Will this game actually kill people?
Will this game actually kill people?
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Game? I don't think you can call it a game.
Just looks like a simulation for lonely fags
is this a full walkthrough? it's like fucking 4 minutes
also falling in vr is shit, I wish they just made a fade to black screen
Nobody you might consider a worthy human life, at least.
I am glad that I am alive at this time
It's basically a tech demo, they won't sell this 60$
It's literally R&D for THIS
>They didn't crouch and look under her skirt.
Ah yes, the jealous fatumblrinas are already here.
I don't get the hype. True 2D will always be best.
Where is he?
>patiently waits for THE WORLD
2.5D is fine too.
But this uncanny "real" model looks awful.
>"Ha! Who needs men I can get along just fine without their patriacal eyes raping me every five seconds"
>this game comes out
>"w-why arent the boys paying attention to me anymore? I fucking hawt pay attention to me lewdly playing with this wii mote my brother got for christmas"
Maybe of boredom.
Not in the US. Thanks to Tumblr it will surely be Tyrone teaching you about KANGZ in the western version.
It ain't coming to America.
It's the intro
>ace combat is tied to a shitty gimmick
Will we ever have a good Ace Combat game again?
They said they won't ever do this again, the VR is optional too.
It's almost as though fan translations have been a thing for a half a century.
like gta/carmageddon actually makes people go on kill sprees
Dead, I hope
After 6 years, he really deserves to die in the most horrible and disgusting way
Who's that guy
Jokes on you guys.
I'm already playing Custom 3D Girl 2 and PlayClub on my Vive.
>he payed 800+tax for a gimmick
It's going to be used to simulate the COFFIN system and its optional.
>he payed an amount of money to have fun
wow fucking idiot
oh cmon he obviously bought knowing full well what it encompasses, and he's having fun with it. People who buy NMS however...
>paying for fun