Hey. Nintendo has officially sent out review copies of the game to retailers...

Hey. Nintendo has officially sent out review copies of the game to retailers, and I've been saddled with reviewing both Style Savvy AND Federation Force.

Modern Nintendo, everyone.

The gaming press is on your side, guys. We fucking cannot STAND the fact that Nintendo replaced the iconic female lead for these generic male characters.I have already finished the review, gave it out a three out of ten, and recommended all of my friends to stay far away.

This game is a DISASTER. I'm not joking when I say I was genuinely more engaged with Style Savvy than this crap.

Other urls found in this thread:


Give details we don't already know or you're full of crap.

How about Samus's role in the game?

You have to venture into the depths of a planet and save her from Space Pirates who have taken her suit and are experimenting with it. In this mission you have to deal with 'evil' mech versions of your characters.

You're either baiting or you sound very SJW.


Alright, you've been upgraded from 'only information is Sup Forums' to 'might've seen leaked stills or footage'.
Now elaborate on other things. What's the gameplay like? And what about the controls?

That's expected. Style Savyy is actually a really good and underrated series. Much better than whatever the fuck metroid is right now. Trash FF and go play Style Savvy.


I don't even need to say it

Meant for

wow, nice bait SJW, go back to tumblr
Can you tell us if the gameplay is any good at the very least? Because that's what really matters to me.

Blast Ball is out. Try that if you want a general idea on how it plays.

Short answer: TERRIBLY. Imagine the beginning segment of Prime 3 was extended into an entire multiplayer game. That's basically Feds.

It really is just a shooter with a Metroid Prime skin.

>We fucking cannot STAND the fact that Nintendo replaced The iconic female lead for these generic male characters
No one cares about your contrived, forced "ethics". Review the game based on it's actual merits you joke.

It's a fucking spinoff game of course it doesn't have Samus as the primary protagonist. That fact doesn't make it """sexist""".

That said, if is true light them the fuck up. That's just shitting all over established lore and turned an incredible character into a goddamn fucking joke. I'll fucking SHIT MYSELF WITH RAGE if that is even remotely true. Hell pull the sexist angle here even though that's kinda presumptuous, I don't even care. Tear them to shreds.

And that bait was delicious. Thank you very much.

Space pirates are 4 meters tall in this game Cody

I assure you it's true. Everyone in my circle of game journo friends are really quite bothered by this as well. Expect us to slam the game when it launches.


You mean a leaked copy? Sorry, something like that isn't something I can do.

Just take my word for it. It's shit, don't buy it.

Oh hi same thread from 4 hours ago.

Not that this sort of shit is below Nintendo, how about some proof before I entertain your bullshit.

>archive file name

Proof? I have already given an example of just how the game treats Samus like she's worthless, which I personally think is much more offensive in anything in Other M. "She's nothing without that suit!"

Didn't you already try this thread once?

drive safe, pupper

That may be, but that's been the majority of unique information you've supplied about this game.
And no, did not suffice.

Counter-baiting shouldn't be this fun.

Oh shit, Style Savvy 3 is coming to the US?

It's kind of hard to get into specifics when people are spamming your thread with nonsense.

What do you guys want to hear? AMA.

Style Savvy is a fantastic series, pleb

"drive safe, pupper"

drive safe, pupper

Hell yeah motherfucker.

drive safe, pupper

Yes! On the 19th, same day as Federation Force.

It's pretty good, surprisingly. I had never played one before, but this game was surprisingly charming.

I thought the 13th ammendment made it illegal to own niggas like that

Fuck yeah nigga.
Style Savvy is a series that looks like shovelware but really isn't. It's a really solid management sim with cute girl dressup on the side if you're into that.

drive safe, pupper.

More details on the gameplay and such.
Does it play like Metroid Prime?
Is the game long enough?
Also, does the game run sufficiently? Does it have any major bugs?

You know, the stuff that really matters.

Proof that you're not bullshitting would be great, too.

It 'feels' like a Metroid Prime game. It's like the first two games in which you can aim with the R button and strafe around enemies and things.

Actual combat and fighting, however, is quite different. Enemies can move from room to room, for example, catching you by surprise when you can't do anything to stop it. You also use healing items.

It runs too long, IMO. I got sick of it about three missions in. Twenty Two missions long, missions take about fifteen minutes each.

It's a Nintendo game. It runs well, it's just not fun to play.

drive safe, pupper

See, this is how I know you're a fake. A real reviewer would never play any more than 20 minutes of a video game.

Also the fact that you're on Sup Forums, that's a dead giveaway as well.

Got some fresh bait right here! GET YOUR BAIT HERE!