You know what to do

You know what to do


>mainly plays healers
>plays overwatch at all



The supports in this game are complete shit.

Maining one hero is fucking boring. It also severely limits your learning, unless you're already a top player with 1k+ hours into the game.

If you want to know what Winston players hate, play Winston for a while. If you want to know what Genji players look for when going in with ult, play Genji until you don't suck.

The mechanical skill in the game are pretty low and relatively universal, for anything but practiced ranked teams you're better off having higher understanding and a more flexible hero pool.

People like you are the fucking worst. It's a fucking team game, not CoD.

>muh k/d!

>The supports in this game are complete shit.
Lucio and Zenyatta are ridiculously OP


"Would rather sudoku" to the lot of them


What is the difference between Never and When needed for Hanzo?

desu the ones like Zarya and McCree that are white are simply because I haven't played them enough.

hide thread right?


Zenyatta might as well be an assault. Seriously, compare him to Soldier, they both heal and do roughly the same DPS (Zen actually does more when you consider how retarded discord is), the difference is that Zen's ult isn't dogshit.

Lucio is the most reliable method of getting your team back to a point fast. Teleporters will be destroyed if they're too close and barely useful if too far, and Res is like all Mercy has anymore. Boops are also bullshit on some maps and his ult counters Zarya ult.

McCree in QP only because I really enjoy his kit, but am absolutely awful as him.


Think I have the best mains, get at me gayos

>see the trailer to overwatch
>hey that winston guy kinda reminds of Beast from x-men, I want to play him
>he's literally just a jumping gorilla with a really shitty aoe shield ability

>no different stat/item/skillbuilds
>no leveling
>shooting/jumping/performing mechanical tricks is so simplified for the sake of accessibility you literally fall asleep while playing
>all game modes (there are like two or three lmao) are basically the same shit
>you can switch heroes midgame because there's absolutely no way to balance the game otherwise because of its simplicity which is the cheesiest fucking shit ever
>zero character development
>heroes very rarely interact with each other which is honestly pretty hilarious considering there are like 20 of them in the game games like dota and league have 100+ heroes and they got A SHITLOAD of interaction between each other

rate and hate

This is shit taste to the absolute degree. You make me sick

>When needed


>maining in Overwatch

you're fucking cancer

The last push for Dorado basically needs a Bastion

How do you be useful as ana?

You don't

I do well with hitscan and I play mostly 76/widow for my comp team
In QP I play what ever


I'm not doing any fucking picture bullshit.

>COD/Mcree if needed

>Everyone else


Come at me.
Also i'm only lvl 27


Widow is garbage. Use McCree for long distance engagement.

AMA, rank 80 here, but I've stopped playing because I get matched with rank 60 shitters and they're always toxic faggots who expect me to carry the game. Also the forced 50/50 winrate is real.


It's a FPS therefore it's CoD/CS:GO by default.

If your team is being stomped on D a change to a Bastion can be a bit of a surprise and stop momentum at the last chokepoint (like the final turn there on Numbani and then the turn at Dorado)

>all of these people that don't play Tracer

what's wrong?

I fucking hate when people make templates like this and then save them as jpg so the color is fucked up and the fill tool won't work, really triggers my autism


>rank doesn't matter
>Zenyatta and Winston

>Tracer has to aim and Roadhog doesn't
Jesus christ what a fucking disgraceful chart

Yea, Zenyatta is actually good now.


I only play QP because I have no friends

lvl 55 4 lyfe

They need to buff winston a bit.

Rein is my most picked and if I play ranked in a premade with friends I'm basically our dedicated tank

How do you feel now that Mercy is a situational pick now?

Still learning zarya and zenyat

I guess my mains are what I prefer playing
I have never been of any use as Tracer nor widowmaker

If you have more than 1 tank you better have a Mercy

Lucio/Zen are better supports. Mercy has a zero pick rate in league level play for this reasob.

I can aim so I don't mind playing widow
The only time I do really play her is if they pick characters 76 has issues with
I haven't played much comp due to team issues lately and I noticed widow is starting to hit the no pick zone, so I probably will play more mccree then I usually do. I can HS regularly with him too


Shes more frustrating than ever currently, but it still feels very rewarding playing well with her, granted if you are doing bad shes completely worthless. She needs an E ability that overcharges her staff and guardian angel to no target to challenge and readjusted ult timer again to challenge zen, she will never challenge lucio because speed boost.

>playing Zarya
>see a teammate get hooked
>shield them
>Roadhog shoots the shield
>Melees the shield afterwards
>Proceeds to M2 into the shield while chasing the guy into all 6 of us
>Presses E to feed us ult while he gets shredded
>"TEAM? TEAM? WHERE'S MY TEAM?" in chat for the next half hour
i wouldn't be greentexting this if it only happened once or twice, but it's every round with you shitters

roadhog is cancer

Depends on the comp. Zarya doesn't really need a Mercy following her around, for example. Her charge rate being so bad now makes her ult helpful but Zen and Lucio are by far the best healers.

She's still nice to have around but I think she's not really that viable right now. Damage boost McCree is still pretty good tho.
I don't know if she needs an e but I would like her single target healing to be amped up just a little bit. She should be THE single target healer. Zen beating her out in viability completely is sad.

