Ace Attorney

AAI2 sales: 260k
PLvsAA sales: 300k
AA5 sales: 380k
DGS sales: 200k
AA6 sales: 250k

Is Ace Attorney dead? AA6 really underperformed in Japan.

Do you want it to be?

Honestly, yeah. Series has run its course and is past its prime.

>push shit characters like Apollo
>surprised when it fails


AJ sold 640k

Apollo Justice is the most popular character over there, quit being a faggot.


You just hate Capcom but find yourself attracted to this one franchise so you want it gone so you can truly sever your ties with them.

Japs only play mobile trash these days. Of course it undersold.

AA6 will eventually be ported to iOS anyway just like AA5

AA7 will be dual NX/iOS release

The problem with Apollo is that they are too scared to ditch Phoenix entirely from a main title, so Apollo always feels like poor man's Phoenix.

I just finished the original trilogy and oh my God it may be my favourite videogame story ever.

Is it all down hill from here? I've heard some mixed shit

It's mixed shit.

Like Dual Destinies has a lot of cheese but it's kind of a cozy feeling game.

AJ is a mixed bag
The first Investigations game is boring.
Investigations 2 is pure Kino.
Crossover was lackluster.
I liked Dual Destinies but it was a bit hand-holdy.
There's a lot of praise for Spirit of Justice.

Nah, it's great all around.

>Dual Destinies
Be sure to get the DLC case, it's the best shit ever.

is mia gone?

>AJ comes out.
>Capcom execs ruin it by forcing the Phoenix Wright meme denying Apollo any character development.
>Continues the trend for DD.
>Continues the trend for AA6.

Dual Destinies is weird because all the individual cases and mysteries are good, but the overall plot is fucking shit. It's like Danganronpa in that manner.

Really glad I stopped giving a shit about this series after I played AAI. What a mess.

Yeah, Nick is a big boy now.


Then you missed the best game so far, kid.

nah, 5-2 and 5-3 were kinda shit.

Turnabout Academy would have been fucking top for Hugh O' Connor alone. It's a shame the whole power of friendship shit was forced in.

>Chords of Steel

Yes, this is the problem with Apollo. Not the fact that his title game told us more about Phoenix in the last seven years than it did about anything in Apollo's life.

Every 3DS game has underperformed this past year or two compared to 2014 and prior

>not even Maya could save this series

really makes you think

>Shit character
Literally kill yourself

That made it REAL cheesy but damn do I love the characters in that one.

Nick needs to retire to the office and let the kids handle cases.

Bring him out for the really big stuff, like end of trilogy cases.

Hell no, I fucking hated Robin and Scuttlebutt.

2-3 tier of annoying cast.

I think the Japanese are more than well aware that the NX is a new handheld and are holding out for that.

That would ruin them.

>"Oh no, we can't solve the case! What should we do!"
>Phoenix shows up to fix everything

Yeah, but O' Connor was just so fucking good, man. He and Means carried the case.

But that's literally what happens in Dual Destinies.

That wasn't a good thing.

Fine, be that way. I had fun.

Only case 2 was meh.

It just looks like each Dual Destinies case has one entertaining character that carries the case. Except 5-2 for some weird reason.
5-1= Tonate
5-2= Tenma?
5-3= Hugh
5-4= Captain dude
5-5= The Phantom
5-DLC= practically everyone. The cast was great.

2 cases are always bland, but I liked Tema, and I also like the fact that the case still managed to have a cool twist even though the murderer was revealed in the intro.

Also I forget his name but the murderer was ok too.

I felt L'Belle was a great villain because he made me hate him every time he showed up, but having a french dude be the villain in a case all about Japan was very weird.

did anyone actually think the Phantom was Salomon Starbuck when he pulled off the mask

>hating 5-2

its on 3DS, meanwhile japano only has budget for mobage and handphone

For about 2 seconds.
The cast was annoying and it still felt way too easy even though the crime was arguably the most complex in the game. Jinxie was cute. Damian was cool. It's very meh.

>Popular character
>His game sold the most
Sure user


If you really feel that it's your favorite, then it's pretty much downhill with the exception of AAI2 and maybe PLvAA if you liked Layton.

