Torment: Tides of Numenera announced for PS4 and X1

Why are PC gamers against Torment: Tides of Numenera to appear on consoles (btw. day 1 buy for me because of that)?
I thought that exclusives are anticonsumer and everybody should have right to play any game on their platform of choice.

Because the UI and control scheme is instantly confirmed to be fucking garbage.

Additional question.
Why should I care? It is not my problem if tha game doesn't pander to PC market. I get the game that panders to me, so I am pretty happy. I don't care if PC gamers get what they want to be happy.

Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.

Read some of the comments in that thread. It's full of retarded man-children.

They can't even form cohesive arguments.

So you're basically demanding a double standard?

console kids won't even buy this, though. what's the point of a port?

I'm not particularly fond of radial menus on PC.

well what the user above saud and the guy in OP's pic. PC gamers foot the bill to kickstart the game, then console gamers get it without adding any contribution and the PC gamers have to wait longer, then get a shitty graphical and UI limited version of the game because of consoles.

Most of those people haven't even played the beta. PC isn't changing. Consoles will have a separate menu that works on controllers.

Autistic fucks just started picking up pitchforks and torches without looking into what's really happening.

PCucks got a name to live up to.

>Why should I care?
Because you should care about quality. But you're a console faggot so no surprise there.

>console gamers get it without adding any contribution

Won't they pay for the game when is released? Can't you already pledge for console version of the game?

PC gamers against it aren't really PC gamers but Console gamers who bought a PC to play on.

>PC isn't changing. Consoles will have a separate menu that works on controllers
Because that's been common in the past right? Like with TW3?

And even if both versions are different and good I agree with the guy above. If there's going to be a console version people who play on console should need to chip in.

Because PC players don't have any reason to care about potential fuck ups because of the console version right? That's totally never happened before.

Because it is common. Just because you're only into mainstream garbage doesn't make their failures common practice.

And why should any PC player care about what a console player thinks?
Damn, it's like you're trying to both start and end a discussion.

>Can't you already pledge for console version of the game
idk I'm not even sure what game it is, just logically if shit loads of people back a game, saying it will come out on PC, then later, after it has been kickstarted (obviously by only PC players) the devs then say it will be delayed because they are making it for consoles, a lot of people just got fucked over and the devs are using the kickstarter money to make the game for consoles, whos players never backed it in the first place.

I would be pretty pissed off.

I rarely see it happen. At the most the PC version might get a different hockey bar like in Deus Ex HR and Dishonored but everything else is the same.

After the last big Witcher patch, menus are much easier to navigate on console.

Also, D3 is objectively better on consoles.

I'm saying TW3's ui is shit because it was designed for a controller. Along with most other games and very few change the ui to any good degree on the PC version.

>D3 is objectively better on consoles.
>Worse framerate
>Paid online
It isn't.

No one gives a shit. CRPGs flop on consoles anyways.

>Diablo with a controller
>not absolute shit-tier

TW 3 is also a game you should play with a controller on a PC

Which is even worse that they're probably going to pander to them. Everyone loses.

Exactly, console shit.

No it's not.

I played the Early Access content and it was fantastic. I saw no signs of dumbing down for consoles.

TW combat never feels good with a controller, even if they did casualize the UI for consolefriends

Witcher combat never feels good with anything

you are probably a shitter

Exclusivity is a one way fuck street

Games coming from consoles to PC dont get fucked in any way, because PC isnt limited by anything

Games going from PC to consoles on the other hand get fucked, and many games and mechanics can fundamentally not work on consoles.

>Mustard rice constantly begs and cries and screams like little babies for Console ports
>Console gamers get a PC port
>They cry their little eyes out

How is it possible for one group of people to be so immature?


Personally, I can't think of any reason it matters, and I am a pc master race guy. It's almost like autistic fucks will be autistic fucks regardless of the situation or their gaming platform of choice.

Implying the caring kind of people who actually backed the game are the same people who would get mad at the game they love being available to more people so the makers get more money. I bet the few people getting mad didn't back shit.

This guy doesn't even know what fucking game we're talking about and he's mad.

I'm definitely buying this, either PC or PS4 not sure yet.



Divinity OS had a great controller interface for a former PC exclusive, same with Wasteland 2. The only thing limiting controller users are lazy/incompetent devs.

I've been immensely wary of Tides of Numera since it was announced, anyway. Of any of the big Kickstarter RPGs I thought this one had the biggest chance of blowing donkey.

And then Pillars of Eternity blew donkey with it's rough-draft tier story and truly tedious amount of filler combat encounters (i unironically find Neptunia combat more fun than PoE's), so I have that much less faith in Numenara. I mean I don't think Chris Avellone is even involved in it and he WROTE Planescape, and his writing being hacked out of PoE contributed to it being disappointingly mediocre.

Have high hopes for Div:OS 2 though. Ain't even mad Larian took a year off to port Div:OS to consoles.


Maybe I like "consolization?" Maybe I think that "traditional-style pc games" are full of dumb bullshit errata, and the game is more often than not made better for having them swept away?

>Maybe I like "consolization?" Maybe I think that "traditional-style pc games" are full of dumb bullshit errata, and the game is more often than not made better for having them swept away?

People like this exist

This means there will be a gamepad ui that i willbe able to use when streaming the game on my phone at work. Pretty neat

As far as I can tell, this is less about "muh exclusives" and more about "you've taken my money and are spending it on something you didn't tell me about and that may harm the original vision".

But it runs at a stable 60 on ps4 and x1

>I thought that exclusives are anticonsumer and everybody should have right to play any game on their platform of choice.

"Anti-consumer" just means "Not on PC, for 90% off, and runs on my toaster".

PCfags are so balls-deep in their cult that they actual try to make *moral arguments* for why entire console catalogs should be ported over. It's insane, I can't believe how far removed from reality places like Sup Forums and reddit have gotten.

Are you being ironic or just stupid?

>once again
What did he mean by this?

Yes going by how many sales Goat Simulator and early access survival multiplayer zombie games get on pc show they like quality

I'm being truthful. Look it up. Unless you're saying 60 isn't good enough in which case you're grasping at straws so fuck off.

I'm loving the tick-tock cycle of Sony not having any worthwhile exclusives and them needing to port that nothing to PC because of open platform kumbaya.


You're presenting Dark Souls 3 running at 60fps as if it's something consoles have over PC, witch is not the case at all.
Why is it better on consoles then?

We're talking about this specific game, and games of its type more broadly mate. The games industry as a whole being a giant pile of garbage is a non-sequitur.

PCfats should be mad its coming to consoles but not because "abloo abloo I have to share my toys with the other kids". They should be mad because the devs changed the combat system from real time with pause to turn based to accommodate a console release. They wanted additional dosh from the console market like with Wasteland 2, I fucking called it would come to consoles when they announced they ware changing the combat system. Remember that the game was advertised as a spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment, a game with a real time with pause combat system, so them changing it was going against a big part of their kickstarter campaign.

Not Diablo with a controller, Diablo 3 with a controller. That user is absolutely right, because D3 was another game which was made with a console release in mind and thus the dumbing down of the gameplay compared to the previous games.

Nobody cares that it's not exclusive. It says in the Kickstarter pitch that ports to other systems would probably happen later. The backers are annoyed that they're seemingly outright funding it and that the PC version has been delayed to make it happen.