Who wins?


Jackie Chan

Can Liu defeat Ryu with his animality?

Liu transforms into a dragon
Ryu transforms into evil ryu

Dragons can eat people

Evil ryu can fight 1x1 with asura,

Terry Bogard of course

Considering it's a glorified winpose, no.

Liu is kind of a chump compared to Ryu.


doesnt he die all the time

everybody in mk die

Ryu obviously. Liu Kang got killed in a fucking cutscene, he's such a pussy. Twice.

Ryu has the power of throwing an evil tantrum every time he's about to lose, which turns him into one of the most powerful crybabies in the SF universe. Like, fighting toe to toe with literal gods.

Liu has... bicycle kicks, I guess. Not too familiar with MK, but aren't there way more powerful people than him?

MK is full of 10,000 year old sorcerers and actual gods. Liu is a mere 30 year old mortal. He's one of the weakest characters in the series comparatively.

No he doesn't die all the time. You can only die once, faggot.

Sindel died twice

*tips cone hat*

Unlike Ryu, Liu actually won every tournament he entered

Fighting games are objectively shit. The mind games in it are simple as shit. You do not fight against your enemy there, you merely fight against the shitty controls.

So Mary Sue? Nice.

>mfw this post

You just suck nigga

>Shitty controls
t. Smash player

Isn't Ryu based on the message that the player needs to keep practicing to be good?

Ryu, because he looks caucasian and I don't fuck with asian guys

I wouldn't touch that garbage with a stick. I'm a shmup player.

>Mary sue

Yes, you're so hardcore for memorizing enemy patterns.
Why not let people enjoy their games instead of being a faggot about it?

>implying fighting games wouldn't be about memorization too

Liu is one of the stronger characters who goes toe to toe with sorcerers and gods despite being a normal human. This should make it clear he's on a completely different level from Ryu. Shao Kahn is one of the strongest people in the UNIVERSE and liu beats him twice canonically.

>i am a shmup player

>says the smash fagget

Ryu defeated Necalli.

Necalli strong

Doesn't that actually have to do with the nature of Mortal Kombat though? By that I mean that the gods being challenged to mortal kombat have to be brought down to mortal levels? I honestly haven't played these games in a good while so I'm genuinely asking.

The gods can't really die. You can kill Raiden's body but he can just make a new one. There aren't that many actual god combatants, only Shinnok, Raiden, and Fujin IIRC, there are a bunch of mortal characters like Shao Kahn and Onaga (he might be immortal actually?) who are stronger than them.

But Terrry lacks ancestral magic. You could have at least brought up Andy.

the fight with asura was non canon.

How so? Capcom characters all seem to live in the same universe.

Evil Ryu and Oni most certainly were not on whatever planet Asura's wrath takes place on.

It will happen again. Asura reincarnated in the sf universe

Ono himself said the MK cast would mop the floor with the SF cast.

Why do you think they've never crossed over?

>Why do you think they've never crossed over?

Because they did that with Tekken and it turned out to be shit.

And if it happen, it could be a Mario and Sonic/Ratchet,Jak and Sly scenario where it's a party game instead of the actual crossover people expected

when did he do that

Source: My ass

I think it was an EGM interview.

The powerlevels are kinda inconsistent in MK. I remember in MK9 when that one bitch killed half the cast in one cutscenes. Shit was ridiculous. Street Fighte is kinda inconsistent too but not with Ryu at least. All in all I would say both have a fair chance of beating the other. Liu Kang is actually deadlier since he already killed before so I guess that's an advantage too.

>Putting some fucking second row chump against the main character of the most popular fighting game franchise of all time

link to that

>This would make a good DB
>Instead they put in Scorpion

>he watches db

jokes aside, Scorpion kills them both.

she killed everybody because she had a old man inside her

It was an issue they released back when they were still in print. I think.

Either way, I doubt Capcom would allow scenes of Chun Li getting her spine ripped out or Ryu's severed head.

Liu was the MC up till DA and he was kinda the MC of MK9

The irony is that Liu Kang is the one who is the main character of the most popular fighting game franchise of all time

Darkstalkers x Mortal Kombat

Yeah but you got what I mean with inconsistent. The one that feels more rage at the moment or the one you just play at the time wins the battle. In MK the characters are more realistically leveled in the way that stronger characters have a higher chance of winning but it's still just a higher chance. In Street Fighter stronger characters are more anime and win always against weaker characters.

It isn't even an actual tournament the second time Liu beat him, it's pretty much an all out war by MK3

Mortal Kombat characters are kind of OP. Like, even when you consider Stryker (who has survived almost every MK situation except for one, which killed majority of the cast. No, I'm not counting Armageddon for anyone), he could probably handle half the cast of Street Fighter.

