Make a wish

Make a wish.

Other anons corrupt it.

Keep it vidya.

I wish for paid DLC and microtransactions to be illegal.

I want no man´s sky to be good.

it is now an xbox one exclusive

I wish to cancel this faggots wish

They make a free mobile pokemon game that everyone plays

the battle system will be "tap the other pokemon"

no trading


I wish for the crown

i wish to cancel you.

No Man's Sky isn't good, but it sells so well that clones of it get produced by all other major companies and the same format and designs are used to attempt the same success for at least the next decade. Several older franchises are "rebooted" to be like No Man's Sky, including ones where such a format would make no sense, like Resident Evil or Devil May Cry.

I wish for the Sup Forums hivemind to be forced to like Undertale now

They instead have to be physical add-ons, no downloadable

Free Radical's Battlefront 3 is completed and released.

'cancel' is misread as 'cancer', therefore the corruption merely takes effect as usual.

No Man's Sky turns out to be the greatest game the world has ever made, delivering perfectly on every promise and so much more. It was also funded behind the scenes by every vidya publisher and developer in the world, literally costing trillions to make. The mere billions it made doesn't even cover 1% of the cost, and every vidya developer goes bankrupt.

Vidya is now dead.

I wish that more games are made using the Fox Engine.

But because Sup Forums are never honest about how they feel they continue to shitpost about how trash it is.

The prices of the base game, as well as season passes, triples in responce

They do, but all game discussion is drowned in deviantart tier shipping and fan theories that remain on the front page 24/7.

Paid DLC and micro transactions are made illegal, so publishers instead sell them as physical tokens that cost 3 times as much and require you to go to the store to get them. These become just as popular as DLC and micro transactions and have 10 hour installation times. Also, whenever a new token is produced, no matter how minimal the content, you HAVE to get it or all online functions for the game cease and if you play on a console hooked to the internet the game shuts you out of single player as well. Playing a game offline causes it to lock you out after 24 hours unless you connect to the internet and buy the tokens.

All major gaming news outlets defend this new system and critics are mocked and lambasted as pirates that don't want to pay.

I wish the PS4 would get some games worth playing.

they're cinematic experiences with zero gameplay

Granted, but they are pachinko machines

Valve releases HL3 tomorrow

Granted, but all the games are multi-platform

I wish to die during my sleep tonight

Bad Company 2 becomes super popular again / bad compy 3 comes out and it's the exact same everything, same engine same classes same exact gameplay and guns and shit, but it also has all the extra guns and maps and bullshit from BF3 and 4. I want all the content of bf4 but bad compy gameplay.

Sony buys out Nintendo and reboots their various franchises using modern trends. Mario is made into an Assassin's Creed style parkour game and Zelda is made into an RNG early access PSN game with no puzzles and a bigger focus on combat.

>A few good games for a good few months.
>PS Penta announced

it's a early access game and only has 5 minutes of gameplay ready

games are now $150 for standard editions with the same content as now, its just some developers decide to add dlc, unless they dont want to.

microtransactions are now macrotransactions and anything you wanted to buy in the in-game store now has an extra zero behind it, but is still just as necessary to the gameplay

Booting up the PC version of the game causes an image of naked Gabe to appear on the screen and he screams "NEVER EVER PKEKS". The actual game is a PS4 exclusive.

I want a Shin Megami Tense X Fire Emblem crossover

granted, but nobody plays and there is no bots

Granted, though you awake alive again after experiencing the sweet release of death. You are even more miserable and still unable to kill yourself.

I wish for actually good procedural generation

Wish granted. The game cost 60€ and everything is packed up with micro-transactions. Whole game is something like 200 easily. No custom servers.

The game fails on the same level as Battleborn and you are made a laughingstock just for defending it.

They've only been working on it for today so its literally nothing but code.

Another Obsidian fallout

the only game that uses it is a flying simulator and it proceduraly generates clouds

You awaken in the afterlife which is comprised of you and a guy working behind a desk who tells you you are to reincarnate as yourself over and over again for eternity. You can change nothing that happened over the course of your life and are doomed to make the same decisions over and over again, including killing yourself.

Granted, but all characters are genderbent.

it's turned into a game with idols and doesn't feature any of the SMT characters and only a few FE ones which are mostly from Awakening.

>Terrorist Republic

Off to reddit with you.

Granted, but it requires so much resources and powerful hardware it's basically too early for its time too use, killing it in the cradle.

It's MGS 1,2,3,4 re-releases, but they change everything slightly and it's filled with SJW content.

