Good old NX thread?

Good old NX thread?

I'm pretty confident this could be the best Nintendo console of all time, and one of the best in general

>single screen

It's shit

It could be. but it could also flop harder than the WiiU thanks to its awkward positioning in the market. I personally think it will be an uphill battle to win Nintendo fans back. WiiU was shit no matter how you look at it.

Why do you think it would be shit to have a single screen? Also, this isn't the real NX you autist

Wait... NX is a handheld?

>best Nintendo console

LOL no, Nintendo has been fucked since GC. Only the Wii U showed their true colors, hopefully the NX is the final nail in the coffin. Outta sight and outta mind.

Portable console that can be docked at home for more power is what the rumors say. It's basically confirmed by now

Yes, that much is obvious if you actually follow what Nintendo has been saying.

It's very likely a handheld that can play Wii U quality games.

Don't you faggots ever get tired of console war shit? Who fucking cares which one you bought?

Theres that rumor that said a lot of games from the big franchises would come in the first 6 months of the NX' release, which leads me to believe itll be released in Holiday 2017. Makes a lot more sense then fucking Spring



Feel free to screen cap this and report back here when it's revealed

It'll launch in march and it'll have all those big IP games available by the holidays.

This is why I won't be surprised if its pushed back to holiday 2017

Why would it be? It's gonna have BotW and a couple more games right off the bat, that's enough to sell it like hotcakes, holidays or not. Then they'll keep pumping out games, reserving the big ones for the holiday season.

>this isn't the real NX
I knew it was to good to be true

Best Nintendo and one of best in general is possible because Nintendo already made the best one with the SNES, and times have changed.

You wont get as many games made these days because game development is expensive now.

It could still turn out decent though, but definitely not as good as something as the NES, SNES, PS1 or PS2.


what the fuck....

we dont want spinning mediums in portables.
the PSP proved that.

why not just a new Gameboy?

true... i suppose with the increase in solid state memory these days carts are the only option...

Looks just like a Wii U gamepad. It'll fail.

Because folding screen is nice and makes the portable system so much more portable. One of the biggest design flaws of the PSP, Vita, and 2DS is that you had to have a carrying case for it, most particularly the Vita because of the sticks.

Yeah, it looks like it is going to be the next system is going to be a full tablet that can dock to your TV and be a console too. Nintendo is going full ARM too

pic is fake

Folding screens are horrible, theres a reason they dont use that shit with smartphones anymore

yeah because everybody parrots the shitty iphone and want their phone to be 99% screen.
rip keys
rip tactile feedback

Yeah, businesses panning to morons who want to watch movies on their phones.

Don't think the same problem applies to handhelds unless you're a special type of retarded.

I love that design.

I'm going to be disappointed if it doesn't have m&m buttons.

found it on reddit (shut up). The design is actually quite nice

>found it on reddit (shut up)
>(shut up)

>portable console
Oh boy, another generation of failure. Nintendo should just stop making consoles and make games for other consoles. Imagine how much better BotW would run on the new PS4/XB.

Yes, handhelds use carts. All Nintendo handhelds use carts. Why would it be any different?

Can ANYONE summarize me what do we know about NX?

Is it handheld? Or just quirky controller + bigger console like Wii U?

>what do we know about NX?
Old hardware, shitty performance, no games

One of the reason why i think the NC won't fail like the WiiU is because now that Nintendo will stop making Dedicated Handheld Consoles, that means all their efforts will go to the NX. The NX will launch with the new Zelda and we all know Zelda fans will buy it whether its shit or not. We have the typical Mario Games like Mario Kart which everyone loves and of course Smash Bros. But the main reason in why i think it won't bombed is because Pokemon. With the 3DS gone, the mainline will move to the NX. Its almost impossible for the NX to fail with a Mainline Pokemon Game. Now the question is: will the Normies(Nintendo main objective) buy the NX?

>Nintendo portables


How "old" we are talking about? Better or worse than PS4?
Plus - is it handheld?

>wanting that to be the NX
>9GAG image
get out

>upcoming console
>jk its a portable, lol


No folding screen no buy.


Why does it have the sticks on the top half that's so horrible.

So when are they showing this fucking thing? Or at least announcing it's reveal conference/Direct date?

And what launch titles are you people hoping for?

It is suspected to be on par with current PS4/XB1.. so it will be a generation behind, again.

