next set of tomestone gear and anima weapons should be better than the next tomestone weapon but not as good as savage weapons.
And for the love of god, ditch the fucking shitty casual mode and just have one difficulty again like Coil or at least make the savage gear look different.
>tfw remove gc restrictions
Wasn't saying it was a bad thing. I liked that aspect but some people won't. Regardless the game was a massive fucking grind. The combat was extremely dull and the interface was obviously designed to be played on a PS2 with PC being a complete after thought.
The game was a grind because it was meant to be an experience for the entire journey to max level. It wasn't about trying to get to the end as fast as possible.
yoshi already said they won't do that
enjoy those 2 hours long queues
their production budget would be bigger if the game was better and more fun and they had better player retention rate.
Well technically that does exist in this game, it's called Diadem and no one does it.
Requiring grouping is fine. Combat being reliant on seven layers of macros, four hour skill cooldowns, grinds within grinds, ect.
Nice exaggeration bro.
One thing I will say is they should remove the Stealth skill from DoL classes and place more mobs around nodes, so you need battle class friends escorting your for maximum efficiency. Now that would be a way to foster teamwork and interaction without having to overhaul entire game systems.
I don't believe any single word of that
I play controller and the only class that has too many "buttons" is scholar and summoner since they have pets to manage if they want to optimize. and even then its not that bad.
Shitters just gonna shit, as usual
>They've already all but confirmed it will
PS3 is still huge in Japan, the only region Square care about. They won't drop Ps3 support, retard.
should have been introduced after I quit, what is it?
but he just did recently.
>dangerous zone
>can fly
pick one
The worst piece of content the game has ever seen. Even worse than Hamlet.
You spawn into a zone with floating islands, kill a few things until you can fly, then you just kill stuff until a big enemy spawns then you kill that and hope you get gear with random stats that doesn't suck
Also if you DF'ed into it expect half your group to switch to gatherers and do their own thing, which fucks you because gear drops are based on group performance
>3 new jobs
>The worst piece of content the game has ever seen. Even worse than Hamlet.
Hamlet defense was awesome, I wish it was still in the game.
So diadem is that thing with the airships? That's not the concept I meant at all.
How are the "endless dungeons" that they released some patches ago?