I don't have the patience to play Genji well so I don't bother.

My Zarya and McCree are sub par but I'll do it if we need one.

I guess I stick with simpler shit overall but I'd rather do that than be a hinderance to my team. Plus I think Reinhardt has more to him than people give him credit for. If you just sit on your ass and shield you're going to fail your team eventually, and the amount of Rein's who just charge in without a team is maddening.


Shiiiit forgot pic.

I hate how the fill tool doesn't work for these images.

I feel she needs the overcharge since she has to be 10 feet away to heal/boost and blizzard thought 50% buff was to op, so make it a E staff overcharge that for 5 seconds she gets 100hp/50% buff with a 12 second cooldown, its pretty silly she doesnt even have highest HPS as she has to be so close to danger at all times.


Zenyatta isn't that much of a great pick for healer when you have tanks. His healing is a little too slow.

>Mercy has a zero pick rate in league level play for this reason.
The players are actually good and go after Mercy first as you should. But if you're playing against average people, Mercy isn't a bad pick.

My MO with Rein now is basically to stay a bit to the side and prioritize protecting one or two people, usually someone like Soldier or Zenyatta, helping them go in through side routes to either catch the enemy off guard or split them up, and primarily use my charge to save teammates being pursued by an enemy

If the enemy is already split up into small groups I just go balls to the wall and give them the hammer, when aggressive Rein works it fucking works

Seems to work better in general than charging in like a madman or standing still trying to shield against 6 people

Why is it that every new Rein player has an uncontrollable instinct to charge at an enemy Rein, even if it means certain death? I was guilty of this myself for a while

> Main: Bastion
> Would rather suicide: Every other class


this thread made me realise I actually play way more of the cast regularly than I thought

Anyone who "mains" a healer in overwatch has a vagina between their legs.

Fear that the enemy Rein will charge first. Whoever pulls it off is guaranteed to die while the other still has a chance.

I typically just strafe until the other Rein loses patience, charges, and gets melted by my team.

>Why is it that every new Rein player has an uncontrollable instinct to charge at an enemy Rein, even if it means certain death? I was guilty of this myself for a while

Same. For some reason, Rein rivalrys between teams are pretty intense.

I've had times where a Rein has specifically ulted only me just so he can secure a revenge kill which had almost no strategic value.

>I want to die and don't want to help the team

>not having a main from each category

That's what they're there for.

What's the verdict, Sup Forums?


Forgot pic

>Enemy Rein charges me first
>I just mash shift and charge him back as soon as I hit the wall
>I make sure to carry him to the side into the rest of my team instead of straight ahead so he gets finished off
>I get away just fine and now the enemy has no Rein

This honestly seems to happen more often than not when an enemy Rein blindly charges at me


He's so big and defenseless when he has the shield up. It seems like the perfect opportunity. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are guilty of doing this.

I usually do a bit of damage before charging depending on the situation.

To be fair Rein's ult is difficult to land on a lot of people while also charging up extremely fast so it isn't even a bad idea to solo ult with him a lot of the time

I shamelessly solo ult Reinhardts, McCrees, Reapers, or any single character who caught me alone and poses a threat of killing me

If I stay alive and get back to my team and land a flame strike or two I'll have it back in a minute anyway

r8 me pls


I took "main" to mean favorites to play.
Genji's undecided only because I never get the chance to play as him, he never feels appropriate for the moment when I need to switch

I really didn't plan on maining healers. But everyone I play with is a fucking asshole who'd rather lose than having to play a hero who has to keep his eye on some health bars.

Mercy is boring as shit, fite me nerds.

the ones i left blank aren't undecided, they're just people i don't play, not that i have anything against playing as them, i just don't

im too lazy to make a new one so have this

all of the info is still correct

I like to win

Defense heroes are boring

would it really have been so hard to make this a PNG?


Genji is good for flanking

He's not going to be useful at all unless you're good with him. He's usually good with low hp heroes and anyone who uses projectiles.

Rate you fucking faggots,not just post and lurk

don't want you in my team/10
7,5/10 pretty solid
7/10 a man of simple,yet fine taste
pretty much 10/10
7/10,would be 10/10 if not the molten core guy
2/10 propably submissive in relationship
9/10,try zarya
7/10 for shitty tank choice
10/10 this one is mine
6/10 play supports more you nigger
8/10 if you gonna play them
7/10,symmertra is good only on one map
6/10 play more supports
7/10 if you actually know how to play hanzo
thats the right way of playing 8,5/10
4/10 and gonna be less when nerfs hit you
5/10 you are definitely a guy and into humiliation
7,5/10 mercy is a shit
I'm not sure why would anybody sane pick as favourite design

Wanna know how I know that didn't happen. Because one Roadhog shot takes out a shield, you fucking sperg.

Rate me bruh


t.a guy who wants to be a girl and pick mercy

how did you know?


I am very submissive yes, thank you for the rating bb.

Aw, I know that, I just rarely ever find myself in these situations.

When's the last time you played? The last big patch literally changed him from worst character to best