First person to Get Dubs Will be emailed a Code for early access for Blanco By 51pegasi
Blanco Giveaway
Would we have to put email in our first post
Not sure if worth risk if I might lose 2bh
there are no dubs in Sup Forums, redditor
What he said
Holy shit I never even realised this.
I actually think this is a cool game but there are no dubs on Sup Forums
I'm the guy who made your trailer, I hope you liked it.
Now go back to /agdg/.
No dubs here dumbass, but you can gladly have my 7
I'd be all up for testing your game, but you can't get dubs on Sup Forums
You can get 00
the amount of hugbox faggotry in your first thread absolutely sickened me. Your game looks like typical sub-mediocre Greenlight garbage.
"Simplistic Style" doesn't mean using all default Unity settings and really low res textures.
51 get
Wrong, you can only get 000 or better.
Dubs do not exist in Trips, they give up their existence for it.
Don't think it works
Lol kill yourself autist loser, nobody likes you and you're legit retarded
OP are you even here?
yeah like I'm giving my email to you
Just make a false one
OP please, don't play with my soul like this, I've been following Blanco since you first showed it here.
He was a real hero.