About to replay morrowind. Are there any essential gameplay mods? I don't really care about graphics modding...

About to replay morrowind. Are there any essential gameplay mods? I don't really care about graphics modding, they look nice but the effort you have to put in to install so many mods isn't completely worth the return you get.

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What even is the gameplay on that game? The combat sucks. I'm guessing it's immersion. What kind of character allows the deepest roleplay? Which mods actually improve that depth?

Something lore centred would be popular and natural but who wants to read pages and pages of 2nd rate genre fiction? It's not a book, it is a game.

>combat sucks
I guess I should have known better than to ask Sup Forums.

I'm not even talking about dicerolls.

Tell me what is nuanced or immersive about the combat system? It is clearly one of the lesser elements.

openmw is pretty much essential unless you want to play at 4:3 with terrible performance and laggy shaders.

I don't really use many gameplay altering mods myself, but the unofficial patch and code patch are pretty important. For content, there's Tamriel Rebuilt, Sotha Sil Expanded, BT Whitewolf, Darknut's greater dwemer ruins, Antares big and little mod, cast reduce if you're a mage. I can recommend some good Telvanni mods if you're going telvanni.

Glad to hear you say that because I was going to try this game, and I'm not running Windows.

If you're gonna play openmw you still need the resources from the windows version of the game.

>play at 4:3
Isn't there the Morrowind Graphics Extender?

That's true but I was meaning that on a performance basis. I'll be using the Windows files and mods of course.

There's nothing immersive about any Elder Scrolls combat systems.
Nothing you can do about it.

It makes the game perform like trash because of vram limitations with the d3d version mw uses.
One of the main reasons openmw was made really.

How complete is openmw?

But isn't OpenMW modless currently? Are there even graphics mods ported over? I don't think I could stand looking at vanilla faces and bodies.

>Nothing you can do about it
>in a thread about modding
Some mods just remove the dicerolling hit chances, others completely overhaul combat.

It's completely playable it's now in bug fixing phase so the whole game is implemented.

My suggestion is to not play a straight up fighter. That's always easy mode in TES games.

Play a sneaksman, a hunter, or some variety of mage. Anything but a straight forward fighter type. If you start Nord/Orc/Redguard, and build around their innate combat skills the game will give way quickly. The only concern is maybe not having a lot of HP cause you are low level, but everything else about a character is not level restricted.

Being a mage is at it's most interesting in Morrowind as well. Not as hard to get in to as it looks, either. Just don't abuse craft loops, for god sakes.

It's ridiculous to base your playstyle choice on how difficult it is. Any decent game allows difficulty to be altered, nevermind one that has endless mods.

Anyway he was asking about immersion. It's as if fans of this game don't realise that not everyone is into sexdoll or selfinsertion fantasies, or don't realise how inferior a lot of the gameplay elements seem when you play some of the absolute best games ever that implemented them better. tl;dr focus on what MW can actually do best, which is controlled RP.

This thread is full of AIDS - Morrowind is the shit, just get the Morrowind Overhaul (ornitocopter.net/morrowind-overhaul/), its the only thing you need.

OP here, I think I'll go with openmw, unless there are any big objections anyone has to it. Thanks for the help.

>It's ridiculous to base your playstyle choice on how difficult it is.
It's not if you want to be challenged.

>Anyway he was asking about immersion.

>What even is the gameplay on that game? The combat sucks.
He said this first off in his post. Not just immersion. If you want to make the combat more than spamming click, you need to play something other than Nord McSwordsman. This is the way it's been in every TES game, though. This shouldn't be a shock.

Morrowind Overhaul needs to be updated badly. It uses outdated versions of many mods with bugs that break key parts of the game. Some of which don't get fixed by updating the mods (if you've already started a save with them) and require save cleaning and hoop jumping.

Anyone that doesn't want to download the mods it's packed with and do them individually will need to
>Disable animated containers before a save is created
>Find a fix for several doors that are broken by one of the mods. Preferably before a save is created.
>Install the most recent Morrowind Code Patch over the code patch it comes with