Can you beat the first boss in Sonic the Hedgehog with just one continue?? I doubt it.
Can you beat the first boss in Sonic the Hedgehog with just one continue?? I doubt it
And I thought I sucked at Sonic. My god, 10 year old me played better than these idiots.
Maybe they'd have done better with a quest marker.
what sort of enjoyment do people get watching someone play videogames for them
Are there more than one sort of enjoyment?
>that dude with super high pitched voice
Fucking kek. Did his balls not even drop yet?
>posting finebros shit
saged and reported
The same enjoyment you must get watching your wife being drilled by a big black dick you pathetic cuck.
Tori best girl
At half their age I could beat that shit without getting hit...
Good god.
You mean Olivia.
>Ooh, is this gonna make me jump?
Gee, I wonder...
>Did I do it?
Can I get my gun?
>That's me, cause I'm Sonic now.
And I'm about to cringe even harder.
>People always have problems with these fish things
How do you have problems with an enemy that just goes up and down?
>Sees counter on guy's screen
>Stayed at the first screen for 1 minute
>Everyone dies at the spike pit section in Act 2
>These Uncharted moments, man.
Yeah, a game from 25 years ago made a reference to a game years later.
>This is impossible
How? There's like 2 ways to pass that. Jump on the swinging platform or just jump across.
>I totally forgot they turned into little animals when you kill them
You smashed like 20+ and you didn't even notice?!
>I could jump on that
No shit, Sherlock.
>What do I need this for?
>Who are you?
He's a fucking mustached guy in a flying mech. Isn't that obvious?
>This is the evil guy
What made you think that? The ominous music or the fact that he's trying to kill you?
>Oh my god! I have to jump on him!
Oh, really?...
>This is like... some difficult stuff for a kids game
No, you just suck at it.
>Jumps at low momentum, misses
>Harder than it looks. Don't play it again, ever
No, you just really, really suck at it.
Y-y-you okay there user?
>tfw I did this shit with more finesse at 3 years old
I'd like to see them play Yoshi's Story
inb4 they get stuck at the stop sign segment and die to the first boss somehow
So the power...of autism.
okay champ let's pull back on the autism a bit
Just like every other user in this thread, I beat this game the first time I played it, I didn't die once, it was the first time I touched a Genesis controller, and I was 3 years old.
Kids these days are just retards.
>shilling kikebros
>"This is some difficult stuff for a kid's game."
Normies blathering on are so boring. Why does this shit get so many views?
because people like op get paid to shill it
I'd rather be autistic then act like these normies
Boys these days don't have basic gaming logic the way we developed it, by playing, watching and talking with friends, by socializing.
Girls nowadays love to get attention even if it means acting retarded. HEY I HOLD THECONTROLLER LIKE THIS??? XD
If you saw those guys play, you would cringe too.
Now have them play Marble Zone and then they can see why Sonic 1 is a mess of a game.
Just downloaded a shitty emulator and the rom and beat the first stage with ease like any other normal person would. Never played this game and never used a Genesis emulator before. Can confirm these kids are retarded.
>"this is so hard"
>proceeds to jump directly into spikes
I guess everything's hard when you're not even trying.
Pretty sure these kids are acting terrible on purpose. Gotta get those views.
So you went and wrote a line-by-line commentary where you could have just written couple sentences and said about everything you did.
did you steal that from a youtube comment?
>Kids who probably have never seriously played a platforming video game before do badly at it.
Wow OP, thanks for informing me.
I'll sum it up for them.
It hurt like hell to watch. Fucking Normie Cancer.
>that was like an uncharted moment right there
These kids have either never played video games before, or the extent of their knowledge is mobile games where the only controls are taps and swipes.
These kids are having to adjust for the very first time to concepts like, having direct 8-way control over a character on a 2D plane, timing button presses, sustaining momentum while jumping, slope physics, and hit recoil.
If you try and tell me you were any better at these concepts the very first time you encountered them, you are delusional or you're misrembering your first video game as something you played after these concepts were already ingrained into you.
Before you click on this video remember that these shit videos are all scripted and staged, don't give the Fine Kikes views.