Open loot box

>open loot box
>one voice line
>two avatars

getting really fucking tired of this, overwatch

I just got a legendary Winston skin my dude

>Got Champion for Zarya out of my 3rd olympics crate
Has actually improved my Zarya game. Best tank.

and it takes 3 million years tnl

That's cool, I opened 3 olympic loot boxes so far and got 3 legendaries (2 of them in one box).

baby's first shooter

don't forget the duplicates senpai

how the fuck

I've opened like 15 and all I've gotten is torb's shit skin and mccree

>Just want jap Genji and USA Mccree
>prestige and the save 15 summer boxes to open
>Antique Bastion
>Ultraviolet Tracer
>Wadjet Ana
>Ribbit Lucio


>buy a 5-pack like the good goy I am
>get young hanzo (which isn't bad but I already have the bruce lee one so I wouldn't use it)
>get tracer's one, the only legendary from the summer pack I didn't want
>get it again, not even the recolor so it's money I literally can't use on anything I want right now

thanks game fuck you

>Tracer Legendary
>Tracer Legendary alt color
>Tracer Hurdle intro
>Tracer summer voiceline
>Tracer summer spray
I suck at Tracer.

Tbh I dont really like the new skins
>except that mccree one

>tfw she's my most played and life will kick me in the balls and not give me the Brit skin ;_;

McCree's is his best skin, Genji and Dva's are both in the top three at least, Lucio's is pretty solid though I can see why someone wouldn't like it, and Zarya's is the same (though the fact that it gives not-shit hair is a bonus.)

The only skin I've got so far is the red Zarya skin but I NEVER FUCKING PLAY ZARYA

>want to play Overwatch
>If I buy it on PC I will get wrecked by KB+M players because I'm so used to playing with a controller
>but if I buy it for console I have to pay for PS Plus

I'm fucked either way.

I just want the Zarya skin. I don't play a lot of Zarya but having normal hair will make me want to play her more in the future.

>not using T. Racer

seriously am I the only one that likes that one?

l2p with kmb nerd.

Maybe. It covers up her qtness too much. I like the Sporty though. But I can't live with forever knowing I could have the event one ;_;

A mouse is so much more natural to aim with it will be a lot easier to learn than a controller.

>gift good online pal of mine 24 boxes on his b-day
> He gets qt summer tracer, soccer lucio and bunch of old lego's.
> later that week decided to purchase 5 boxes for myself, because why the hell not, maybe I will get lucky too
> Receive only blues from summer collection
> Last one was reaper holding a medal(pic related) , almost like he's saying "good job retard , here's to you".
Well, sure as hell not gonna spend anymore real money on this gambling.

I got Zarya's legendary in my free box and I later got the two Tracer legendaries and Lucio's. I've got Mercy's Swiss skin 4 times though, and it pisses me off because I still need McCree's.

Sporty is easily my second favorite yeah

the GBR skin's okay but I dunno I'm not a huge fan of it at all

If you want to get good at her you should use her at koth where shes top tier and just dive the enemy support, blink directly behind them so they have to react and turn and give you time to shoot them for free

i got 5 legendarys yesterday

Finally got this skin the other day. I've been using it, but honestly I miss my pink hair punk skin

They casualized the game to a point where aiming isnt even needed for a couple of characters. Only maybe only 4 heroes benefit from amazing aim like widow soldier and mccree. Theres enough projectile based characters where it takes more prediction than actual aim to hit enemies

>All these Legendaries people have from lucky loot boxes
>Level 45 and only have 1 legendary from a loot box, nothing good from the new summer boxes at all

Life must be some cruel simulation.

>Open box
>See gold item
>It's currency

Yeah thanks game, it's not like I don't already have 4000 and there's no telling if it'll even be useful in future updates at this rate.

Just learn how to play with a mouse and keyboard. You'll never want to go back to a controller for FPS games. I promise you that. Also your skill will go through the roof on other FPS games.

I'm going to go this entire event without getting either the dva or mercy skins. I just know it. I have zarya and tracer with literally zero playtime on those characters

I got amazing value from my 24 crate batch, got 5 legendaries and american mcree with swiss mercy


>tfw got the rescue me skin for Mei

I mean I play as her a lot but her skins are kind of shit.

You'll get one at 50.

It's guaranteed every 25 levels at least. I got one at 25 and then two at 50

Rolled a chest and got Nihon genji yesterday.

You must channel your patriotism. It's the only way to become a true American.

Next I must increase my honor, so that I will get the genji skin. I'm not sure how I will do that, though.

None of you have given in to blizzard's greedy tactics and bought any of these summer boxes, have you? $0 on lootboxes of any kind, here.

