Monthly Reminder people have died playing video games

Monthly Reminder people have died playing video games.

people have died while walking

really causes pondering

people have died while living

But not many people pay 60-100$ to walk.

everyone who has drank water has died

people have died while eating

Daily reminder Elvis died taking a shit.

people have died while jacking off

I drink water and I am still alive. You are a stupid little guy aren't you?

rip user, it's only a matter of time

people have died watching tv

people have died while having sex
better give up those dreams of normie life

Probably died waiting for an OP that wasn't a faggot

people have died while browsing Sup Forums

You know how they say that smoking increases your chances of dying by 15%?

Well not smoking gives you a 100% chance of dying, so take that non-smokers!

People have died while shitposting.

People have died while browsing Sup Forums

People die when they are killed.

So what's the idea behind these net cafes? Are they just for people who can't afford their own computer? How much do they cost per hour?

The difference between (walking, living, eating and drinking) and (gaming, Sup Forums, jerking off, watching tv) is that one helps you live and the other takes away your life.

idk man jacking off makes me feel pretty alive.

I think in Japan, some places have manga to read. Also since the net cafés are 24h, some people use it as temp lodging for a night.

Better equipment, better internet, nobody will distract you.

chinks can't see the parts to put together computers so they have to buy time at cafes to jack off and play videogames

People have died.

Jerking it is supposed to be healthy. I find it to be a good stress relief

Daily reminder a French president died from a blowjob

>happiness is bad for you

That sounds like precisely the range in which people pay for generally pay for shoes.

How unamerican.

every one in this thread is going to die one day and turn into a skeleton

thats the worse one, imagine some one walking in to check whats the smell and found your 2 days old dead body pants down, the police has to check what was on the pc at the time

>tags: shota, futarani, futarani-on-male,rape.
>tags: furry, gay,daipers,group,rape.

Guy who was strapped to a plane upside down for his car commercials? Died watching the most intense programming fox sports could supply him with.

How are 23 hours straight considered extremely hardcore?

But user, there's a skeleton living inside you as we speak.

>died after only 13 hours
what kind of casual is that

lol he died after 13 hours of gaming? what a fucking casual

people die while pos

Love when dipshits pigeonhole themselves into a slippery slope of "everything that is not work is a waste" all so they can rag on a hobby they don't like. But you're shitposting, so you're double stupid.

23. without eating or drinking.

It starts into pauzing on a flick of the wick. #deathofthethinkergamer

but it says he paid for 23 and was dead for 10 hours

Not very good at reading, are you?

People who di shit like this are either so hopped up on some kind of drug they don't notice, or they're so pumped full of adrenaline they won't notice the 3rd degree burns until minutes later

pls no bully

I guess gay because that's socially acceptable.

>No one had noticed. No one had cared.

Well which fucking one is it you twat? It can't be both. You have to notice something to care about it or not care about it.

>the police has to check what was on the pc at the time

Why the fuck would they bother?


git gud skrub

No one had noticed that he was dead and no one cared enough to check why he was passed out.

Don't you feel silly now.

Who redpill here.


When I was 15 I used to play Vanilla WOW, easily 20-24 hours straight. Very minor breaks for food a drink.

this is how it is in the hardcore gaming world. Fucking casuals think they can take it but this is what happens. He paid the iron price for thinking he could play the same as us

Where does Sup Forums land on this
Myself I am alt right

>give other people around you cancer cause you need your fix and muh gonna die anyway

wow so nihilistic, really makes you think

>thinking people will actually pay attention if you spew out a shit ton of words

Son, you need to get out more.

what if he was assassinated through the computer?

what the fuck is this retard doing


Everybody who ever drank water died? I think this guy might be high.

there aren't any programs that could kill you

>Someone on 4chin.
>Happy during gaming.

People here steadfastly play games they hate so they can shit on them with impunity.

Just slipping alway so quietly that no one even notices

That must have been the quickest death, almost like a bullet to eh head

Dead without even making a sound or struggling, I could think of worse ways to go desu

>People have died playing chess.
>People have died playing sportsball
>People have died fucking
>People have died while doing literally nothing

So fucking what OP?

Chink internet cafes are huge and get plenty of traffic. It's not hard to think that any other customers near him were too focused on their shit, I mean they're like autistic with how good their focus is sometimes, or so many people coming and going near him no one noticed the one guy not doing much.

Just think about the environment, everyone is a fucking drone. It's not hard to think everyone is an oblivious dumbass. It's like that quote about malice probably being stupidity or whatever.

technically more people who drank water HAVEN'T died than have

No that's false.

only pussies drink water
I sure as f*ck don't

Not to mention treadmills.

It's because chinks lack the notion of empathy.

We all know that video where a truck drives over a little girl then continues on, and 20 people walk or drive past (some even driving over her again) until somebody does something.

The MGS one is a good read and directly related to video games, as well as the thread itself.

Ok, what about the second?

what if you do (walking, living, eating, drinking, gaming, Sup Forums, jerking off, watching tv, reading, fishing, tennis) ??

Interesting and reasonable for the first 3 paragraphs and then, while very interesting, I don't really know what the author wanted me to think about the last paragraph, cuz it sort of ends like a fucking meme but it was serious until that point. Maybe video games.

See what you were doing when you died. If by some insane chance there was a connection between you dying and what you had on there when you died and they didn't look into they'd be in deep shit if it ever broke that they didn't look.

I'm more of a neo-traditionalist. We fucked up in the past, but there's more good there than we care to admit.

That said, spewing a diatribe at people is worthless. You can't speak the language of 200 years past and expect people to understand or even listen to you. The world has changed and while traditionalist ideas are a good starting point, they need to change with it, or break under the strain of change, just as they did before.

>dying from a mere 13 hours of gaming
What a fuckin bum

I dunno user without vidya I probably wouldn't have survived this long

how does one make a deadman switch

When people die from shit like this what is the official cause, exhaustion or something? I read once some guy played Call of Duty for like 16 hours and died from a blood clot in his leg.

I'm a NEET once again so this isn't that much different than what I'm normally doing.

Have a porn deletion buddy. If you die he pops open the envelope with instructions telling him where the porn is located and what the passwords are. His job is to make sure the bereft are not to be shocked when going through matter left behind by the one who died.

there are more people who have died never browsing Sup Forums or playing games than people who have

therefore death is more correlated with not playing video games

Don't forget to stretch every 15 - 30 mins and drink water user!

No, some people are foolish enough to pay more.

Okay but we can skip the, him looking at PC part, right cuz no one can see what's going on in here before or after a deadman switch becomes necessary

That is a very long torso

Oh lawdy er' come the 4chins mods to ban you fo swearin'

Fucking reddit/forum faggots

>Y-You're wasting your life!
Videogames and entertainment are a part of life, you moron. It's not like you'll be able to play videogames forever after you die, this is the only chance you have to play vidya.

The only issue is excess which can be said of all things

what about shoes?

I have an extremely strong electromagnet placed close to my computer that's set on a timer to turn on every 24 hours, if i don't add more time to the timer it will turn on and destroy my computer and anything else near it that's sensitive to magnets.

>implying I'm not already a skeleton

But it's always been East-Asians playing shitty MMOs and mobas that either die on starvation or because they literally sit their till they rot.

At least he wasn't anthony burch.

That's nothing; some Korean died playing Guild Wars for 72 hours straight in an internet cafe.

Why do Asians get so addicted to these games?

Technically you are a fucking retard