Then you take characters like Shao Kahn who could easily overpower Bison's soul powers, and possibly Akuma's powers.

Two different worlds. It wouldn't really be fair.

Now THAT would be interesting. Cause then there would be interesting situations like Morrigan not having any power against Johnny and Cassie Cage.

No one gives a fuck about a Lui Kang. I wouldn't have remembered his name if it wasn't for the filename. Anyone can point at Ryu and tell you who he is, he's on the same level as characters like Master Chief and Link

And at the end of MK10 Raiden stopped being retarded and announced that earthrealm is gonna actively fuck up netherrealm in the next game.

Main character but not the poster boy of the series like other fighting games. That titled belongs to a ninja and a Chinese 'ninja' warrior.

Honestly, most don't like Liu Kang anymore. It's all about 'Conflicting Moralities' Scorpion and 'I'm the Coolest Guy Around' Sub-Zero.

He became Dark Raiden. Which last time Dark Raiden happened, he made worse decisions than he made in MK9. Which is pretty bad.

Not the main character anymore, though. Probably the main antagonist, now.

This. Literally everyone heard of sub-zero or scorpion before. They are at least Ryu/ken level.

>No one gives a fuck about a Lui Kang.
Pretty much. Not even Boon cares about him.

He's just there.

i dont even owned a Nintendo console after nes bro i just don't understand the point of playing shmups competitively , they are fun though

>he made worse decisions than he made in MK9
Literally impossible. Also netherrealm is already completely fucked by the end of MK10. The fucking leaders are manipulated earthrealm fighters for god sake.

MKX liu have heavy rush.
SFV ryu have cheat cheap dragon punch and more.

Scorpion is supposed to be overpowered, despite his stupidity. He's probably a level higher than Ryu or Ken.

Sub-Zero? Depends on which one from which point in time. But for the most part, I'd say he's around the same tier with Ryu/Ken.

I wouldn't say he made "worse" decisions, but he certainly made evil ones. Binding people's souls to him so that they could fight is kind of evil.

>Mary sue

But Boon hates him that's why he killed him twice

>i just don't understand the point of playing shmups competitively
Shmups are way better to play competitively than fighting gayms. Player skills are objective there, not like in fighting games where you only can be """"number one"""" by flying to amurrica and using OP characters on EVO.

I don't think Liu or Kitana are manipulated anymore. I think they're just that bitter.

However, Dark Raiden in MK: Deception thought, "No one is doing as I say! I'm going to bring Liu Kang back from the dead, but instead, I'm going to make him a FUCKING ZOMBIE!"

>that end of Liu Kang in MK9 where he lost all faith in Raiden and told him to fuck himself
>that end of MK10 where Raiden told Liu Kang that he is gonna fuck them up
Is there a bigger asshole than Raiden in the MK universe?

Liu beat up an Elder God. Ryu can harass waterfalls.

SF is for kiddie babby losers, MK is for men. What do you think? SF doesn't have any death or real consequence of losing, MK you lose, you die.


>Liu Kang...
>...is dead

This is the next Death Battle

Every version of MK is worse than every SF game though other than the first one

the only one that was ever decent was umk3 and even it's worse than alpha 1

Kano is a bigger scale con artist, he did nothing wrong. Raiden is a fucking goddamn god.

We're not arguing which game is better, we're arguing which universe has stronger characters, and MK wins that competition by miles. Also, MK takes more skill than piss easy SF.

Raiden was always an asshole.

MK9 and 10. Just made it more clear.

he even told subzero to fight shinnok and quan chi buy himself too

>Using SF4 Ryu

This is canon Ryu now

way not just make them fuck

Smoke can take them all on.

except you're forgetting the part that when you lose and die, you can pick that character again as of nothing happened for a rematch

That man dies more than Jean Grey.


But Jean Grey wasn't even playable in Children of the Atom.

Raiden was the MC he even killed Shao Kahn and was the only Kombatant to survive Armageddon

Cammy's gonna lose isn't she? She gets rekt by Vega and Sonya stomps powerful sorcerers like Quan-Chi in the nuts

I think he's implying the story. Street Fighter doesn't have many character deaths.

-Charlie, who is a zombie thing now

The events of Street Fighter may unfold, but everyone usually survives their ordeal. While in Mortal Kombat, characters are supposed to fight to the death, and also, major character die within the storyline.

As if Ryu wouldn't have a hobo beard instead of such a clean one if he really would wear a beard.

loved that

so is the dragon transformation

your point?

Sonya has beaten Quan Chi on her own. Unless Cammy has something that allows her to completely counter something Sonya has, Sonya has got this.


He trims it with Hadokens