In this edition of "Does It Suck Now?"

Is this game still worth playing in [current year], Sup Forums?

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Get a second player senpai

These guys are both correct. Play this game OP, absorb yourself in the journey.

Imo the best rpg on the SNES.

So yes, it's wonderful. A masterpiece.

What about Legend of Mana? Is the non-linearity worthwhile?

If you can handle the combat then the game is wonderful.

>tfw my copy doesn't work anymore, cleaning has done nothing

I love the way the game handles exploration and world-building. It's poorly balanced and has terrible combat, though.

No, I tried playing this a few years ago and the entire combat was opening a menu, using magic, and using a nut when you were low on mana. I stopped when you got the flying dragon, would not recommend. Go with CT or FF6 instead

It's okay.

I wish SoM wasn't rushed though. It could have been so much better.

no. And it's the worst one in the entire series.

>It's poorly balanced and has terrible combat, though.
He was asking about legend of mana, not secret of mana

The game's great.

Beautiful artstyle and music, lots of customization via pets, weapons styles, magic instruments, and golem crafting.

The non-linearity is neat, though without a guide you're going to miss some things during an initial playthrough. There isn't really a main storyline other than stabbing a really bitter tree to death but there are a couple of mini storylines with reoccurring characters that pop up.

>Implying people play FF6 or CT because of the """""combat"""""
Just enjoy it for the adventure. The combat isn't bad. I guess it's kind of like The Witcher of the 16bit era

Yes it is.

Seiken densetsu 3 is infinitely better and was easily one of the pinnacles of the RPG genre on the SNES. SoM is highly flawed but it has still aged well.

Get another 2 players and play 3-player co-op

What difference does it make? If an already old game is accepted as good by the majority of players, then that opinion is unlikely to change over time.

The difference is that Sup Forums hates everything so with this many people talking about how great it is, that means it's extra good.

>Sup Forums hates everything
>Sup Forums is one person

I gave it a try because people were going wild about it. Could not stand the combat. Dull as fuck.

yes, even if i prefer evermore

I was in the last "Does it suck now?" thread and everyone was jerking off about how every trash licensed game from their childhood was secretly amazing.

Use Sup Forums to learn about the existence of new games, but use your own judgement for reviews.

Sup Forums as a collective.

>Sup Forums is one person

This meme is weak when everyone knows that there are usually general consensuses around here.

>thread and everyone was jerking off about how every trash licensed game from their childhood was secretly amazing.
I really really hope you're not calling the Capcom Disney one(Among others) in the trash section.

>Having the composer be the second person in the credits

They knew their shit back then.


And you think the general consensus is that everything is bad?

Maybe it's time to stop posting.

Only normalfags ask these questions.

I feel like there's more of a vocal minority than there is a general consensus, but how would any of us ever know?