>I can bench more than you
Well, can she?
I can bench more than you
Other urls found in this thread:
I can barely bench 3kg so yeah
yes, but she's also trans so it doesn't matter
Given some of the female bp records out there it seems unlikely. She does look to weigh over 100kg and is on the gas though so probably.
Probably, but I finally got my bench to 315 poons so I'm happy either way
Is she saying she can physically lift more than I can? Or is she saying she can lift more than I weigh?
Or is she saying she can deal with more psychological problems than I can?
who can't
I can lift the bar, beat that
>call her on her shit and finally get her in the weight room
>she uses some retarded bridge
>fucking Winston calls it legit
>get laughed at
I've done 520 kg on a good day, so yeah.
>enemy hanzo uses his scatter arrow
Shes not real.
>I've done nearly 200 kg more than the world record bench
why are you lying on Sup Forums, user? please post some sort of proof.
What did he mean by this?
The first and second thing.
Well I can drop the beat!
You know that "512" tattoo she has? That's her personal best for lifting, in kilograms.
Really now?
She can lift 512kg, so yeah, she can.
Unless you are a better lifter than the present world ranker...
im 23, 130lbs 5'10 and i've never done any form of working out. what the fuck is a bench and how do you press it?
vidya games
i can lift 512 bags of chips
What'd you have your mom and girlfriend sit on opposite sides of the bar? Fuck off liar
Top kek
Put the bar over your chest then push it up repeatedly.
Is that even possible irl?
Never did bench pressing.
I do have dumbbells though. How much easier is bench pressing compared to dual handed dumbbells?
no, my mom rested one leg on the bar
>lifting 512 kg
>those dyel arms
I can bench 300 pounds but I also weigh 300 pounds so technically I'm weak as fuck.
who cares. dont even like this dumb game but I've been beating off to that model of hers for the past week like a sick dog just kill me
>Being intimidated by fictional claims of a fictional female videogame character
Stay secure Sup Forums
In all fairness Zarya has retired as a weight lifter. Maintaining a world class physique is a full time job and she is too busy genociding omnics now.
Apparently they got magic shirts now to improve the record. Still better than any world record.
After those russian steroids, she can outbench anyone.
Well I can go out in public without making people uncomfortable.
I'm 155 pounds and can max 95~ lbs.
Am I somewhere?
Zarya is cute!
Considering I've never once in my life done any weightlifting, yeah she totally could.
>Implying she's not natty
i can overheadpress 10kg
>Effortlessly welds a mounted weapon which takes two people to operate due to being so fucking heavy
Yeah probably
thats a little under 500kg, keep working at it, you can get there.
Who would be the dominant one in bed?
Zarya is stronger than Reinhardt(in his prime)
1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds, what the fuck kind of conversions are you on?
why? i dont have the motivation for this shit.
>muscle is made in the kitchen!
>just lift heavy objects breh
always a different opinion everywhere i look.
>being really strong
Memes aside any man that work in a physically demanding job (like say, most construction jobs) is going to be significantly stronger than nearly every woman in existence - even those that do lift weights. While it angers feminists and Sup Forums is made up mostly of noodlets or bags of grease men have such an enormous biological advantage it is actually unfair.
See also: fallon fox for some drama.
She's is very gentle in the bedroom and wants to be treated like a lady.
>No Zarya sundress skin.
You can get stronger by picking up heavy things and then putting them down.
If you want to be /fit/ or AHNALD you need a regiment.
You are an extremely obnoxious person
Are you 13 years old, you fucking faggot?
Go get a job on a building site as a labourer - you will effectively be paid to get huge.
I am training to defeat a certain Ahnald you could say...i have increased my speed 10fold, as you will notice..
This. My cousin is fucking muscular from the job only
Then huge fucking huge was she when she was still a lifter?
Bitch, I'm a lazy fuck, and even I work out. Just lift while waiting on match, or while watching something.
To make it simple: eat protein and use your muscles more than you do now.
Probably? I can only bench around 280 lbs right now.
