ITT: Casual Filters

ITT: Casual Filters

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Hunt the Wumpus

>haha look at this end game dungeon it's totally a casual filter hahah xD

It's before the middle of the game....

its really not that hard though. parts are gated until you find the forma or do the event.





>visit every single map tile to get the rewards for doing so on my first run
>can't due to the alignment-specific branched paths
>game expects you to visit every single tile again on subsequent playthroughs
Yeah, no. Fuck you too.

This fucking test took me 60 minutes.

Maragidyne ;^)



Sector E is like 15 hours in, max.

I personally hated Delphinus more though.

my nigger.




The second and third section of the cave in particular.

Which sector had the teleport puzzles? Because I argue that fucked me up more than eradinus

I only managed to find 2 of the 3 rare forma. I didn't have an internet connection at the time. By the time I had one, I already lost interest.
Also this. Stopped here on Classic Hard and moved on to SMT:SJ

what is this it looks familiar?
text is GTA style

Erandinus had the teleport puzzles


It's San Andreas you dumbass.

>not the race across town

Second encounter with this guy, in the tight streets with the artillery-lobbers


Is this the place where you have to defend boobs with the sniper rifle, while killing opponents that comes to melee you?
I never died there, but it still makes me rage.

Delphinius is a lot more of a casual filter for Queer Quest IMHO

Fuck that shit.

Also when you encounter the duo shotgun dude for the second time.
That mission was rough.

I'd rather do that than the '60 seconds of PERFECT left turns'.


dumbass because I havent played the worst GTA game for nearly 15 years


Here's your (You)

>post-FE12 babbies complaining about difficulty


The Tutorial of Driver.

>casual filter in a game that has a casual difficulty setting

I don't remember the shotgun dude, and I played pretty recently. Russian girl was always in a giant wanzer, vavilov is pictured, wagner was dual-MG & his second-in-command was a bazooka guy.

Thats the final dungeon, idiot.

>Thracia is "Hard"

Lol just stick someone on a forest and every enemy but the bosses will just miss and kill themselves on your OP unit. Plop two units with Charisma on forest tiles and the bosses almost never hit either.



Good job, literally your whole post is false.

I love persona 3 to death but some of the bosses in that game are pants on head fucking retarded. A lot of the fights are so literally impossible unless you get specifically lucky with the ONE strategy that works on them, or you're so overleveled they stop being a challenge. I remember the shadow fight against the 3 giant stone sword arm enemies that could cast Vorpal Blade 3 times in a row was the worst, instantly wiped the entire party unless I just made the MC null physical, and cheesed the whole thing.

>One button does too many things! The controls are garbage!

I've beat the game three times. it's one of the FE games where outside of bosses and capturing enemies I don't need to look at the enemy stat screen because they're shit and if you're on evasion boosting terrain you can expect to win against almost any number of enemies.

The only hard parts are unexpected suprise reinforcements and unexplained BS game mechanics like invisible unmarked warp tiles.

>casual filter

I dunno man, I can't imagine anyone who got through that poisonous shithole and the dark fucking cave having trouble with eridanus. Sure it's big, but its gimmick is basically that it's one huge level that you still navigate as if it was made up of separate sub-sections like usual.

>second boss
>hardest boss in the game, regardless of whether or not you have the mechanics down

I mean, maybe he's easy if you are a Flourish master, but by the looks of the global achievement percentages on Steam, I think that's pretty rare.

this level was fucking bullshit to 100%


try >show ip interface brief or >show ip route

I never played it more than 10 minutes, but it's Gears of War, right?

>null physical
I don't understand, I think that's what you're supposed to do.

what game?

Not because it's impossible to play because I don't think it's that hard, but because you can tell who the casual players are for not going past the initial learning curve.

I haven't played since the military revamp like six years ago
I'd probably have to re-learn how to play from scratch at this point

See but that's what the stupid thing is, it makes the fight either impossible, or a complete joke. I was dying within 3 turns every time, then i made the MC null physical and he was literally unkillable and i just slowly won the fight while the rest of the party died in one or two turns.


Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

It is.

People don't even seem to realize that the annoying/"hard" part of Eridanus is not the teleporter maze, or anything to do with generally navigating the place, but that one fucking random secret door you have to hug and look every fucking wall to find.

Did you Emcee have mediarama? Making personas to counter bosses is normal.

you have really nice hand writing user
only girls and sissy boys have nice handwriting
which on are you?

My big problem with Persona 3 is that the whole combat system is based around exploiting weaknesses, but Fuuka doesn't tell you jack fucking about any enemies that actually matter.

>if you don't like my obscure japanese anime-centric game you're a casual.

Pro-tip: Japanese games are complete shit
Pro-tip: Japanese cartoons are complete shit
Pro-tip: Japanese movies are complete shit

Recently bought this CD as I lost my copy 10+ years ago. I wish I could get it running in 1080p

>enemies that actually matter.
Which ones?


>run in first room
>shoot guy through window
>run out and stand next to corner
>literally every comes
>pick them off one by one as they run to you in a single straight line

>literally every "hard" part of HLM2

fuck, I'd even go as far to say that every level can be beaten that way

such shitty level design

all the souls games come to mind

Bosses, for starters. She doesn't have to tell you everything but
>Weaknesses/resistances: ???????????
Sure isn't fucking helpful

Alex Jones certified filter

Someone broke mine a year or two back. I wonder if it's on GOG or some shit.

Dude, before every boss there's a teleporter that lets you get full hp, a save, and allows experiment with fusions. You have enough tools.

I bet he was constantly pushing undo for like 10 minutes until it turned out more or less right.

Never had much trouble with him except when I was either underleveled or hadn't found the Silver Sword.

No shit, I beat the game without much of a problem. But having a monster scan function and making it useless against some enemies is retarded.

GoG(I think)
Download available on various sharing sites

No it isn't. Bosses shouldn't be even fucking easier.

>he doesn't look at every wall for secret doors

first puzzel to make me wanna take a break
took me a good 30 minutes

Tell the guy below you he doesn't even get a (You) for his 0-effort bait.
You can have his (You) instead.
I want him to know that.

Then don't include enemy scanning in the first place

Shitposting in 5...

Yes dipshit, obviously I meant the second and third section of the final cave, did you need me to spell it out like this?

But it's fucking useful inbetween bosses. Takes out a few turns of guess work.

That's explicitly the midgame dungeon retard
Grus is way harder, Horologium's a similar difficulty but way longer

Why is is always posted as a casual filter? I didn't play the game but this map doesn't look that large or impressive compared to some old school crawlers, plus, according to the image you can only acess half of it at the time.

It's one floor of a 4 or 5 floor dungeon, and the teleporter maze in the top left is a huge pain in the ass to navigate


>misses the point of the thread




look mum i posted it again!

This is SMT Nocturne, right?

Is it worth a play?