Maybe you can trade for it. Oh wait.

>all I want is weeaboo Genji skin
>gotten every single new skin/color except his

Going from controller to m+kb feels like trying to type an essay wearing over gloves at first. Eventually, you'll get used to it, though. Afterwards, you won't believe how you ever could play with a controller because the mouse is so much more natural to aim with.

Speaking from experience.

I've spent $15 and I know for a fact I'll buy more

Lol fag I got it and dont even use it.

If I do nothing but play Genji to earn the next five lootboxes, will I get the Genji skin?

Man, this is the closest thing to a good red skin that he has.

>2 duplicate symmetra sprays
>mei player icon
>duplicate voice line
Every time.

it's not a single player game, it's an online multiplayer game which people usually shell in a couple hundred hours in
why do you expect to unlock everything instantly?
why are you this entitled?

>There's a spray of a fucking noose.
Kek. How do you get it?

Its not being entitled so much as just being fustrated about the rng element of boxes, especially since blizzard outright stated that you could get any specific skin you want for a certain amount of gold but LO AND BEHOLD the event skins are apparently exempt from that.

I wish they would have mentioned it earlier, so I could have grinded up to level 300 instead of starting the event at level fucking 239.

it's a mccree spray

visual representation of about 99% of the past 70 or so levels

>playing overwatch

Enjoy your skinner box, losers.

>event skins are apparently exempt from that.
>event skins
exactly, they are made specifically for an event
you are supposed to feel happy and lucky that you get them, and can boast about them when the event is over
still sounding entitled, bro

hey now, that's not true. sometimes you get two blues instead of one.

if you feel happy and lucky that you get them then that entails that you will feel unhappy and unlucky if you don't

and way less people are going to get this skins than not, so they are just pissing off most of the fans.

what is wrong with being entitled? I bought this game why can't I reasonably access all the content for it

Lucio Ball could not have been more terribly implemented if Blizzard tried. An Ult may as well be a free goal.

>sitting at an average of 10 unlocked items per character
>still get dupes

what are the odds like and why are they so shitty

It isn't if your team isn't retarded and has a goalie that can think straight.

>tfw bought the game a few days ago.
>Level 12 lootbox had first yellow.
>Track and field Tracer

Who's the most reddit character?

my vote is on Mei

I keep hearing the summer game yellows have a higher chance of dropping than usual but considering I'm almost twenty boxes in and have only gotten one I doubt that

Reddit is Mei, tumblr is Reaper, and Sup Forums is Roadhog

all of this just makes you sound like some spoiled teenage girl

Besides that one. So congrats.

cool dude, doesn't mean im wrong

also teenagers are the kind of people who enable this sort of behavior because they value thier money poorly

Hey bud, I used to be in the same position as you. I'm 21 and I've had consoles until I was 19, and I would never choose to play a shooter with a controller ever again if it could be avoided. Just try it out. Works so much better my friend

>also teenagers are the kind of people who enable this sort of behavior because they value thier money poorly
or because they want their parents to constantly give them free shit without doing any work for it

Ive gotten more yellows than usual but only one of them were for the summer games

Mei is Tumblr, reddit is Junkrat, Sup Forums is Reaper

>Not Ana's upboat/downboat gun and Mad Max fanboyism

>tumblr not zarya

>olympic skins and shit cant be bought
>You can still get duplicates of them though

Fuck blizzard and this jew shit.

>Just want Junkrat Taunt
>Mcmeme Skin and Bastion Taunt
>A thousand fucking icons and 1 spray out of 15 boxes

>guy gets Ult
>camps in goal
>waits until ball in any where near the goal
>bump the goalie
>free goal

Lucio Ball is fucking terrible. Ults should not be a thing and camping in the enemy goal should outright kill you.

it's okay.

Zarya is as anti-tumblr as it gets.

>bump the goalie

why the fuck isn't the goalie bumping the faggot out of his goal?

Are you guys paying extra money for in-game loot in a game you've all ready paid for?

Nah, the only thing tumblr about Zarya is the dyed hair. Everything else is pure undiluted Russian.

Now Reaper on the other hand is edge incarnate, and while he has his bio as an excuse for it he's still a representative of a bunch of edgefaggots imaginations. He more represents the emo demographic in tumblr.

Just because Zarya has dyed hair doesn't automatically maker her a tumblr icon. If anything, her physique shits on the landwhales.

Of course not, I've already done that too much in TF2.


Nothing about Reaper screams Tumblr if anything it's Mei

>tfw it was the first thing I got in my first olympic crate

Me: Hooley
You: Dooley

I must agree. I would say that.
Well, enjoy user. I'll suffer through 60 more boxes and never see it.