I wish Zero Escape 3 is retconned and replaced with something actually good.

Granted. Obsidian staff is merged into Bethesda.

Granted, but it has a voiced protagonist with Gilbert Gotfreid providing the voice.

Melee HD gets made

i literally said the game became super popular tho

i will literally gladly do it and pay the fucking bloated eurolander price

jesus just fucking give me the drugs man just fucking inject that shit right into my spinal column man

oh ym god bad compy was so good

Thanks fampai

Gameplay is fucked up

you die shortly due to sleep apnea, as your spirit rises from your body you look back and dissolve into a mist above you, when you finally turn around to face the stygian blackness of infinite death, your eyes open and you live again, waking up the previous morning, this happens over and over again for eternity.

any time you stray too far from the routine you had the day you died (you will fall back into it subconsciously) you die suddenly and are set back to the morning aka no fun groundhog day shenanigans

it's literally project m on a wii u disc

I wish that icefrog releases pitlord

It is super popular. For about 20 minutes. Then it stops being popular.

only SJW play

every SJW plays

every SJW uses their mic

there is no mute, you either have to turn all audio down and lose the sound design the game has to offer, or deal with 90% of your gametime being spent listening to active ponyfu conversation, the other 10% being only the cumulative time they take to breathe.

Then after a month all the servers go down and dice says they dont have the money or time to fix it

nigga that means it wasnt popular

this wish sucks dick, monkey's paw always grants the wish, it just makes it suck ass too, like

>bad company 2 is the best selling game of all time
>but the only people who bought and populate the servers are brazilians and russians

like this guy gets it this is perfect

i hate it

fuck you

i wish that i were a happy kid playing vidya with my friends again

>Assassin's Creed style
I said good

your mom calls you to do chores every 10 minutes

I wish metal gear rising 2 is released and it's greater than the first in every way, and there's no dlc or other bullshit

They fix all the "bugs" so all the mechanics become fucked.

Granted but you still grow up to be a faggot posting on a chinese watercolor message board

It's released as an exclusive on a Konami developed console. $599 price tag for the console itself, and no other games are released on it.

Its a Vita exclusive


>i wish that i were a happy kid playing vidya with my friends again
Granted. You're stuck in a time loop with your friends. Every morning they come to your house with glee, bringing NES and the only game available at the time, Bible Adventures.

Granted, but Melee fans still bitch about it.

Oh wait, that's what would happen even without a monkey's paw.

I wish everyone on Sup Forums was a cute anime girl myself included

I wish that Sun and Moon will be the best and most complete pokemon games to date

Bloodborne gets a PC releases

a patch is released a week after release that creates a showstopper that bricks your hard drive

the same day, platinum is bought out by nintendo and the team is disbanded

a patch fix is never released

wut reddit is all vs though.

I wish making stuff illegal to be made illegal.

I want a turkey sandwich which is perfectly moist, bread is not stale and not wet, the turkey meat isn't infected with anything, everything is in date. It also has a perfectly normal butter spread onto the bread.

I also want ALL yakuza games to be translated without any 1/2 localization crap or cut content, just give me it all.

there are no graphics options and the port is clunkier das1's

it doesn't have as big a following as das1 so a bbfix is never made

I wish that MMORPGs would be truly good again.

granted, but afterwards they pass another bill to legalize illegalizing

It's a platformer/driving hybrid much like Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

granted, a dog shows up out of fucking nowhere and eats your sandwich

granted, they're translated into chinese

It's in a sealed container like an art piece and you're unable to open it to eat it

They're all exclusive to Xbox One

Everyone becomes Umaru.
They are, but only through DLC and microtransactions.
Forced 720p resolution, 24 FPS lock, unmoddable.

You're kind of good at this.

I wish you weren't.

Granted but it uses the Sm4sh engine, and smash balls can't be turned off

It's released but the entire game was accidentally made upside down, so you have to turn your monitor or tv upside down just to get oriented

I wish all other anons got nice lives.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 3

They're very short, though.

Granted, but they will never enjoy vidya again.

Granted but they die within a week of getting their lives together.

It's made by Bethesda.


I wish Nintendo would stop prioritizing Mario and Zelda titles.

published by ea

I wish Canis Canem Edit got a sequel

granted, you made this wish over text and the genie only ever heard the word leaves and thinks that's what you meant, everyone on Sup Forums has a really nice maple leaf somehow float up to them within the next couple days

most don't notice it

You are a horrible person.