All i want to know is if i wil be able to make my Phone calls on the NX. I mean Nintendo is trying to compete with Mobiles so the NX better be able to make Phone calls for their own good

Ah yes the old "nintendo should make their games on my cod machine"

You sound mad that Nintendo is successful with their portable consoles, just admit its a good idea

It's not really bad for a handheld

RIP Etrian Odyssey

You're fucking stupid

Tegra X1. More powerful than Wii U but doesn't match PS4

Good thing you missed the part entirely where it IS a home console when docked at home

Try harder user

Tokyo Game Show.

Considering the Vita came out years ago and will probably be on par with the NX (assuming it's a portable) .. yeah, I'd say that's pretty bad.

>when docked at home
>keyword: when

So it's still a portable console. Get educated, retard.

That still isn't close to Xbone, right?

>I'm such a hardcore shill that I want to see any competition to my beloved corporate masters go out of business. I don't understand that competition is good for the consumer.

>on par or even close to ps4/bone
I love my vita as much as the next guy but you're lying.


>My home console is a failure because it has a screen on it and I can take it places with me! Gosh darn it!

Just stop

Sure. We know nothing. There's a lot of rumors out there but nothing official.

>(shut up)

so basically a worse vita


Nintendo isn't going to TGS.

No, other user is spewing shit out of his mouth. It'll be the most powerful handheld of all time with power close to the xbox one

Rumorfags are the worst.

>home console
It's not.

>actually a good gimmick this time
>the handheld part will also serve as a power up to the console
>already a handful of promising games on the horizont (Zelda BotW, new Sanic, possibly DQXI)
>possibility of Pokemon and Monster Hunter on a big screen
I never bought any of the Nintendo non-handled systems before but something about NX got me hyped as fuck. I just hope they don't fuck up the name and the pricing.

Better? ;^)

Especially when the rumors are from MULTIPLE respected game news sources, as well as it making sense with the shit nintendo has said in the past

fucking idiot

Don't forget Pikmin 4

>possibility of Monster Hunter on a big screen

>MULTIPLE respected game news sources

I hope they dont abandon 3D screens.

>MULTIPLE respected game news sources
It was all Emily Rogers and Gaming news sites with their "unknown trusted sources" that also """"""confirmed""""" the patent """""""""""""""leak"""""""""""""""'.

I hope the boys are back in town for 5

and not literally only in town like in Gen

>Falling for the "it was all Emily Rogers!" meme

Sucks for you then i guess

>Eurogamer, a huge news source and it wouldn't be good for them to put out fake leaks

>IGN confirmed the same sources

You KEEP lying to yourself, lmao

>Mfw loved the Wii u pad can only play smash with it
>Mfw consolizing the Wii u pad

Can't wait

Also rumors of a Smash 4 NX port, though those are much less reputable rumors, so dont get too excited for that.

>thinking none of this was her fault

Vita is like fucking Wii-tier dude

I've just spent the last three hours hunting stuff in MHX and I have to say wow that looks really uncomfortable, my fingers will end up falling off if they keep up with these shitty design.

>my respectable clickbait sites wouldn't bait for clicks

>A possible Animal Crossing that's portable but can still be played on the big screen
>Pikmin 4 is obviously an NX game at this point
>Possible Mario Maker port

I'm really hyped, it might even have games that I'd want at launch (Breath of the Wild is an obvious one)

The only thing we can be sure of is that when Nintendo reveals the real name, it's gonna be dumb. Like always.

Who's ready for the lack of a proper account system?

>We at Nintendo are proud to announce the successor console to the Wii U
>And we're calling it the WII Z

I can agree on that

Why not the Wii G?

>it's too late for them to use Super Wii because of the U
I'd love a console with that dumb name

This. Pikmin 4 on NX will be based

>not the Wii Give Up

That got an IRL chuckle out of me. Well done.

If the NX has paid online, it will be dead. Most don't use the Nintendo consoles as their main platform. They are complimentary to the PC or the other 2 consoles. Having to pay monthly so you can sporadically play Mario Kart or Smash with your friends is going to be bullshit.

so now there is more news that the nx will have a camera

Looks nice but the button placement is weird and there's no way in hell they'd release a console without at least one analog input.

Dis iz a vedy bed idea.

Ki yo sewf

It won't.

I'm willing to bet a substantial amount of money.

But then again, traditional phone calls will pretty soon be a thing of the past anyway.