>there are people in this thread who cant bench AT LEAST 135
I know, it's my fault for starting and stopping. My max was 1pl8 but I school started shitting on me.
I like doing dips and pullups though.
>we have /fit/ threads on Sup Forums now.
Isn't Zarya's record 512kg?
Yeah, she can definitely lift more than me.
Can confirm, 4 months in and I'm stronger than I've ever been. I can suddenly afford video games too.
is she stronger than Thor Björnsson?
I went from your typical Sup Forumsirgin to, well, your typical Sup Forumsirgin that can lift 100-120kg depending on shape (carrying around a 98kg roll of lead was not fun). I may not have bulging biceps but its all about those core muscles in my torso (as, naturally picking up something like a fire door is fine but you need to be able to carry the fucker up flights of stairs and shit).
Its shit work at times but hey, gettin' huge has its benefits.
yes i want her to bench me naked
Why would this phase me? I mean, men and women are equal, right?
Hows the payment?
I get 6.5k as a nc operator. My cousin which works building site gets almost 8k. I want that extra cash and buffyness too.
Thinking about working on building site for a few months just for money and muscles
Yes she can bench close too 3 of me at once. I can't top that
Idk maybe?
she doesn't specify the lift
>Thinking about working on building site for a few months just for money and muscles
Labouring specifically tends to have meh pay as it is unskilled work. Though I suppose you could justify the fact you aren't spending money on a gym membership as an offset.
I'm pretty sure it's Deadlift, since that's how she holds her weapon
Yeah, and it depends quite a lot on the weather and the site. Nice co-workers help a lot.
Varies, but usually below the average salary. Don't really know how the rates compare since I'm not from the US.
>Labouring specifically tends to have meh pay as it is unskilled work
Not on my country. Its, rather "hard" work. Which usually should be paid more all around the world.
Add the fact that most dont like to do that kind of thing, people attract them with high loans.
I dont like to work in general, but I like to get good money
>Not on my country.
I find this surprising - being unskilled work means you can get any old chump to do it and there is always another chump willing to work if you are not which drives wages down.
But how could a old chump do the work properly.
Shouldnt you rather employ the, lets say, 25-40 year old people that at least have the physique to do the work properly?
Why would you put someone who would break his back the first day and then pay him to stay at home
My cousin is 24 and earns 8k a month. Which is over 100k a year. To get near this amount of money without such hard work, you would waste some years in school and be 40 years old minimum here
Considering she is a fictional character and can't actually interact with this reality, let alone bench press anything in it, no she can't.
Figuratively she totally fucking could, and that gets me a little hot.
That's a pretty cool skin
>But how could a old chump do the work properly.
Shouldnt you rather employ the, lets say, 25-40 year old people that at least have the physique to do the work properly?
When the backbone of the job is simply lifting and carrying nobody is willing to pay high wages for what amounts to a human forklift. I severely doubt anybody earns mega dosh as a labourer (as a tradesman that is a different story entirely).
>When the backbone of the job is simply lifting and carrying nobody is willing to pay high wages for what amounts to a human forklift.
I severely doubt anybody earns mega dosh as a labourer (as a tradesman that is a different story entirely).
Well, if its only for that then I guess that would make sense.
Im sure you wouldnt use someone who has the ability to do more just for that though.
Normally you learn the usage of machinery here and also make use of them
I want degenerates to leave
Doesn't she want Mcree's dick though?
I lifted 10 tons the other day so probably not.
I've got a shitload of friends that are huge and ripped. Most of them are from fitness, some from work. But one of them is ripped as fuck and it all comes from him riding motocross since he was like 10 and getting himself, and us sometimes, constantly into fights.
i can't even do one pull up so probably
Nigga, she can bench like two or three of me, I ain't fucking spider man. So yeah she can bench more than me in two different meanings
I can't really do a bench press. My arms are too shitty and I wobble everywhere, can't fucking do it.
I need to do something else to build my arms first. Maybe push ups? Recommendations, please.
do the strength arm trainings from here