What's the matter? Too COMPLEX for ya?

Dual Destinies is still better than AJ, JFA, or AAI because it actually gets going.

AJ peters out at the end, JFA can't seem to stay interesting until the end, and AAI is patently understated the whole way through, making it my least favorite game in the franchise.

PWvAA is the worst game to bear the AA name, though.

DD has the worst villain in the franchise.


Somewhat, but AAI2 is the best game in the entire Phoenix Wright universe so there's that

Kristoph was worse.

He's tied with Quercus Alba.

But you're unfortunately right.

Kristoph had actual motives.

Phantom was just doing his job. Kristoph was being a bitch.

>phantom was just being evil because he was evil

So the definition of shit villain?

I'm having second thoughts about buying SoJ...why do I let Sup Forums do this to me?

Am I spineless?

>Nintendo exclusive
>Handheld only
Yeah i wonder why

I like that final confrontation with the old guy

Debatable. And don't pretend that doesn't apply to Kristoph, too.

After the embarrassing farce that was AA5, are you really surprised that people have abandoned the series?

>3DS games

>supporting AA after Capcom gave us the middle finger with DGS because they don't trust the western fans

Wasn't Kristoph just being evil because he was evil?

He was going to kill two or three people just to cheat in court against his brother.

isn't this supposed to be the last one?

>randomly spoiling zero escape in an AA thread

Ace is a fucking bitch who has no "redeeming" or "sympathetic" motives for being a villain.

He's a fucking cunt who cackled at a girl panicking inside an oven about to die, and happily killed his co-workers

They've already started planning the next one.

isn't that supposed to be the last one?

Apollo's story is done. They said they want AA7 to happen and there's a sequel to DGS in the works too.

Do you want it to be?

He forged evidence and planned to get rid of the Mishams to leave no witnesses behind.
Then he got fired and replaced by Phoenix, so he used that evidence he had made to frame him.
Kristoph lived in paranoia for 7 years because Zak escaped and the Mishams were still alive.

It's a shit game, so who cares.

But Ace was justified. He can't see faces dude. HE CAN'T DISTINGUISH PEOPLE, MAN.


I just finished 5-4 for the first time last nigt and was bored as hell with the mystery itself. Characters were 10/10 though.

And 5-5 using the same area again feels lazy, but I'm still at the beginning of that one, so I'll see how that goes.

>shit game
Better than half of the games in the series

Kristoph is, I think, one of the most misunderstood AA villains. His motive for each murder was to cover up the fact that he's a crooked attorney. I don't think that really counts as evil for evil's sake.

>shit tier

>Dio under anyone
Shit list.


It's not shit.

I want a new protagonist. No more Phoenix, dammit.

At least give us Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney and develop her more.

>Apollo's story is done

Spirit of Justice better have a shit ton to tell me about him, then, because all I know about him is that his mom is Lamroir, he has a magic circus bracelet power, and his BFF inspired his catchphrase.

And there's something wrong with that?

Rayfa is his sister from father's side

>I want a new protagonist. No more Phoenix, dammit.

Hey, me too. Phoenix Wright holds the series back.

DD should have been the last major contribution he made.

why would you do this user

Lucky faggot. He get armpits as a sister.

I'm just fucking with you, relax

Bet you think Ray is the mastermind too

This is the only pantsu image of Rayfa. With a skirt that short it's a little disheartening.

is it?

There is something I am aware of but it makes no sense: Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is Apollo's half brother and there is another character named "Oodoroki" ("Justice") in the game. Zero context, though, so I don't know what it means.

Also apparently Apollo opens a law office in Khura'in at the end of the game, that's kinda cool.

user please

Yeah, this is the only stuff I know as well. Someone posted an image of that on another board.

I found out about the former by sniffing around too much in the AA wiki and the latter because someone didn't obscure spoilers on the subpages for SoJ on TVTropes.

I raise you one lewd Rayfa



Sorry user, but this is a Christian image board



Oh baby, how come I never saw a lot of these?

I don't wanna get banned

